Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
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Sentence delimiters are the following: <.> <!> <?> <…> <¶>
This section lists all the tags inherited from the fst, and used as tags in the syntactic analysis. The next section, Sets, contains sets defined on the basis of the tags listed here, those set names are not visible in the output.
Adjectival features:
Qst IV TV Prt Prs Ind Pot Cond Imprt
Person and Number:
Verb features:
Tag structure: @self>mother or @mother<self or @self
This part of the file lists a large number of sets based partly upon the tags defined above, and partly upon lexemes drawn from the lexicon. See the sourcefile itself to inspect the sets, what follows here is an overview of the set types.
OKTA and go, and the set INITIAL for initial letters go INITIAL
Here come some adverbs that have identical twins in other POS. If these are found in Adv contexts, we treat them as adverbs.
V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should
be the ones without an N tag following the V.
The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V … N bug.
TRANS-V is the set for verbs really taking objects
STRICT-TRANS-V is the set for verbs which don’t let a GenAcc be a modifier of anything else than an object, e.g. Mun organiseren eatni gievkkanis. - eatni wants to be the object
These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the expression WORD - premodifiers.
The set NOT-NPMOD is used to find barriers between NPs. Typical usage: … (*1 N BARRIER NOT-NPMOD) … meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., “scan to the next NP head”)
Nominal sets defined according to their morphophonological properties Sets for lexeme homonymy (most of them are moved to where the actual rules are.)
The words in the set N-PO can be both N and Po, the set takes that into account.
Spatial noun sets. These nouns behave like postpositions
Time sets
Amount sets
Sets for nouns with morpho-syntactic preferences
Number-related sets
Sets for case, possessive, etc.
Sets for nouns as pred
Sets for animals
Sets for things
Sets for qualities
Sets for things, not necessarily tools
Sets for things such that people can be inside them:
Sets for things such that people cannot be inside them:
Part-whole sets for human
Sets for places
Sets that can both be buildings/places and represent humans
Sets denoting relations
These were the set types.
Here follow the rules.
This is the first section. Here we put safe rules with no or minimal context.
Ruleset for numbers from sme, and adjusted.
SemID Strange number is ID. (no it need not be
Insertwww Inserts the Sem/Adr tag to all url expressions
ArabNom says that sentence-initial Arabic numeral is Nom unless followed by Po
Arab1 says that “1” is Nom, look at this
ArabNomPlc gives Nom tu numerls following placenames
Arab rule for Apertium
mustalid adds
PlcSur1 The Linda Englad rule: name is Sur not Plc if having a surname
FocUv is the revert rule, it removes Qst for Foc/uv if there is no “?”
NumRom in beginning of sentence
sasjnum chooses num gen to the left of sâš
See also Imprt or Ind some sections down.
NotUvImprt here it is adverb etc.
NotImprtAfterLede removes Imprt if leđe one to the left
ImprtInit selects sentence-initial imperative when followed by Ill
NotImprtN not grc
Partitive after numerals
*Removes PropPl, but problems with names as Davviriikkaid Ráđi, there we want Prop Pl
PropAttrIfPropx removes Attr if no Prop on the right side
PropInsideProp Selects Prop if capital letter inside clause
PropAttr Removes (Prop Attr), but not if to the right is Prop or Ord OR ABBR
PropSur Selects (Prop Sem/Sur) if finite verb to the left. Immediately to the right is Sem/Fem OR Sem/Mal
PropAttr1 Selects Attr if you are Sem/Fem OR Sem/Mal, Sem/Sur or INITIAL and to your right is Prop which is Sem/Fem OR Sem/Mal or Sem/Sur
*Removes derNEss if lexicalised, and both nouns are essive.
DADJAT wants illative
vazzid chooses väzziđ when Ill or čoođâ to the right – vazzâđ venytellä vs. väzziđ kävellä
IFF buotAdv : buot Adv in front of Superl ok smn
mannelTimeAdv golbma jagi maŋŋel
AdvSTV váldit mielde, oahppat bajil. eará? STRICT-TRANS-V is too strong
oktiiAdv select
ollasitAdv selects
tuárviAdv SELECT
Adverbs and not Nouns
Adverbs and not Pronouns
puáttiđ, not pađđeeđ (Prt: Sg3 poođij, Du1 poođijm, Du2 poođijd, Du3 poođijn, Pl1 poođijm, Pl2 poođijd)
First select Px, then remove all remaining Px
Set with adjectives, which are documented to have Px in our corpus
PxAlone Remove Px if it is only word in the sentence, and not a typical px-term
NPxPrfPrc Remove Px if PrfPrc with leat to the left
Nouns: NomPxSg1 (not Ess) as the only word in a sentence. Needs no disambiguation.
