GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology. Read more about Why. See also How to get started and our Privacy document.
This is an example on how to:
Open Safari, go to this address:
Click on “Lávdegottit”, “Dievasčoahkkimat” and “Møter”
Choose some file and click on it. The document will be opened in another tab.
Copy the document link.
Open another tab in the same Safari window (Press cmd+t) and go to:
Click on “Utvalg”, “Plenumsmøter” and “Møter”
Choose the norwegian version of the saami document and double click it. The document will open in a new tab.
(You now have the saami pages in the left tab and the norwegian pages in the right tab)
Open a new window in SubEthaEdit (cmd+n)
- paste (cmd+v) the link of the saami document - press cmd+f and replace & with \& (replace all) - copy (cmd+c) the link
Open a new Terminal window and go to:
Fetch the saami document with this command: wget (cmd+v, to paste the link we just copied)
Change the name of the document: mv wf (press tab, the whole name will appear) dc2012-2.pdf
Make the xsl file: convert2xml dc2012-2.pdf
Go back to Safari and copy the link to the norwegian document.
Go to the SubEthaEdit window
- paste (cmd+v) the link of the norwegian document - press cmd+f and replace & with \& (replace all) - copy (cmd+c) the link
Go the already opened Terminal. Press cmd+t to open a new tab and go to:
Fetch the norwegian document using this command: wget (press cmd+v, then paste the link using cmd+c)
Change the name of the document: mv wf (press tab, the whole name will appear) sp2012-2.pdf
Make the .xsl file: convert2xml sp2012-2.pdf
(Now you have the saami pages in the left tab of Terminal and the norwegian pages in the right tab)
Open the saami xsl file:
see dc2012-2.pdf.xsl
Open the norwegian xsl file:
see sp2012-2.pdf.xsl
Place the saami file on the left hand side and the norwegian file on the right hand side. Then fill in the metadata in the xsl files.
These entries have be filled in:
This entry has to be entered in the saami xsl file (don’t fill in “translated from” in the norwegian xsl file):
<xsl:variable name="filename" select="''"/>
–>NB!! This is the full link, note that you have to replace some characters in the link. (Paste the link into a clean SubEthaEdit document, use the search and replace function and replace & with (&). Don’t include the paranthesis). Copy the link and paste it into the Terminal. IMPORTANT: replace & with &
<xsl:variable name="title" select="'Sámedikki dievasčoahkkin Čoahkkingirji 001/12'"/>
<xsl:variable name="publisher" select="'Norgga Sámediggi'"/>
<xsl:variable name="year" select="'2012'"/>
<xsl:variable name="genre" select="'admin'"/>
<xsl:variable name="translated_from" select="'nob'"/>
—>NB! Only use translated_from if it is a translated document!
<xsl:variable name="license_type" select="'free'"/>
<xsl:variable name="sub_name" select="'Berit Eskonsipo'"/>
<xsl:variable name="sub_email" select="''"/>
<xsl:variable name="mainlang" select="'sme'"/>
<xsl:variable name="monolingual" select="'1'"/> <!--lg rec is off!-->
<xsl:variable name="parallel_texts" select="'1'"/>
<xsl:variable name="para_nob" select="'sp2012-1.pdf'"/>
Rerun convert2xml in the SME Terminál window (note that you can press up in the Terminal untill the right command appears.):
convert2xml dc2012-2.pdf
Write svn stat and the result is:
? dc2012-2.pdf ? dc2012-2.pdf.xsl
(copy (cmd+v) dc2012-2.pdf)
svn add (cmd+v) (cmd+v+.+tab)
svn ci -m “your svn message”
Rerun convert2xml in the NOB Terminal window (note that you can press up in the Terminal untill the right command appears.):
convert2xml sp2012-2.pdf
Write svn stat and the result is:
? sp2012-2.pdf ? sp2012-2.pdf.xsl
(copy (cmd+v) sp2012-2.pdf)
svn add (cmd+v) (cmd+v+.+tab)
svn ci -m “your svn message”
In the SME Terminal, write:
cd freecorpus/converted/sme/admin/sd/other_files
Write this:
pick (press tab, appears) dc2012-2.pdf.xml ( only works on sme docs)
Write this:
cd freecorpus
Write svn stat and the result is:
? prestable/converted/nob/admin/sd/other_files/sp2012-2.pdf.xml ? prestable/converted/sme/admin/sd/other_files/dc2012-2.pdf.xml
svn add (copy and paste both paths, remember to add a space between them) prestable/converted/nob/admin/sd/other_files/sp2012-2.pdf.xml prestable/converted/sme/admin/sd/other_files/dc2012-2.pdf.xml
svn ci -m “added approved parallel files to prestable”