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For analysis of Norwegian we may use either the Oslo-Bergen tagger (obt) or the nob finite state transducer (nob.fst) from Giellatekno. The Giellatekno fst is based upon a wordform list and contains approximately 2000 unclassified verbs and 2700 unclassified nouns. At the outset, the obt pipeline is thus better. On the positive side for the gt fst is its flexibility. For Neahttadigisánit we use the gt fst, and therefore we lexicalise all compouds found in the dictionary.

The gt fst is found in $GTHOME/langs/nob, and is thus part of the new infrastructure, with the stems in src/morphology/stems. The nouns, verbs and adjectives are given the continuation lexica found in Bokmålsordboka, the inflection code system is also found at the top of the files in both the stems/ and the affixes/ catalogues.


The nob.fst may be set up to include or exclude dynamic compounds. To check today’s behaviour, check for the words hybelkanin (lexicalised) and hybelhest (not lexicalised). If both are accepted, dynamic compounding is ON, if only the former is accepted, it is OFF. The behaviour is regulated by commenting in and out 3 lines of the lexicon R in src/morphology/root.lexc.

Turn dynamic compounding off (if needed), and find unknown verbs for example as follows:

cat file|preprocess|rev|sort|rev|uniq|unob|grep '?'|cut -f1

Add words to the files in src/morphology/stems/ by following the pattern indicated on the top of each file. When words may be both masculine and feminine (like boka vs. boken), choose feminine. The analyser treats all feminines as potential masculines.