Nouns: AccPxSg1 after a TV verb. Exception for Aux.
Nouns: AccPxSg1 after a TV Inf verb.
PxSg1LocAcc is Acc to the right.
PxSg1Acc is Acc to the right.
coordination PxSg1coord
PxSg1coordLast for the last word of a coordination
PxSg2AccImprt if TV Imprt to the left
PxSg2AccPrfPrc after PrfPrc
NotPxSg2 if no Sg2
Nouns: PxSg3AccPrfPrc if PrfPrc and Sg3 to the left
PxSg3GenPo2 in front of Po, to the left of the owner
We end section 2 by removing all remaining Px
NotVGenIfDer removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der…(r947)
NotImprtIfAttrLeft removes Imprt after attribute
NotImprtIfRel removes Imprt after Rel, unify this with other left context (r948)
VSg1IfLeftMun selects Sg1 when “mun” is to the left (r949)
VSG1IfRightMun selects Sg1 when “mun” is to the right (r950)
VSG2IfLeftDon selects Sg2 when “tun” is to the left (r951)
VSG2IfRightDon selects Sg2 when “tun” is to the right (r952)
VSG3IfLeftSon selects Sg3 when “sun” is to the left (r954)
VSG3IfRithgSon selects Sg3 when “sun” is to the right (r954)
VNotSg3When12Left removes Sg3 if 12 Pron immediate left (r955) # remove grc
NegSg3BeforeFoc selects Neg before Foc/ge or ConNeg (r959)
vfin removes verb reading when the reading should be noun
VDu1IfMoaiLeft selects Du1 when “moai” left (r960)
VDu1IfMoaiRight selects Du1 when “moai” right (r961)
r976 SE V Pl1 if *-1 SII
r982 removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject - 6002
VPl3Lookalikes removes “verbs” like “mane” and “peri” (r984) - 274
VSg3Lookalikes removes “verbs” like “skuvlii” Remove rule to make grammarchecker work.
OBS: denne er ikke helt bra
maid has many readings and as Rel it is a member of S-BOUNDARY. Therefore we need to disambiguate it early in this file. Most important is to select Adv. Because of that A and N still can have Vfin readings, it is difficult to make very general rules.
vaikkomii was an IFF rule, but we weaken it to SELECT
Interj or not
PoParantes selects Po after paranteces
PrGen1 selects Pr
PrGen2 selects Pr
PrNoCompl removes Pr if no complement to the right
PoGen selects Po
vuollaiPo selects
gaskkasPo selects
NwhenPo removes N if Po
compNomHead NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL) go NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL). VFIN-NOT-IMPRT pga manglende disamgiguering
compMisc go geassebuođut, go dán áigge
compCoord coordination
compCoordAttr coordination again, now with Attr. Speacial rule because of that Attr also has other readings.
killAllnotComp Removes analysis which are not @COMP-CS< – it seems this rule is not relevant in a grc context.
This was the kill all not Comp rule!!
