
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Setup + requirements

We have a new tool to test the integrity of our LexC lexicons: The original source code is from [Apertium], but we have our own copy in the main repository (it has been renamed to in the version used in the new infra).

The script requires Python 3.1 or newer. It will check for required modules, and inform the user how to install them if they are missing. There are no requirements beyond that.

Test data

The test data is quite simple, and in the following form:

    Gen: sma/bin/sma-gen.hfst
    Morph: sma/bin/sma.hfst
    Gen: sma/bin/isma-norm.fst
    Morph: sma/bin/sma-norm.fst
    App: lookup

  Noun - gåetie: # -ie stem, root vowel -åe-
    gåetie+N+Sg+Nom: gåetie
    gåetie+N+Sg+Acc: gåetiem
    gåetie+N+Sg+Gen: gåetien
    gåetie+N+Sg+Ill: gåatan
    gåetie+N+Sg+Ine: gåetesne
    gåetie+N+Sg+Ela: gåeteste
    gåetie+N+Sg+Com: [gåetine, göötine]
    gåetie+N+Pl+Nom: gåetieh
    gåetie+N+Pl+Acc: [gåetide, göötide]
    gåetie+N+Pl+Gen: [gåetiej, gööti]
    gåetie+N+Pl+Ill: [gåetide, göötide]
    gåetie+N+Pl+Ine: [gåetine, göötine]
    gåetie+N+Pl+Ela: [gåetijste, göötijste]
    gåetie+N+Pl+Com: [gåetiejgujmie, göötigujmie]
    gåetie+N+Ess: [gåetine, göötine]

Note how a list of alternate forms are encapsulated by square brackets and separated by commas.

Such test data can easily be generated using our paradigm generator (the output of course needs to be transformed a bit, proofread and checked).


To run the default test set, issue one of the following commands:

$ cd $GTHOME/gt
$ make GTLANG=xxx fsttester      # testing the Xerox transducers
$ make GTLANG=xxx hfsttester     # testing the HFST transducers

This will run the script on the default test file for the specified language, ensuring that the transducers are up-to-date, and report the results in the compact format (see below).

To manually run a test on a test file, do as follows:

gt sjur$ -c sma/testing/sma-tests.yaml

-c indicates coloured output, sma/testing/sma-tests.yaml is the test data file. That file also contains a reference to the analysing and generating transducers to be used in the test.

gt sjur$ -h

gives more details.

The -t, --test option takes as argument a test ID, e.g. -t "Noun - gåata" in the test data above. Using this, the script will only run this test set, nothing else.

The -S, --section option takes as argument the name of a configuration section, e.g. xerox in the example config file above. Example: to test xerox-type transducers, you would call the tool as follows: -S xerox testfile.yaml

NB! Presently only rudimentary test files exists for sma, sme and smj. These files need to be populated with relevant test data. Use these tests to ensure that we get what we want from the morphological transducers, and nothing else, and that we don’t break anything in the future.


The output is a test report of the following form:

Test 0: Noun - gåata (Lexical/Generation)
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Gen => gåataj
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Nom => gåatah
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Acc => gåatam
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Nom => gåata
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Com => gåatajgujmie
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Ine => gåatesne
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Ela => gåateste
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Ine => gåatine
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Ill => gåatese
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Com => gåatine
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Acc => gåatide
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Ill => gåatide
[PASS] gåata+N+Pl+Ela => gåatijste
[PASS] gåata+N+Ess => gåatine
[PASS] gåata+N+Sg+Gen => gåatan
Test 0 - Passes: 15, Fails: 0, Total: 15

