GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology. Read more about Why. See also How to get started and our Privacy document.
This file provides an overview of the corpus conversion process. Basically, when a new document is recieved, it is classified according to the language and genre and stored as such to the directory structure for the original files. All the original files are left untouched. The text and structural information contained in the document is extracted by a conversion script and transformed to an xml-file. Xml-files are stored in separate, parallel directory hierarchy where they can be easily accessed and used as a test material for grammar checkers and spellers. The metainformation associated with the document, such as the name of the author, is stored in an xsl-file and appended to the xml-file during the conversion. The metainformation is used elsewhere, in different corpus applications.