Võro NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-vro

Võru tags and basic lexica

Definitions for Multichar_Symbols

Analysis symbols

The morphological analyses of wordforms for the Võro language are presented in this system in terms of the following symbols. (It is highly suggested to follow existing standards when adding new tags).

The parts-of-speech are:

The parts of speech are further split up into:

The Usage extents are marked using following tags:

The nominals are inflected in the following Case and Number

The possession is marked as such: There are no possessive markers

The comparative forms are:

Verb personal forms are:

Subject conjugation

Passive conjugation

Special symbols are classified with:

Question and Focus particles:

Tags distinguishing different versions of the same lemma (before POS)

Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the source and target part-of-speech.


To represent phonologic variations in word forms we use the following symbols in the lexicon files:

 %{aä%}    — Vowel harmony with "(t)a/ä" AÄ1:a AÄ1:ä AÄ1:0
 %{ae%}   — Vowel harmony with "a/e/õ" passive tahetu
 %{aõ%}   — Vowel harmony with "a/e/õ" passive sõidõtu
 %{äe%}    — Vowel harmony with "ä/e/õ" passive
 %{eõ%}    — Vowel harmony with "e/õ"
 %{uü%}    — Vowel harmony with "u/ü"
 %{öü%}    — Vowel raising
 %{ou%}    — Vowel raising
 %{ei%}    — Vowel raising
 %{õy%}    — Vowel raising
 %{ao%}    — Vowel raising
 %{eØ%}    — ütlemä:üt%{eØ%}l  
 %{õØ%}    — ütlemä:üt%{eØ%}l  
 %{Øõ%}    — juurdlõma:juur%{dØ%}%{0õ%}l
 %{XV%}    — This is used for echoing the previous vowel
 %{XC%}    — This is used for lengthening a consonant
 %{dØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{tØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{t́Ø%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas jaht́lõma:jah%{t́Ø%}%{eØ%}%{lĺ%}
 %{dv%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{ij%}    ellä%{ij%}
 %{gv%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{gl%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{gØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas argnõma:ar%{gØ%}
 %{uv%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{üv%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na


 %{hØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{jØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{kØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{lØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{mØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{nØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{pØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas oppama:o%{pØ%}pama
 %{rØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{sØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{vØ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{Øp%}    — häbü:hä%{Øp%}%{pbØ%}ü
 %{Øt%}    — koda:ko%{Øt%}%{tdØ%}a
 %{Øk%}    — nägo:nä%{Øk%}%{kgØ%}o

Strong and weak

 %{pb%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{td%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{t́d́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{kg%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{bv%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas närväs:när%{bv%}ä%{sØ%}
 %{dr%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas parras:par%{dr%}a%{sØ%}
 %{bm%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas lammas:lam%{bm%}a%{sØ%}
 %{dn%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas lammas:lam%{bm%}a%{sØ%}
 %{dl%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas lammas:lam%{bm%}a%{sØ%}
 %{pbØ%}   — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{pbv%}   — tõbi: tõvõ tõpõ tõppõ
 %{tdØ%}   — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{kgØ%}   — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{jiØ%}   — HJK and KimmoK ideas vari:var%{jiØ%}o
 %{qmn%}   — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{qn%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{tt́Ø%}    täh%{tt́Ø%}

 %{dśtv%}    tä%{üv%}%{śtv%}
 %{djśt%}    vii%{jśt%}
 %{drśt%}    var%{rśt%}


 %{bb́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{dd́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{ff́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{gǵ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{hh́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{kḱ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{lĺ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{mḿ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{nń%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{pṕ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{rŕ%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{sś%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{tt́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{vv́%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na
 %{ḱǵj%}   — HJK and KimmoK ideas laǵa:la%{ḱǵj%}a
 %{zź%}    — HJK and KimmoK ideas kana:ka%{nØ%}na

** %^I7 ** This appears in stem vaoma:va%^I7o for vaio ** %^K7 ** This appears in stem väemä:vä%^K7e for väkeq ** %^V7 ** This appears in stem häömä:hä%^V7ö for hävvü ** %^T7 ** This appears in stem kaoma:ka%^T7o for katoq ** %^Y7 ** This appears for syna = s%^Y7na and is rendered as õ in the norm