Mostly we map both @CNP and @CVP, then we select @CNP, after that we remove them so @CVP remains
cnpCompSC Map @CNP if @COMP-CS< or COMPAR ahte
cnpCompSpec special rule because of PrfPrc = VFIN
CSasCNPCVP Map some CSs both @CNP @CVP
CSasCVP Map @CVP to CS
vaiCCCNP vai as CC or CS
vaiCC remove vai as CC
vaiCCNegQst1 vai CC @CVP before Neg or question
vaiCCNegQst2 vai CC @CNP in question about two alternatives
killAllvainotCSCVP Select all vai CS @CVP
CVPNPron No finite verb or verbalactivity in front N/Pron @CNP N/Pron
CVPnoVfin No potential finite verb following
CVPnoVfin Infitive following
CVPInfInf between to Inf
CVPadvladvl between to ADVL
CVPAdvAdv between to Adv
CVPnoVfinAdvl No finite verb in front ADVLCASE @CNP ADVLCASE
CVPAdvNom Nom @CNP Adv Nom
CVPAccAdv Acc @CNP Adv Acc
killAllCNP removes all remaining @CNP
XCC-CS removes CC and CS with no synttag
Interr selects interrogative pronouns in questions
InterrIfPot selects interrogative pronouns in potential sentences, and after that we remove the remaining Interr
munPl3 removes Pron Pers Pl3 if there is no verb agreement
Rel selects Rel
RelSg1, RelSg2 select Rel
RelPl selects Rel
RelPl removes Rel
NumAccCurrency Selects (Num Acc)
NumNom Selects (Num Nom)
NumNomCoord Selects (Num Nom)
r1082 Selects (Num Nom)
year Selects (Num Gen)
numunit Selects (Num Gen) + NUMUNIT
NumGenPo Selects Gen if you are Num and there is a Gen following the first Gen to the right gávcci máná njuni ovddas
WWNumOrdIllAttr selects Ill Attr and Loc Attr for numerals and ordinals
The rules are not documented yet
mihheen attr if neg + mihheen + NP
IndefAttr2 Selects (Indef Attr)
IndefAttr3 Selects (Indef Attr)
NoAttr Removes Attr if you are Pron and first one to your right is (Pron Rel)
NoIndefAttr Removes (Indef Attr) if first one to the right is (Pron Pers Loc)
NoIndefGen Removes (Pron Gen Indef) or (Pron Acc Indef) if intransitive mainverb to the left and end of sentence to the right muhto gávdnojit maid eará
DemSgNom selects Dem Nom Sg if VFIN Sg3
Comp rules select Comp A
ANom removes A Nom
AAttr selects A Attr remove grc
AdvN removes Adv
AttrTIME grc – no logic here.
AAttrCoord1 coordination, first part – grc
AAttrCoord2 coordination, first part
PrfPrcCoordA selects PrfPrc in coordination with an A
Remove Nom, Acc and Gen if Comp
APlNomafterCop selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Pl Nom OR Pl Pron
APlNomafterCop2 selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Pl Nom OR Pl Pron
APlNomafterDu selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Du
ASgNomNoSubj selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3
ASgNomafterCop selects A Sg Nom after copulas and Sg Nom, not so strong constraint for the target
ASgNomEssCopNeg selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3s,
AcompGo Selects (A Comp Nom) even if there is no verb (ellipse)
Wr1775xc Selects (A Sg Nom) if you are (N Sg Loc), Der/NomAg or (NN A). Copulas is to the left. EOS or CLB is to the right
Wr1776xc selects (A Sg Nom)
Wr1786xc grc
Number following the rule headers below refer to numbers of hit in a 13 053 859 word corpus.
ConNegImp selects ConNeg Imprt if Neg Imprt to the left. - 4265
PrfPrcConNeg to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc
ConNegIfNeg selects Ind ConNeg if Neg Ind to the left. This is the main (and common) ConNeg rule. - 660327
ConNegPrfPrc selects ConNeg for leat when topicalised PrfPrc between Neg and leat - 713
NotConNegIfNotNeg removes ConNeg if no Neg to the left. Consider unifying with NotConNegNotNeg. - 1094269
NotConNegNotNeg removes remaining ConNegs whenever no Neg to the left. - 5862
VGen selects VGen after VGEN-V-TRIGGER-verb
KillAllVGen removes all VGen (r1842)
r1844 removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and … N construction
r1844 removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and Gen … N construction (this is marginal)
r1852 selects PrfPrc if copula to the left
r1853 selects PrfPrc if Rel to the left which again is linked to copula
the following chapter should be possible to unify.
