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V_EI all forms of the ei verb
largest verb group vedada:ved (even number of syllables in stem) V_ada/ab/i/agaha = vedada:ved preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
split from largest verb group vedada:ved (even number of syllables in stem) armahtagha odd number of syllables in stem V_ada/ab/i/agha = armahtada:armaht preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ata/ab/oi/akaha = ahjata:ahj refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg,
preterite stem vowel
V_da/vab/voi/gaha = kaida:kai refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg,
preterite stem vowel
V_da/ab/oi/gaha = nagrda:nagr refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
preterite stem vowel
V_ada/ab/oi/agaha = jagada:jag refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
preterite stem vowel
V_da/b/i/gaha = sanuda:sanu refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_da/b/i/gha = joda:jo refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ab/i/kaha = ülenzoitta:ülenzoit, čorskta:čorsk refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/dab/zhi/kaha = avaita:avai, avaidab avaiži preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/dab/zi/kaha = amunta:amun preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ata/tab/si/kaha = saubata:saub %^DEVOICE preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_eta/DVteb/DVsi/ekaha = langeta:lang %^DEVOICE , cf. saubata preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_ta/dab/zi/kaha = teta:te preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/dab/di/kaha = souta:sou preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_DVta/äb/i/DVkaha = sirtta:sird preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_DVta/ab/i/DVkaha = pörtta:pörd preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/cheb/chi/kaha adivoita:adivoi preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_ta/cheb/chi/kaha loita:loi preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_da/cheb/chi/kaha dominoida:dominoi preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_da/b/0/gaha adivoita:adivoi preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_da/eb/i/gaha = arvostelda:arvostel preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_eda/eb/i/egaha = arvostelda:arvostel preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ndab/nzi/kaha = henota:heno preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ndeb/nzi/kaha = virigata:viriga preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/neb/ni/kaha = harjeta:harje, pageta:page preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ata/neb/ni/akaha = hapata:hap preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_eta/neb/ni/ekaha = küpseta:küps preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ib/i/kaha = bruncta:brunc preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_da/ib/i/gaha = barabanda:baraban, hobda:hob preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ab/oi/kaha = kastta:kast preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/eb/i/kaha = joksta:joks preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_2Syl_DVta/eb/i/DVkaha = pagišta:pagiž preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_DVta/ub/i/DVkaha = seišta:seiž preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_DVta/eb/i/DVkaha = pesta:pez only for verbs with devoicing preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_DVta/eb/i/ggaha = pesta:pez only for verbs with devoicing preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_kta/gub/gui/ggaha = kirkta:kir preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_kta/gib/gi/ggaha = henkta:hen preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_pta/bub/bui/pkaha = kirkta:kir preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_elta/leb/li/elkaha = muštelta:mušt preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_DVta/ab/oi/DVkaha = antta:and preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_TUNTTA = tuntta:tund preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_LAEHTTA = lähtta:lä singlet preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_1Syl_DVta/ub/ui/DVkaha = ampta:amb preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ub/ui/kaha = kacta:kac preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/ob/oi/kaha = uskta:usk preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_kta/gab/goi/ggaha = haikta:hai preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_kta/gab/gi/ggaha = haikta:hai preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_kta/geb/gi/ggaha = polkta:pol preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da %^DEVOICE
preterite stem vowel
V_äda/äb/i/ägaha = eläda:el preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg, NomAg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_ta/äb/i/kaha = heitta:heit, heitäb heiti preceding vowel always required for affix refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_OLDA (adding :ole to vowstem)
refl-ind-prs, act-imprt-sg2, act-ind-prs, ind-sg-conneg
sometimes requires preceding vowel
problems with tta, ta, da
preterite stem vowel
V_TEHTA = tehta:te (adding :ge to vowst and indprs3)
V_SIRTA = sirta:sir
V_JOKSTA = joksta:joks
V_LETA = leta:le
V_MAKSTA = maksta:maks
V_ASTTA = astta:ast
V_HUBETA = hubeta:hube
V_OTTA = otta:ot
V_ABIDOITTA = abidoitta:abidoi
V_TUGETA = tugeta:tuge
V_HOMAITA = homaita:homai
V_VALITA = valita:vali
V_ default verb lexicon
V-VowelStem-PRS This lexicon gives all forms for formatives with obligatory onset vowel
V-ConsonantStem V-ConsonantStem_OTHER ;
this could be a reflexive infinitive if you want one, jaska 20241111
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/verbs.lexc