South Sámi NLP Grammar

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Nominal inflection sublexica

Inflection for odd-syllable nouns

The default inflectional lexicon for odd-syllable nouns is N_ODD. Words like gierehtse is inflected using this lexicon. Other words inflected like this are: iehkede (evening), guehpere (nail), tjaeleme (writing). Many words in this class will have vowel changes in the second syllable, between a reduced vowel in odd-syllable forms and a full vowel or diphthong in even-syllable forms, as displayed in the paradigm below. This alternation is regulated by two-level rules, but the rules require that the full vowel is spelled out in the lexical entry as follows:

gierehtse+N+Sem/Veh:gieriehts N_ODD "pulk" ; ! gieriehtsisnie

That is, in the stem of the entry it says -rieht-, where ie is the diphthong that is realised in even-syllable word forms. Another example word is darjome:

darjome+N+Sem/Feat:darjoem N_ODD ;

with -oe- as the stem vowel to get a vowel change o => oe in even-syllable word forms.


Inflection for nouns ending in oe

The oe with umlaut generate the uml-ones and have the non-uml ones as +Use/NG.

The oe without umlaut generate the non-uml-ones only, naturally without +Use/NG.

Lexicon N_OE_OBL is for the -oe nouns without umlaut Illative is lifted out in order to allow for Use/NG for the umlauted ones.

LEXICON EETE_LOAN loanwords with -eete -

Inflection for NIEJTE_SG nouns: lexicon NIEJTE_SG

Short descrioption of this lexicon, and its purpose.


Lexicon for vowel-final words with invariant stems”

               +Sg:     KONTO_SG ; 
               +Pl:     KONTO_PL ; 
                        EVEN_ESS ; 
        +Cmp/SgNom:     R        ; 
        +Cmp/SgGen:%>n  R        ; 
        +Cmp/PlGen:%>j  R        ; 
 +Der1+Der/Dimin+N:%»tj GÅATETJE ; 

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/nouns.lexc