
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Page Content

The interface for our web pages.

We build our web pages with Forrest, we have 4 different forrest installations

If you have set up forrest locally, you may go to the catalogues listed above, write forrest run, and see the pages at localhost:8888.

The actual online versions of the web pages are accessed via our external pages, at, and hosted on the divvun server. The site is built using the files in gtsvn under boerre, and stored in Sites under gtuit.

The open files are located here since the IT section does not want to maintain a web server on gtsvn.

How the webinterface works

There are two input formats: utf-8 and Latin 1.

When the user has filled in the words to analyse, the form calls the appropriate cgi-bin script, and writes the answer out as utf-8 html