Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-sms
Note: This documentation file is still work-in-progress, and should not yet be used. Read the source file instead.
DELIMITERS = “<.>” “<!>” “<?>” “<…>” “<¶>”;
Tags and sets #
We declare BOS, EOS and all the tags from the fst.
R_Num removes Num when Neg.
R_ACR removes ACR when CC.
Probably exists only for Refl and for kinship terms In Skolt Sami Possessive suffixes ARE USED Jaska 2020-11-08
PrfPrc_Not_PxSg1 removes PxSg1 if PrfPrc
NotPlPx1 removes PxPl1 if -1 Gen 0 Ess
No rules.
r1082 Selects (Num Nom)
prop_daate Prop if 0 Pers
PGenN selects Gen when (Pron Pers) to the left and N to the right mu sámevuođa iđuid
CoGen1 (quite strict) selects the first of coordinated genitives riikkaid, čearuid ja boazoorohagaid ovttasbarggu
There can be Interj, VOC,
cnp maps @CNP for gon, goh,…
No rules
no rule
no rules
Rule set taken from sme
Substituting Prop tags
Prop Capitalised nouns in the middle of a sentence are names - (not always).
PropSg goes for Sg not Pl reading of Prop (Marit not Mari Pl)
Todo: sms-ify.
Denne regelen fjerner Err/Orth når det er samme lemma, sjøl om morfologien er forskjellig.
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/cg3/disambiguator.cg3