r1855 selects PrfPrc if Nom to the left linked to copula
r1857 selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to copula
r1858 selects PrfPrc if NP head to the left linked to copula
r1857 selects PrfPrc if copula to the left
r1861 selects PrfPrc if VFIN to the left
r3576 selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to activity verb
*orrut vs. orrot)
The rules are no documented yet
The rules are no documented yet
IndefAgree guhtege goappašat iešguhtege guhte
AttrVFIN removes Attr in front of VFIN
AttrnotNA removes Attr when no N or A to the right
AAttrDemSg1, AAttrDemPl1
AAttrDemSg2, AAttrDemPl2
AAttrDemSg3, AAttrDemPl3
AAttrDemSgIll, AAttrDemPlIll
AAttrDemSgLoc, AAttrDemPlLoc
AAttrN no copulas close to the left
AAttrCop copulas close to the left
Lexical disambiguation of verbs
The rules are no documented yet
Some verbs will not be @>N
NPrfPrc1 with 1C N Nom
NPrfPrc2 with -1C Dem or Num or Attr or Indef
NPrfPrc3 with PrfPrc or ConNeg to the left, the N can be different cases
NPrfPrc4 mannat in front of TIME
NPrfPrcPr after Pr
NPrfPrcPo before Po
NPrfPrcGen after Gen
NPrfPrc6 the verb can be to the right
NPrfPrcCoor coordination
+FMAINVorrut finite orrut
FAUXVorrut finite orrut
FAUXVorrut infinite orrut
OBJActioEss Inf
OBJPrfPrc PrfPrc
+FAUXVaux AUX verbs
+FAUXVboahtit boahtit as AUX
-FAUXVaux AUX verbs
+FMAINVcopInfconstr leat before Inf
+FAUXVCop copulas coming before the mainverb
+FAUXVCop copulas coming before the mainverb, relative clause inbetween
+FMAINVHabconstr in habitive constructions
+FMAINVCoopCoord coordination
+FAUXVCop copulas coming after the mainverb
+FMAINVCop copulas
+FMAINV to the remaining finite verbs which are not AUX
+FMAINV to finite verb after mainverb
-FAUXVConNegAux to ConNeg AUX
-FMAINVConNeg to ConNeg
-FMAINVConNeg to ConNeg
-FMAINVConNeg to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc
-FAUXVPrfPrcAux to PrfPrc AUX before Inf or Actio Ess
-FMAINVPrfPrc to PrfPrc
-FMAINVPrfPrcEss to PrfPrc before Ess
-FMAINVPrfPrcleat to PrfPrc leat
-FMAINVPrfPrcafterAuxAux to PrfPrc after two Auxs
-FMAINVPrfPrccoord to PrfPrc coordination
-FMAINVPrfPrccoord to PrfPrc coordination
-FMAINVPrfbeforeAux to PrfPrc before the Aux
-FMAINVPrfafterMan to PrfPrc before the Aux
-FMAINVInf to Inf
-FMAUXVActioEss to Actio Ess
-FMAINVActioEss to Actio Ess
+FAUXV to Aux
NPrsPrc1 with 1C N Nom
ActioNom with 1C N Nom
<ADVLGer Gerundium ADVL
-FMAINVLoc Actio Loc
GenNP1 Selects Gen for Pron Pers (modifier): if NP-BOUNDARY OR Acc (but not if the finite verb is TV) to the left and N to right
GenNP2 Selects Gen for N (modifier): if CC “já” immediately to your left and accusative to your right ja sámi jurddašanvuogi
GenNP3 Selects Gen (modifier): if first one to right is Nom or Loc Norgga oaivegávpogis
GenNP4 (modifier) selects Gen -1 BOS or COMMA, 1 Nom nissoniid bargu
GenNPCo (modifier) Selects Pron Pers Gen if Nom to the left of ja Mun ja mu ustibat
GenRefl (modifier) selects Gen in front of a noun in accusative or nominative case iežaset oiviliid
Gen Not Acc
AccAfterCC Select accusative: if genitiv to the left, and CC “já” to the left of genitive eamiálbmot- ja globaliserenprošeavtta koordináhtor
PGenN selects Gen when (Pron Pers) to the left and N to the right mu sámevuođa iđuid
CoGen1 (quite strict) selects the first of coordinated genitives riikkaid, čearuid ja boazoorohagaid ovttasbarggu
vuoiAcc selects accusative if vuoi or vuoi surgat to the left
SEMnotPossessor Removes Gen if you are not a possible possessor (a human) # HAB-ACTOR
SEMnotHUM removes Gen. This is when an NP is thought to be the OBJ, because it’s not in the human sets and to the right is NON-FAMILY njálgáid mánáide.
