
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Transfer rules

Transfer-njuolggadusat - kvasikoda

Mo sáhttá diehtit gosa galgá ráhkadit njuolggadusa:

Nubbi čilgehus:

Quasicode type 1, ovdamearka lea sma:

``` if slword 1 = liikot (suorcelanguage) slword 2 = N+Ill (suorcelanguage)

then tlword 1 =N+Acc (Targetlanguage)

Example: liikon dutnje => datnem lyjhkem.

Quasicode type 2, ovdamearka lea sma:

If you in the source language have a noun in illativ followed by the verb liikot, then put the noun in accusative in the target language.

Example: liikon dutnje => datnem lyjhkem.