
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Forklaring på noder i .dict:

Eksempel frå Bick 2005.

>A = 
meget_ADV :a_lot; # default
S=(>A) :very; # meget (>A) stor  ==> very big     
D=(>A) :much  # svært (>A) meget  ==> very much  

I leksikon ser det slik ut:

meget_ADV :a_lot; S=(>A) :very; D=(>A) :much
meget_DET ...
meget_INDP ...

As an adverb, “meget” is to be translated as “very”, if the word itself (S) functions as adverbial modifier (@>A), while much is used if the words heads another adverbial modifier as dependent (D). If no distinctor can be instantiated, the translation a lot is chosen.

ahte_CS :at; S=(CS) P1=(Inf) :å; S=(CS) :om=at

SELECT (“å”i) (0 (“"i) LINK 0 cnjsub) (1 inf);

SELECT (“om at”i) (0 (“"i) LINK 0 cnjsub) (-1 (""i) OR (""i) OR (""i) OR (""i));