SEMXr2066 Removes Gen if there is a human or org to the right, exeption for čállingiela áhčči and so on
SEMXxr2071 Removes Gen: Nobody can possess a Proper name? Except from (Pron Pers) and Sem/Fem OR Sem/Mal
SEMXxPropOrg Removes Gen: Who can possess Prop Sem/Org? Names or their possessed ones can !!
SEMorghum select gen if organization or education in front of human
SEMXr2073 Remove Gen: Accusative in front of a human group loktema sámiid buorrin
SEMr2074 Selects Gen in front of HUMAN-GROUP
SEMactor Select Gen in front of ABSTRACT and RIEKTEDILLI unnitlogu oaidninčiegas
SEMXr2076 Selects Gen if you are HUMAN or Pron with an ABSTRACT to your right iežaset vuoigatvuođa
SEMyouareNom Removes Gen and Acc when 0 FAMILY or PROFESSION because you are Nom. Not if -1 Num and VFIN is LEDE or IV Oahpai go Sire sámegiela
SEMyouareGen Removes Nom if movement verb to the left and illative to the right, because you are the modifier of Ill mannat Madame Tussaud kabinehttii
SEMnotNom Removes Nom if a Nom to the right followed by a transitive verb. 0 is animate and to the right is Ill. You are the modifier of Ill
SEMXxr2081 Removes Gen if NATION or POLITICAL-PLACE are to your right dilálašvuođaid sámi
SEMXr2087 Selects Gen if you have “eennâm” or “guovu” immediately to your right Gomorra eatnamii
SEMplcGen2 Removes Gen in front of a GENERAL-PLACE or POLITICAL-PLACE, if you are a noun bidjen hildu sadjásis
SEMplcGen3 Removes Gen in front of GENERAL-PLACE or POLITICAL-PLACE, if you are ABSTR-TEXT or TEXT cealkámušaid guovlluid dearvvašvuođafitnodagaid jahkedieđáhusain
SEMXr2079 Removes Gen if you are Acc in front of MANNU guđii virggi skábmanánu 1. b.
SEMxhab Selects Acc if COPULAS to the left of HAB-ACTOR lea min
EMeallimamuorra Selects Gen eallima muorra
ACRGen Selects genitive: NRK Sápmi
ACRAttr Selects genitive: IL Nordlys
SEMXr2096 Removes genitive: because Accusative in front of an organization
SEMGenORG selects Gen (modifier): in front of an organization Stáhta Oahpahuskantuvra
SEMgen1 removes Acc if buot, gait or buohkat in front of a genitive, followed by a plural noun buot Norlándda ohppiid
SEMgen2 removes Acc if bargat or dihte are FMAINV or Inf and are found somewhere to the left of a Gen, which is followed by a noun bargame boazodoallolága ođastemiin
SEMXr2103 Selects accusative: OASSI is usually accusative hálddaša stuora oasi
SEMXxr2104 Selects accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and you are a TEXT čállá vaidaga
SEMXxaccRemoves accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and a noun to the right čállit Norgga vásáhusaid
SEMXxr2108 Selects genitive if you are SAPMI with an Acc/Gen immediately to your left and a noun immediately to your right girji sámi áššiid (birra)
SEMsapmiModifier Selects genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa as modifier of noun sámi oahpahus
SEMtext (modifier) selects genitive (modifier) if you are a TEXT in front of KLASS doalloplána čuoggái
topGEN Selects Gen if sentence intitial. To the right a Prf Prc that modifies nominative Stáhta nammadan láhtu
NomQst Selects Nom in a Qst-sentence. To the left is Nom and leat with a Qst-particle Leat go álbmotmeahcit veahkaváldi
lassinIll Selects Ill if first one to the left is lassin *lassin Sarai
GenAPP Selects genitive when a preposition to the left, or when a postposition to the right rastá riikarájiid
NomIfPo removes Nom if sentence initial, because it modifies Gen
GenPoCoordPunct Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions: with PUNKT to the left
GenPoCoord Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions ráŋggáštusa ja buhtadusa hárrái
GenGenPo (modifies pp-phrase) selects Gen in front of postposition-phrase álgojagiid soađi maŋŋá
GenORG (modifies Loc) selects Gen if you are MAIN-ORGANIZATION and to your right is Loc dearvvašvuođafitnodagaid jahkedieđáhusain
SEMnom (modifies Nom) removes Acc if sentence boundary or adv to the left. To the right is Nom followed by a transitive verb and Acc stálu beana njoallu háviid
GenMannuOrdRight selects Gen if you are mannu and to your right is A Ord miessemánu 10.
