Klingon NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Verb inflection

The Klingon language verbs inflect in persons with obligatory prefixes, then the verb stem and all the optional suffixes..

Reflexive suffixes mark reflexive forms €gt-norm: Verb reflexives jIlegh’egh 1Sg+legh+V+Refl I see myself maleghchuq 1Pl+legh+V+Reciproc we see each other

Volition is a marker for volition: €gt-norm: verb volition € leghnIS 3Sg+legh+V+Foc/nIs he sees nIS

Change is marked by suffixes €gt-norm: Verbal change € jIleghchoh 1Sg+legh+V+Foc/choh I see choh

Cause is marked €gt-norm: Verbal cause € leghmoH 3Sg+legh+V+Caus cause him see

definiteness is just a suffix €gt-norm: verbal definiteness € leghlu’ 3Sg+legh+V+Foc/lu’ he sees lu’

qualification the suffix

Aspects are coded in suffixes

Verbs can have honorific markers

And some other markers too

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/verbs.lexc