Test 1: Noun - gåata (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] gåataj => gåata+N+Pl+Gen
[PASS] gåatah => gåata+N+Pl+Nom
[PASS] gåatam => gåata+N+Sg+Acc
[PASS] gåata => gåata+N+Sg+Nom
[PASS] gåatajgujmie => gåata+N+Pl+Com
[FAIL] gåatajgujmie => Expected: gåata+N+Pl+Com, Got: gåata+N+PlGenCmpgujmie+CmpN/SgN+CmpN/SgG+CmpN/PlG+N+Sg+Nom
[PASS] gåatesne => gåata+N+Sg+Ine
[PASS] gåateste => gåata+N+Sg+Ela
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Ess
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Pl+Ine
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Sg+Com
[PASS] gåatese => gåata+N+Sg+Ill
[FAIL] gåatese => Expected: gåata+N+Sg+Ill, Got: gåata+N+Sg+Nom+PxSg3
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Ess
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Pl+Ine
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Sg+Com
[PASS] gåatide => gåata+N+Pl+Acc
[PASS] gåatide => gåata+N+Pl+Ill
[PASS] gåatide => gåata+N+Pl+Acc
[PASS] gåatide => gåata+N+Pl+Ill
[PASS] gåatijste => gåata+N+Pl+Ela
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Ess
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Pl+Ine
[PASS] gåatine => gåata+N+Sg+Com
[PASS] gåatan => gåata+N+Sg+Gen
[FAIL] gåatan => Expected: gåata+N+Sg+Gen, Got: gåetie+CmpN/SgN+CmpN/SgG+CmpN/PlG+N+Sg+Ill
Test 1 - Passes: 23, Fails: 3, Total: 26

To get a more compact test report, run it as follows:

gt sjur$ -c -f -p sma/testing/sma-tests.yaml
Test 0: Noun - gåata (Lexical/Generation)
Test 0 - Passes: 0, Fails: 15, Total: 15

Test 1: Noun - gåata (Surface/Analysis)
Test 1 - Passes: 23, Fails: 3, Total: 26

To get the most compact test report, run it as follows:

$ -C -x -i -c ./sma/testing/sma-tests.yaml 
Testing Xerox FST dictionaries
[PASS] - Test 0: Noun - gåetie (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 1: Noun - gåetie (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 2: Noun - gåata (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 3: Noun - gåata (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 4: Noun - maana (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 5: Noun - maana (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 6: Noun - bearkoe (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 7: Noun - bearkoe (Surface/Analysis)
[FAIL] - Test 8: Noun - nïejte (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 9: Noun - nïejte (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 10: Noun - gierehtse (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 11: Noun - gierehtse (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 12: Noun - daktere (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 13: Noun - daktere (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 14: Adj - noere (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 15: Adj - noere (Surface/Analysis)
[PASS] - Test 16: Verb - båetedh (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] - Test 17: Verb - båetedh (Surface/Analysis)
Total fails: 38

To see the details of why it failed in each test, rerun it as above using the -t, --test option and the test ID for the test you want to investigate. E.g.:

$ -x -i -c -f -t "Noun - nïejte" ./sma/testing/sma-tests.yaml 
Testing Xerox FST dictionaries
Test 0: Noun - nïejte (Lexical/Generation)
[FAIL] nïejte+N+Pl+Nom => Expected: nïejth, Got: nïejteh
Test 0 - Passes: 15, Fails: 1, Total: 16

Test 1: Noun - nïejte (Surface/Analysis)
[FAIL] nïejtigujmie => Expected: nïejte+N+Pl+Com, Got: nïejte+N+PlGenCmp#gujmie+N+Sg+Nom
Test 1 - Passes: 23, Fails: 1, Total: 24

Total fails: 2

In this case there’s an extra generated Pl Nom form nïejteh, which should be further investitaged, and an extra analysis for Pl Com, which merely demonstrates the bug with the -i, --ignore-extra-analyses option - the analysis should have been ignored, and no FAIL should have been reported.

Update: both the above issues have been attended to (there are no FAILs anymore), but they are kept here in the documentation as a useful example of how to use the tool for effective bug-hunting in the transducer.

Exit value

The exit value equals the number of FAILs in the whole test run. It will exit with 0 if there are no FAILs. If there are more FAILs than 255 (the max exit value), the exit value will not reflect the true number of FAILs, but will be non-zero. This is non-standard and not very clean, and will probably change in the future.

Future improvements

Version history









Initial release by Brendan Molloy