GenMannuOrdLeft selects Gen if you are mannu, to your left is Ord and to your right is a numeral
TIMEobs selects Gen if you are time, and to your right is an intransitive real-verb. No adverbials allowed to the right vuolggán bearjadaga
GenJuohke selects Gen if juohke or seamma to the left juohke dálvvi
GenJahkiNum selects Gen if you are jahki num with a numeral to your right Skuvlajagi 1998-99
AigiModifier (modifier) selects Gen if aigi to the right konferánssa áiggi
GenHávvi2 selects Gen for hávvi if a transitive verb cannot be found somewhere in the sentence
GenGeardi selects Gen if the beginning of the sentence to the left Eará háviid
GenRbeaivi (modifier) selects Gen if riegádanbeaivi to your right
GenDURadj1 selects Gen if a duration adverbial to the left
GenDURadj2 removes Gen for TIME-N, if duration adjective to the left olles dálvvi
NoTimeAccII removes Acc for time if POINT-IN-TIME verb to the left
timeADVL selects Gen for time: when perfectum participle or infinitive to the left are time adverbial verbs or not time object verbs, to the left of this there shall be an auxiliary lean čoavdán cealkagiid maŋimuš áiggi
theAccusative selects Acc if you are a N or Pron with CC to your right, followed by Acc and a CLB or VFIN gápmagiid ja vuoddagiid, sii geavahedje
NotGenitive selects Acc if you are a N or Pron with punctuation marks to your right, followed by a noun-phrase boundary
GenIES (modifier) selects (Pron Refl Gen) if NON-FAMILY OR (“piäládâh”) OR SAMEDIGGI-GEN to the right iežaset mánáide
AccIES SELECTS accusative object (Pron Refl Acc)
AccIES (modifier) removes accusative object (Pron Refl Acc) if Ill or Loc to the right, but not if a transitive verb is found to the left
GenIESinf removes (Pron Refl Gen) if a transitive verb to the left and an Inf to the right
AccActioEss Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb actio ess to the left, but not if there is an other Acc to the right followed by EOS
AccEss removes Acc when you are SAPMI-N-HEAD with an Ess to your right, but not if there is a transitive mainverb to the left dutkama duogážin
*topOBJPers Removes Gen if you are Acc, and to you right is a Pron followed by a transitive verb. You have to be sentence initial
*AccVAbess Selects Gen if to the right is abessive
topOBJ1 Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the right (topicalized object) beaskka geavahedje
topOBJ2 Selects Acc when a transitive finite mainverb to the right (less strict) dan juohkehaš fuobmá
topOBJ3 Selects Acc. It is not depending on a transitive verb like topOBJ1 and 2, but selects Acc when Aux to the left, but only if there is no chanse of it beeing a Nom
AccTV1 Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the left (barrier exludes everything but: adv, N Ess , N Loc and Pcle). No Acc allowed to the left of the verb. No Acc allowed to the right of you, except pronouns and education (sentenceboundary and N Ess as barriers). Only numunit numerals are allowed to the left. You are not Acc if you are: time, ruote or Pron Indef. Neither if you are Pron Refl with Gen to your right followed by N Ess. Neither if you are Pron Refl with Gen to your right followed by Po. N Nom and Ger not allowed immediatly to your right. You are not Acc if you are a Nom cased Prop and the verb is some kind of verbalactivityverb and ahte or sentenceboundary is to the right. Vdic not allowed immediately to your left. If váldit is the verb, you are likely to be a Gen if Ill-body noun is found to the right. oste mielkki gávppis
PronNP (removes Acc): selects Gen for Pron Pers if Acc or Ill to the right, given that there is a secure object or that no transitive verb is found bija ruđa mu kontoi
r2206 selects Gen when a finite verb to the left and Nom or Acc to the right lohkaba su girjji
r2271 Removes genitive when a transitive verb to the left and you (not if you are a pronoun) are followed by Ill/Loc/Com/Adv: doalvvui stálu meahccái Removed for grc (evaluate this!)
