
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology. Read more about Why. See also How to get started and our Privacy document.

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Fiila lea guovttegielat sátnelisttu man namma lea .dix

Raba dix-fiilla, omd. sme-sma:

see apertium-sme-sma.sme-sma.dix

Iskka leago fiila ortnegis ovdalgo šekket sisa, jus Apertium lea sajáiduhtton mášiidnii:


Njealje bargovuogi

Golbma bargovuogi daidda geat máhttet smX-giela bures, ja njealját vuohki mii heive earáide

  1. Systemáhtalaččat bargat: Mii divvut ja buoridit sátnepáraid dan ortnega mielde go leat dix-fiillas.
<!-- NN has corrected from here --> <!-- NN has corrected to here -->

Láset: dán bargui dárbbašit dušše ovtta subetha-edit-láse, mas mii divvut dix-fiilla. Sáhttá leat buorre iskat analyseret sániid terminálaláses dahje interneahtas.

  1. Missing-list ektui: Mii lasihit davvisámi sániid mat leat missinglisttus, ja lasihit smX-jorgalusa. Lasihit sátnepáraid dix-fiilla vuosttaš oassái. Missing-listtut leat dev-máhpas. \ Loga eanet missinglisttu birra

  2. Teavsttaid ektui: Mii jorgalit teavsttaid MT-vuogádagain, ja lasihit sátnepáraid sme-sániide mat ožžot nástti.

Láset: dán bargui dárbbašit ovtta subetha-edit-láse, mas mii divvut dix-fiilla, ja dasa lassin terminála-láses dahje neahttalohkkis 3 tab: jorgaleami várás, ja sme-analysáhtor ja smn-analysáhtor.

  1. Teavsttaid buohtastahttit : buohtastahttit sme-teavstta jorgaluvvon teavsttain Mii bargat seammá láhkai go čilgejuvvon bajábealde (3. Teavsttaid ektui), muhto mii ohcat smX-sániid teavsttas mii lea juo jorgaluvvon. Dán bargovuohkái mii dárbbašit bálddalasteavsttaid, dahje teavsttaid mat leat jorgaluvvon seammá dáru- dahje suoma vuođđoteavsttas. Dát bargovuohki gáibida ahte leat máŋga láse rabas oktanaga (stuora šearpma), dahje olmmoš sáhttá čálihit sme- ja smX-teavsttaid báhpárii.

Korpus: Muhtumin sáhttá leat ávkin geahččat mo sánit geavahuvvojit korpusis

Go jorgalusas lea eanet go okta sátni

Muhtumin lea eanet go okta sátni jorgalusas, nugo Sveerjen raedtesne. Dalle sáhttit geavahit <b/> sániid gaskkas :

<e><p><l>ruotabealde<s n="adv"/></l><r>Sveerjen<b/>raedtesne<s n="adv"/></r></p></e>
<e><p><l>davábealde<s n="adv"/></l><r>noerhtelen<s n="adv"/></r></p></e>


<s n="vblex"/>: <iv> ja <tv>

Vearbbat: iv ja tv lea dárbbašlaččat dušše sme-bealde, nugo dán ovdamearkkain:

doallat+V+TV ja toollâđ+V

<e><p><l>doallat<s n="vblex"/><s n="tv"/></l><r>toollâđ<s n="vblex"/></r></p></e>

Jos eai leat seamma gilkorat,

omd. sme-sánis lea G3

Go eai leat seamma gilkorat, omd. G3, de galgat daid lasihit sme-beallái

$ usme
ášši	ášši+N+G3+Sg+Nom
    <e><p><l>ášši<s n="n"/><s n="g3"/></l><r>ássje<s n="n"/></r></p></e>

Jos leat seamma gilkorat:

NomAg dáidá leat sihke sme and smX. Jus ii leat - lasihit NomAg dix-fiilii, omd.

