Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
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Place names based on names of old tribes
These words typically end on -я, –га, –ка, –ра, –ла. When inflecting in some cases, they take an infix which is optional.
The following may be exhaustive, but unsure yet.
Infix is optional in some cases
Case | Infix | No infix |
Iness. | Салья-ла-н | Салья-ын |
Illat. | Салья-ла | Салья-е |
Elat. | Салья-ла-сь | Салья-ысь |
Egress. | Салья-ла-сен | Салья-ысен |
The following cases do not have the infix at all
Case | No infix |
Terminat. | Салья-озь |
Prol. | Салья-тӥ |
Appr. | Салья-лань |
So far the PROP (underline) lexicon is a dummy pexicon that just gives +N+Prop, and then redirects to NOUNSUF_01.
Words from lexicon PROP_HEIMONNIMET are “old” tribe and place names, which have an optional infix for some cases, while some do not.
In HEIMO_SUFFIXES_LA, we append the cases with their post-ла realizations. Examples: | Case | Infix | No infix
Iness. | Салья-ла-н | Салья-ын |
Illat. | Салья-ла | Салья-е |
Elat. | Салья-ла-сь | Салья-ысь |
Egress. | Салья-ла-сен | Салья-ысен |
Note also that the infix results in a ‘short’ case affix.
In HEIMO_SUFFIXES_NIL, the word gets cases with no infix.
Case | wordform |
Terminat. | Салья-озь |
Prol. | Салья-тӥ |
Appr. | Салья-лань |
Russian type Surnames
Preparing for the template urj-Cyrl Beginning 2012-11-15
These are vowel-final stems They have previously received +Sem/Fem tags
Should this be limited to +Sg? 2015-09-06
Ending 2012-11-15
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/propernouns.lexc