AccTV2 Selects accusative: when a transitive verb to the left. No Acc allowed to the left in the sentence (sentenceboundary as a barrier). No Acc allowed to the right (barriers are CC, comma and sentenceboundary). Note that Gen to the right followed by a noun is allowed. You shall not be: route, time, Pron Dem. You are not Acc if you are: Gen-cased Pron or Animate with Ill immediately to your right. No Acc, Com, N Nom or Gerundium allowed immediately to your right. No Gen followed by Po allowed immediately to your right. A SG3-verb is only allowed to your left … (barriers excluding everything except NP-heads and adverbs, PrfPrc is also a barrier) if there is a Nom left to the SG3-verb. No vdic allowed immediately to your left. You are not Acc if: you are a Nom-cased Prop, followed by ahte or EOS and the verb found to the left (SV-boundary) is some kind of verbalactivityverb or a humanagentverb.
AccTV3 Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left, if it doesn’t find a barrier: comma, Num, real-v, Ess, s-boundary. Acc not allowed to the left of the verb. Not Acc if animate or Gen in front of Ill. Numerals the only Acc allowed to the right. Not Num, time route or adv. Not Com or Ger immediately to the right. Neither Po. Not Acc if sg3-verb to the left without a Nom to its left. Not Pron Dem followed by N, neither Pron Rel followed by time. No vdic immediately to your left. No Nom-cased Prop with some sort of verbal activity to its left is allowed..
OLDr2466 Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left, but not if the TV is FAUX OR LOC-V
AccInf Selects Acc if the verb to the left is TV + Inf (you are the obj of the Inf). Differs from the other rules by not beeing restricted by an Acc to the right hállat eatnigiela
AccCOP Selects Acc if copulas to the left and nominative to the left of COP gápmagat leat áhči
CoAcc1 Selects Acc when NP inbetween commas guolleoivviid, dáraid, debbuid, buđeittaid, boares rásiid
CoAcc2 Select Acc if coordinator to your left and accusative to the left of the coordinator deaja dahje sávtta
CoAcc3 Selects Acc in front of ja if there is a secure Acc to the right semináraid ja diehtojuohkinčoahkimiid
CoAccJA Selects Acc when “já” to the left and comma to the left of “já” with a secure Acc to the left of comma sámegiela, ja heajos dárogiela.
CoAccJA2 Selects Acc in front of Gen + Po if ja in front of Acc ja ruhtan sávzzaid ovddas
IVasTV Selects Acc if you are GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE, ABSTR-ROUTE or EDUCATION and somewhere in the sentence is a intransitive verb acting as a transitive verb sii vázzet skuvlla
IVsahttit Selects Acc
NewGen (complement of numerals) Selects Gen Sg when Num Sg to the left guhtta kilu
NewGenCo (coordinated complement of numerals) Selects Gen if Num Acc + NewGen found to the left of “já” máŋga dáhpáhusa ja digaštallama
ALU4 Selects Acc if you are Num and to your right Num Acc followed by MEASURE OR ALU/A guokte golbma mehtara alu
NumTimeMannel Selects Acc for Num before TIME MANNEL
GenBoaris Selects Gen in golbma jagi boaris
Genihásâš Selects Gen in oovce ihásâš kandâ
Ritva comment: Find a rule for “viđa” aswell, this hits “mehter” as it should
XXr2002 Selects genitive if there is a numeral immediately to your left, and you are TIME: golbma jagi
NumMoney Selects Gen if you are a numeral and immediately to your right is CURRENCY vihtta ruvnnu
NumAcc1 Selects Acc if you have a transitive verb to the left and you are a numeral followed by a noun oste guokte mielkki
NumJahki Removes Acc if you are a numeral and JAHKI-NUM is immediately to your left mávssii mannan jagi 43 ruvnnu
NomIfNum Removes Acc if Gen to the right (because you are Nom). Transitive verb with an Acc to the right máŋga gávpeolbmá lonuhedje fáhcaid
NumAcc2 Selects Acc for singular numerals if there is a transitive verb somewhere in the sentence and the numeral is followed by a noun logi báhkkoma OBS
GenIfNum (complement of numerals) Selects Gen Sg if there is a Num Sg to your left guđa geardde
NumAccCo (coordinated num) Selects Acc if you are Num Sg and to your right: CC with a Num to the right guokte ja eanemusat golbma
NumAccIV Selects Acc
NumAccPlRight Selects Acc when transitive verb to the left. You are Num Pl and to your right is Acc goarui viđaid gápmagiid
NumAccPlLeft Selects Acc when tranistive verb to the right (same as the previous. Only differs in which direction the verb is found). galliid sabehiid don ostet
NumAccPlLeft Selects Acc if you are N Acc Pl and to your left is Num Acc Pl galliid sabegiid
NumOkta Selects Acc if 0 okta followed by a noun. Transitive verb to the left oidnen ovtta nieidda
QUANgenCoord Selects Gen for coordinated complement of a numeral
QUANgen1 Selects Gen if a numeral with Nom-case to the left and 3Pl-verb to the right
QUANr2142 Selects Gen if a numeral to the left and genitive to the right. Transitive verb not allowed to the left.