$ usme
oahpaheaddji	oahpaheaddji+N+NomAg+Sg+Nom
<e><p><l>oahpaheaddji<s n="n"/><s n="nomag"/></l><r>xxxxxxx<s n="n"/></r></p></e>

Special cases - and how to handle them

sme lemma is Pl, smX lemma is Sg

Muhtumin sme lemma is Pl and smX lemma is Sg – or the other way round.
Some lemmas are lexicalised as plurals. As long as it is the same for sme and smX, it is no problem. But if the number is not the same for these two languages, then the number tags must be given to the dix-file.

E.g. ávvodoalut+N+Pl vs. juhlálâšvuotâ+N+Sg. Add plural and singular tags to the dix-file:

<e><p><l>ávvodoalut<s n="n"/><s n="pl"/></l><r>juhlálâšvuotâ<s n="n"/><s n="sg"/></r></p></e>

sme lemma is an adverb, smX is not

sme lemma is an adverb, smX lemma is not lexicalised as adverb, but a noun in locative.

Many adverbs are really inflected nouns, usually locatives, illatives or genetives. Sometimes the lemma can be lexicalised as an adverb in one of the languages, but not in the other language. One could consider if the word should be lexicalised also in the other language. If the bidix-worker is not responsible for the FST for the language in question, she should just leave a comment about it.

E.g. iđđes vs. iđedist. Give correct tags, and a comment:

<e><p><l>iđđes<s n="adv"/><s n="tv"/></l><r>iiđeed<s n="n"/><s n="sg"/><s n="loc"/></r></p></e>  <!-- not same PoS -->

sme lemma is not lexicalised

Sometimes the lemma can be lexicalised as a postposition in one of the languages, but not in the other language. One could consider if the word should be lexicalised also in the other language. If the bidix-worker is not responsible for the FST for the language in question, she should just leave a comment about it.

E.g. háldui+Po vs. haaldun+Po. Add a comment:

<e><p><l>háldui<s n="po"/></l><r>haaldun<s n="po"/></r></p></e> <!-- not in sme -->

sme lemma has no counterpart in smX

sme lemma has no counterpart in smX, instead smn has an inflection of the noun: e.g. haga+Po vs. abessive case in smn.

Give explanations and examples at the wiki-pages, and quasicode in the transfer file and a comment about it in the dix-file:

<e><p><l>haga<s n="po"/></l><r></r></p></e> <!-- smn: it should be abessive -->

Adjektiiva vástida dihto vearbahápmái

Ovdamearkan lea go davvisámegiel sátni lea geatnegahttojuvvon ja julevsámegielas lea adjektiiva bákkulasj:

<e><p><l>geatnegahttit<s n="vblex"/><s n="tv"/><s n="der_passl"/><s n="vblex"/><s n="iv"/><s n="prfprc"/></l><r>bákkulasj<s n="adj"/><s n="sg"/><s n="nom"/></r></p></e>

Leksikaliserejuvvon adjektiiva dušše sme:as

Leksikaliserejuvvon adjektiiva sme:as muhto ii nubbi gielas.

Guokte sme-adjektiivva (guoskevaš, gulavaš) + guokte anárašgielas. Nubbi lea leksikaliserejuvvon (lohtâseijee), muhto nubbi ii. Okta vejolašvuohta lea leksikaliseret dan, nubbi lea lasihit bidixas vearban, na (fuom: bidix-lemma ii leat _kyeskee_, muhto infinitiiva _kuoskâđ_ + taggat).

<e><p><l>guoskevaš<s n="adj"/><s n="sem_dummytag"/><s n="attr"/></l><r>kuoskâđ<s n="vblex"/><s n="prsprc"/></r></p></e>
<e><p><l>gulavaš<s n="adj"/></l><r>lohtâseijee<s n="adj"/></r></p></e>

Guokte vejolaš jorgalusa


<e><p><l>láhčit<s n="n"/><s n="tv"/></l><r>orniđ<s n="n"/></r></p></e>
<e><p><l>láhčit<s n="n"/><s n="tv"/></l><r>lääččiđ<s n="n"/></r></p></e>