Udmurt NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Udmurt verb inflection Udmurt verbs are mainly split into two types:

Conjugation I verbs also may have a ‘short’ stem, which subtracts the final ы. The rule is not necessarily as simple as suffixes that begin on consonants require a vowel-ending stem, because there are some exceptions. Following is a list of things that use the short stem (so far incomplete, but feel free to add to it)

And the long stem:

There are some orthographic things to consider, and they show up in the way verbs are inflected. The palatizing series [[d z l n s t] is represented in two ways: vowel letters following, or by the palatizing symbol.

возьыны .. возе .. возисько бертыны .. бертэ .. бертӥсько

LEXICON V_ Verb type is still to be determined.

Typical V_MONO entry is the long stem, ending on <ы> берты, возьы

бертыны:берт V_MONO “mennä kotiin” ;

Lexicon V_MONO мыныны:мыны

words that do not occur alone Russian verbs are often followed by the Udmurt карыны OR карон

Lexicon V_UZA

Mutual à la Jaska мыныны:мыны Lexicon V_МЫНЫНЫ

Lexicon APRS




Lexicon COND

Lexicon IMPRT

Lexicon OPT


This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/verbs.lexc