GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology. Read more about Why. See also How to get started and our Privacy document.
Incoming text contains many foreign words. Used in isolation, as spontanous loans, they should be delt with by a POS guesser. Text chunks in foreign languages represent noise, though, and a good corpus should mark such chunks with xml tags (<foreign></foreign>, etc.). While waiting for that, and while developing our parser, we have a stoplist of foreign words. The list was made in the following way:
. The
list was duplicated by an identical list with capital initial letter
(using case.regex gave too long compilation time)gt/script/new-foreign.txt
was added to the
cvs, containing Non-Saami words from our corpus files.The compilation is included in the Makefile. The source files are in the
catalogue, whereas the binary files are in the gt/sme/bin
catalogue. Only foreign.fst
should be used, the two other ones are
intermediate files.
should be used as follows: When investigating Saami words
that the parser cannot cope with, foreign words are just noise. They can
be removed with this command line:
cat text | preprocess ... | lookup -flags mbTT sme.fst | grep \?' |
cut -f1 | foreign.fst | grep '\?' | cut -f1 | ...
Now, only the words which are not recognised by the parser, and not part of the stop list, are included.
The list of foreign words was cut in two because compilation time for
the whole list is very long. The intention with the split is that
old-foreign.txt should be left alone. All additional words should be
added to the shorter new-foreign.txt
file. If this file becomes too
long, it may be transferred over to old-foreign.txt.