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Veps pronouns …
PRONOUN-TYPES split in types: prs, interr, neg, dem.
PERS split in persons
PersSg1 split in Nom, Gen, Acc
PersSg2 split in Nom, Gen, Acc
PersSg3 split in Nom, Gen, Acc, Par and 10 other cases
PersPl1 split in Nom and obl
PersPl2 split in Nom and obl
PersPl3 split in Nom and obl
PERS-PL_01 add case suffix
INTERR add case suff
DEM-PRON split in Nom Gen par
NEG-PRON split in Nom Gen Par
«nene» occurs both as Det and Pron
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/pronouns.lexc