
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Grammar checker compilation

In order to work with grammarcheckers you need to install the grammarchecker tools.

Get the divvun-gramcheck package

There are different commands for Macintosh and Linux (Linux-on-Windows works as Linux here)

The command for Mac

 curl | sudo bash

The command for Linux

TODO: Add command for Linux here

Next steps

Find a place to store the divvun github files, e.g. in


Go to this folder, e.g. with a command like

cd ~/git/divvun/

Then clone the divvun-gramcheck folder from the divvun github site (via https as shown here, or via ssh) and compile and install it on your computer:

 git clone
 cd divvun-gramcheck
 sudo make install

Set up and compile the grammarchecker

In $GLANGS/lang-$LANG, do

./configure --enable-apertium --enable-syntax --enable-grammarchecker --enable-tokenisers --enable-alignment --enable-reversed-intersect
cd tools/grammarcheckers
make dev

More documentation

Have a look at these course notes

For testing, look at the Testing section on the grammarcehcker documentation page. You may also get some hints from the commands at the beginning of the grammarchecker.cg3 file in the tools/grammarcheckers folder of your language.