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Grammarchecker Tutorial

This presentation is meant for linguists wanting to write a grammarchecker. It is a revised version of a tutorial held in Helsinki in 2018.


Error types and grammarcheckers

Whereas spellcheckers are for correcting nonwords, words that are not in the lange (or grammarmodel), grammarcheckers are for correcting words that are found in the language (written according to the norm). They are called real-word errors, i.e. errors we were not able to correct without looking at the context. Realword erros may be of different types:

Two parameters to tune: Sloppiness and target group

Grammarcheckers may be made with different priorities in mind, here ordered according to two parameters.


The degree of sloppiness is governed by two conflicting goals (as always):

Two target groups:

In minority language settings, differing between L1 and L2 is hard, since “L1” in this context implies not only mother tongue proficiancy, but also “being socialised into a written culture”. So, for the one extreme (looking for known errors), we look for errors that are likely to be produced (be it by L1 or L2 writers, but the L2 ones produce more)

(Analogy: We look for the keys where we lost them – the challenge is to know where they were lost)

For the other extreme (looking for safe errors), we look for errors that are likely to be found at no risk of being wrong

(Analogy: We look for the keys everywhere, but especially where they are easy to be found, even where we probably did not loose them – because we are in reality looking for something else than keys)

How do we do this?

By morphologically analysing the input …

This we do with finite state transducers and constraint grammar.

Crash course in CG

PRE-RUN: Morphological analyzer, all readings

To learn CG: Use the sentences: The man walks in the park. I walks in the park.

The grammar checker part

Pipeline overview

(TODO: Add link to pipeline)

Explain the parts and the technologies used in the pipeline.

Graphics based on Wiechetech 2017 (PhD thesis).

Interesting points:


(TODO: Refer to installation page for grammarchecker tools)

Required software:


For all languages:

cd $GTLANGS/lang-$LANG

./configure --enable-grammarchecker --enable-alignment --enable-reversed-intersect

make -j

The hands-on session


There is set up a grammar checker infrastructure for all the GiellaLT languages (but in order to work well they need an FST and a CG of good quality).


a. “The L1 grammarchecker”

b. “The L2 grammarchecker”

Error types to write rules for:

0. low-hanging fruits:

a. L1 writers: We test case + postposition sentences

precision: (= no false alarms!!!)

b. L2 writers: We test some real errors

Commands, etc

Stand in your langs/LANG cataloge in the giellaLT file tree.

cd tools/grammarcheckers
echo "Hän ei tulee." | hfst-tokenise -g ../tokenisers/tokeniser-gramcheck-gt-desc.pmhfst | vislcg3 -g disambiguator.cg3 -t | vislcg3 -g grammarchecker.cg3 -t

This pipeline is one of several possible ones. The different options are collected in different modes, and used as follows: Instead of the above, you may get the same result by writing:

echo "Hän ei tulee." | sh modes/fingram.mode

The list of modes is as follows (LANG = fin, …):

LANGgram.morph-mode	    = tokenises the input
LANGgram.mwe-dis-mode   = .. and do mwe-disambiguation
LANGgram.mwe-split-mode = .. and do the cg-mwesplit
LANGgram.blanktag-mode  = .. and check for compounds
LANGgram.spell-mode	    = .. and send to speller
LANGgram.disam-mode	    = .. and disambiguate
LANGgram.gc-mode        = .. and do the grammarchecking
LANGgram.mode		   = .. and run speller suggestion

To run without spellerchecking, add “nospell-“ after “.”, as follows:

LANGgram-nospell.mode		   = .. and run speller suggestion