Udmurt NLP Grammar

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Udmurt Proper noun inflection

Place names based on names of old tribes

These words typically end on -я, –га, –ка, –ра, –ла. When inflecting in some cases, they take an infix which is optional.

The following may be exhaustive, but unsure yet.

Infix is optional in some cases

Case Infix No infix
Iness. Салья-ла-н Салья-ын
Illat. Салья-ла Салья-е
Elat. Салья-ла-сь Салья-ысь
Egress. Салья-ла-сен Салья-ысен

The following cases do not have the infix at all

Case No infix
Terminat. Салья-озь
Prol. Салья-тӥ
Appr. Салья-лань

So far the PROP (underline) lexicon is a dummy pexicon that just gives +N+Prop, and then redirects to NOUNSUF_01.

Words from lexicon PROP_HEIMONNIMET are “old” tribe and place names, which have an optional infix for some cases, while some do not.

In HEIMO_SUFFIXES_LA, we append the cases with their post-ла realizations. Examples: | Case | Infix | No infix

Iness. Салья-ла-н Салья-ын
Illat. Салья-ла Салья-е
Elat. Салья-ла-сь Салья-ысь
Egress. Салья-ла-сен Салья-ысен

Note also that the infix results in a ‘short’ case affix.

In HEIMO_SUFFIXES_NIL, the word gets cases with no infix.

 Case wordform
Terminat. Салья-озь
Prol. Салья-тӥ
Appr. Салья-лань

Russian type Surnames

Preparing for the template urj-Cyrl Beginning 2012-11-15




These are vowel-final stems They have previously received +Sem/Fem tags

Should this be limited to +Sg? 2015-09-06



Ending 2012-11-15


This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/propernouns.lexc