Votic NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Noun inflection The VOTIC language nouns inflect in cases.

LEXICON N_ALUS alus:aluks

LEXICON N_AMMÕZ ammõz:ampa
:%^WGStem%^VowRmõz BACK_NMN_SG-NOM ; ammõz
BACK_NMN_SG-GEN-STEM ; ampa- :%^WGStems BACK_NMN_SG-PAR_sõ ; ammas-
BACK_NMN_SG_INE-STEM ; ampa- :%>i BACK_NMN_PL-OBL ; ampai-

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/nouns.lexc