GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology. Read more about Why. See also How to get started and our Privacy document.
This steps are valid for korp, u_korp and f_korp and need to be repeated for each language.
cd lang-<ISO>
git pull or svn up
Make sure that you have in your configuration:
./configure --prefix=/Users/<USERNAME>/.local
Then run:
make install
Make sure you have the CorpusTools installed.
Run the following:
convert2xml $GTFREE/orig/<ISO>
convert2xml $GTBOUND/orig/<ISO>
Run the following:
analyse_corpus <ISO> $GTFREE/converted/<ISO>/
analyse_corpus <ISO> $GTBOUND/converted/<ISO>/
This may take a while to run depending on the size of the converted folders.
Run the following:
korp_mono <ISO> $GTFREE/analysed/<ISO>
korp_mono <ISO> $GTBOUND/analysed/<ISO>
Correct errors in the conversion if they occur, and run the conversion again. Known errors:
.Do not proceed before the conversion errors until the errors are fixed.
Repeat this for each genre:
cd CorpusTools/korp_scripts/update_mono
mkdir _od_<ISO>._.<GENRE>/
rsync -av $GTFREE/korp/<ISO>/<GENRE>/ _od_<ISO>._.<GENRE>/
rsync -av $GTBOUND/korp/<ISO>/<GENRE>/ _od_<ISO>._.<GENRE>/
Only for the genre “ficti” we want to change the order of all sentences. To do this run the following:
python3 _od_<ISO>._.ficti
Change cDomain, cLang in compile_corpus.xsl and then run the following:
java -Xmx2048m -cp ~/main/tools/TermWikiExporter/lib/saxon9.jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 net.sf.saxon.Transform -it:main compile_corpus.xsl
Copy the file loc_metadata_xxx.json to a new file replacing xxx with the ISO code of the language you are processing. Edit it manually based on the example in the xxx file. As date, set the date you have in compile_corpus.xsl
Also, rename the folder vrt_<ISO>_<DATE>
to the ISO code of the language you work on, e.g. vrt_fit_20210625
to fit
Change in_dir, metaFile, date, lang_code
in korp_scripts/update_mono/ as needed.
Also change root_dir
Make a folder in update_mono and name it after the ISO code of your language (here: fit).
Then run the following: