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This document is meant as sketch for ideas on making an extended proofing tool, containing as many ways of helping the writer as possible. Target audiences ar both L2 and L2 speakers as well as dyslectic writers.
There are several reasons for integrating synthetic speech in the proofing tool:
I both cases a translation may help.
Today click-in-text gives only translation, and it is only available in browsers. An integrated proofing tool could also include inflectional paradigms (on demand) as well as information on valency etc.
Today’s proofing
The grammar checker.
Here we list more or less good suggestions for extensions.
Add a function “guess the next word”. The possible next word is visible as a set in a falldown menu. Let us say we write Dat lea metodo. Then the falldown menu may suggest words like metodologiija, metodologalaš, metodologalaččat, …. We may also set up the system so that it learns what words the writer already has used, and give them more weight.
Today, we get a red line when we write an error. In order to get a suggestion, we have to ask for it. A possibility would be to present the suggestion menu as soon as we press SPACE (and remove it if we continue writing).
In order to avoid using the mouse, we may also