Klingon NLP Grammar

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Noun inflection

The Klingon nouns have a number of suffixes arranged after each other for lots of stuff.

Augmentation is used for more or less important, bigger, smaller etc. €gt-norm: Nominal augmentation Qagh Qagh+N+Sg+Nom error Qagh’a’ Qagh+N+Aug+Sg+Nom huge mistake QaghHom Qagh+N+Dim+Sg+Nom small mistake

Plural is marked by some suffixes €gt-norm: nominal plurals € Qaghpu’ Qagh+N+Pl+Nom

Nouns are qualified by some other suffixes too €gt-norm: nominal qualification € Qaghqoq Qagh+N+Sg+Foc/qoq+Nom error qoq

The possessor is marked in suffix too €gt-norm: Nominal possession € QaghwIJ Qagh+N+Sg+PxSg1+Nom my error

cases add some semantic relations as usual €gt-norm: Nominal cases € QaghDaq Qagh+N+Sg+Loc in an error € Qaghvo’ Qagh+N+Sg+Sep from an error

augmentation is optional

number marker is optional, singular being the unmarked form

qualification is optional

possession is optional

case marker is optional, nominative being the unmarked form

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/nouns.lexc