And following triggers to control variation %^ErrorBack +Err/Orth+Clt:%>kinaq in front harmony context BHARM disallowance

%^CC2C att%^CC2C%>m%{aä%} atma %^OO2Õ joo%^OO2Õ%>i:j0õ0%>i %^PSS vowel in passive tahetu, sõidõtu, eletü

%^ÄI2ÄÄ päiv%^ÄI2ÄÄ%>ä: päävä %{PrsSg1%} — this helps with %{eõ%}:i̬

%^StrD2T This changes g,d,b, => k,t,p

** %^VowRM ** this will remove stem final vowel ** %^CnsRM ** this will remove stem final consonant tervüs:tervü ** %^StrGStem ** This strengthens “perädü” to “perätüt” %^NoGrad ** %^WGStem ** This weakens %^G1 — This is used with %{pØ%} %{pbØ%} for 0 0, also t, k %^G2 — This is used with %{pØ%} %{pbØ%} for 0 b, also t, k %^G3 — This is used with %{pØ%} %{pbØ%} for 0 p, also t, k %^G4 — This is used with %{pØ%} %{pbØ%} for p p, also t, k “sõda” to “sõtta” %^ShortGStem — This shortens “pu%{tØ%}tu” to “putma”, an orthographic convension %^LongGStem — This lengthens “pu%{tØ%}tu” to “puttuq” %^Pen This moves us to penultimate coda %^PAL — Palatalization %^NoPAL — NoPalatalization %^JI20 — in vari: vaŕo %^JI2I — in vari vari %^JI2J — in vari: varjo

%^PenWGStem This weakens “kipõń” to “kibõna”

** %^PenVowRM ** syncope tapõld : taplõma

**%^D2S ** käsi, susi %^TS2S The -ts- => -s- %^I2J The i => j change

** %^PLPRT ** The a:o attested in Plural kana:kanno and prt **%^VOWRaise ** Raises vowel **%^VOWLower ** Lowers vowel **%^XLowerVow ** Lowers vowel two levels **%^VOWLowerDelab ** Lowers vowel and delabializes it **%^XLowerVowDelab ** Lowers vowel two levels and delabializes it %^U2E lowers u:õ and ü:e delabializes and lowers %^U2A lowers u:a and ü:ä delabializes and lowers

= a symbol used in front of # to block backtracking and mwe reanalysis in hfst-tokenise (e.g. in dynanic compounds). Makes it possible to distinguish lexical and dynamic compounds in rules. It is converted to zero together with #.

Flag Explanation

Oahpa Place names and case used

The tagged part of the compound should make a compound using:

Flag diacritics

We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using the following flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics - only allow compounds with verbs if the verb is further derived into a noun again: | @P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised | @D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised | @C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised

For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed to control position-based compounding restrictions for nominals. Their use is handled automatically if combined with +CmpN/xxx tags. If not used, they will do no harm. | @P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first | @D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX | @P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds | @D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R | @D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding | @U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding | @P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R | @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root.

Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper nouns (e.g. Finnish Pariisi -> pariisilainen). See e.g. North Sámi for how to use these flags. There exists a ready-made regex that will do the actual down-casing given the proper use of these flags.

@U.Cap.Obl@ Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
@U.Cap.Opt@ Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
@U.Case.Abe@ Abessive
@U.Case.Abl@ Ablative
@U.Case.Ade@ Adessive
@U.Case.All@ Allative
@U.Case.Com@ Comitative
@U.Case.Ela@ Elative
@U.Case.Gen@ Genitive
@U.Case.Ill@ Illative
@U.Case.Ine@ Inessive
@U.Case.Nom@ Nominative
@U.Case.Par@ Partitive
@U.Case.Ter@ Terminative
@U.Case.Tra@ Translative
@U.Number.Pl@ Plural
@U.Number.Sg@ Singular

The following flag diacritics are being applied for vowel harmony variation | @U.VowHarm.B@ | Back harmony, used with subsequent Err/Orth-front | @U.VowHarm.F@ | Front harmony, used with subsequent Err/Orth-back

The Root lexicon

The word forms in the Võro language start from the lexeme roots of basic word classes, or optionally from prefixes:


less complex word classes

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/root.lexc