
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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How to update parallel content

This steps are valid for korp, u_korp and f_korp and need to be repeated for each language. Note: this is the “old” way of updating parallel content. But it is suggested to try out the korp_para command from the CorpusTools instead of running the script

Step 1 - Update to the latest fst:

Run the following for both the majority language () and the minority language ():

cd lang-<ISO>
git pull or svn up

Make sure that you have in your configuration: ./configure --prefix=/Users/<USERNAME>/.local

Then run:

make install

Step 2 - Copy 2 folder and prepare data

Make sure you have the CorpusTools installed.

Run the following:

cd CorpusTools/korp_scripts/update_parallel
y|cp -r ~/freecorpus/stable/tmx/<ISO1>2<ISO2> .
cd <ISO1>2<ISO2>
find . -type f| xargs perl -i -p -e 's/xml:lang/lang/g;'
cd ../

Step 3 - Analyse files

Run the following for each genre.

Analyse the texts first for the minority language () and then for the majority language ():

python3 <ISO2> <ISO1>2<ISO2>/<GENRE> <GENRE>
python3 <ISO1> out_<ISO2>_<ISO1>2<ISO2>

This may take a while to run depending on the size of the original folder.

Step 4 - Convert the analysed files in the required korp format

Run the following for each genre:

time python3 <ISO1> <GENRE> <ISO1>2<ISO2> <DATE> out_<ISO1>_out_<ISO2>_<ISO1>2<ISO2>
time python3 <ISO2> <GENRE> <ISO1>2<ISO2> <DATE> out_<ISO1>_out_<ISO2>_<ISO1>2<ISO2>

Step 5 - Produce data for Korp (using cwb)

Change lang_code, plang_code, in_dir, metaFile, date in as needed. Then run the following:
