GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology. Read more about Why. See also How to get started and our Privacy document.
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma
cat texts/tarina.sme.txt | apertium -d. sme-sma | less
cat texts/tarina.sme.txt | apertium -d. -u sme-sma
\cat texts/tarina.sme.txt | apertium -d. sme-sma-dgen | less
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-biltrans | tr ' ' '\n'
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-chunker
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-disam | tr ' ' '\n'
MT-vuogádaga analysáhtoriin leat dušše sánit mat leat mielde dix-fiillas.
echo "lohkan" | hfst-lookup sme-smn.automorf.hfst
echo "baakoem" | hfst-lookup sma-sme.automorf.hfst
echo "lohkan" | hfst-lookup .deps/sme.automorf.hfst
echo "baakoem" | hfst-lookup .deps/sma.automorf.hfst
MT-vuogádaga genereráhtoriin leat dušše sánit mat leat mielde dix-fiillas, ja seamma PoS:in mii lea dix-fiillas.
echo "sátni<n><sg><acc>" | hfst-lookup sma-sme.autogen.hfst
echo "baakoe<n><sg><acc>" | hfst-lookup sme-sma.autogen.hfst
Iskka dáid gohččumiid, ja de oainnát mo Apertium bargá cehkiid mielde. Lonut sma = smn jnv.
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-morph
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-disam
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-biltrans ## sme-analysa
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-chunker
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-interchunk3
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma-postchunk
echo "Don galggat boahtit skuvlii." | apertium -d. sme-sma
Input: tmx-máhppa.
python -d tmx_data
python -d fi.samediggi
cat otpt-dir/* > testenfiillat.html
open testenfiillat.html
Input: sme- ja smj-fiillat parallelliserejuvvon nu, ahte juohke cealkka lea seammá linnjás.
cat -n texts/samediggidiedadus_samegiela_birra_2012.sme.txt |sed 's/ /a /g;' > xdiedahusa
cat -n texts/samediggidiedadus_samegiela_birra_2012.smj.txt |sed 's/ /b /g;' > xdiedahusa
cat texts/samediggidiedadus_samegiela_birra_2012.sme.txt |apertium -d. sme-smj|cat -n|sed 's/ /c /g;' > xdiedahusc
yes|head -1217|cat -n|sed 's/ y/d /g;' > xdiedahusd
sort -n xdiedahus*|l
Dás oainnát buot vejolaš gohččumiid:
apertium-gen-modes modes.xml
Leago missing list up to date? (ovdamearka = smn)
cat listanamma | hfst-proc sme-smn.automorf.hfst
cat dev/sme_FI.N.nocmp.missing |hfst-proc sme-smn.automorf.hfst |grep -v '/\*'|see