*COMPInfAcc Selects Acc if you are Gen and to the left is an Inf TV @COMP-CS<
AccInf2 Selects Acc if Inf immediately to the RIGHT guliid čoallut
AccNomCOPconstr Selects Acc in front of Inf; only if there is no chance for itself beeing Nom
AccTV4 Selects Acc if transitive mainverb to the left. Lots of restrictions to the right
AccPronRel Selects (Pron Rel Acc) when a secure Acc or Nom to the left gáibidedje internáhttaskuvlla man
AccPronRel2 Selects (Pron Rel Acc) when somewhere in the sentence is a Nom (barrier is sv-boundary), but only if leat isn’t the main verb. geaid eamiálbmogat
AccPronRel3 Selects Acc if there is a (Pron Rel Nom) to the right. Obs: not hit nominatives, hence negations. eanu mii šealgá
AccActioLoc Selects Acc when transitive Actio Loc somewhere in the sentence guldeleames muitalusaid
AccAhte Selects Acc when ahte is found to the right
AccAux Selects Acc if beginning of sentence to the right and aux, not leat, is to the left. No Acc allowed to the left láđđi fertejetne oastit
HabGenAdvl Removes Acc; in a habitive adverbial construction with Gen, but only if there is no chans of 0 beeing Nom Dat lea áhči
AccIll Selects Acc if a strict transitive verb is found to the left and Ill to your right. You are not allowed to be a possible modifier of ill: Pron, Px. buktán heasttaid meahccái
Gerundium0 Selects Acc as the complement of Ger
Gerundium1 Removes Gen if no other object available for the preceding tv-verb
Gerundium2 Selects Acc in front of Ger, but not if it is not HAB-ACTOR/Pron Pers. No transitive verb allowed to the left, exept it it has an object of its own.
GerundiumTEST selects Gen for HAB-ACTOR and Pron Pers in front of Ger, but only if there is an Acc belonging to a transitive to the left
NomIfProp Removes Acc and Gen when you Prop because you are Nom. To the left is a sg3-verb. Should not hit Prop that are Sem/Plc.
NomIfProp2 Removes Acc and Nom when you are Prop Sem/Plc because you are Gen. To the left is a sg3-verb. To the right is a noun.
Accusative or Illative
NAr2266 Selects Nom
NAAccEllipsis2 Selects Acc
NAr2288 Removes Nom
NDr2300 Selects Nom if Gen immediately to the left. You are N-SG-NOM and to your right is SG3-V Du ášši lea dehálaš
NDr2306 Selects Nom for (N Nom) if to the left is “ohtâ” or “nubbe” okta lihtter
NDr2308 Selects Nom for PROP
NDr2309 Selects Nom
NDr2310 Selects Nom
NDr2311 Selects Nom
NDr2313 Selects Nom
NDr2314 Selects Nom
NDr2315 Selects Nom
NDr2317 Selects Nom: A single word is nominative
NDr2318 Selects Nom: A single word with a numeral in front of it is nominative
NDr2319 Selects Nom: An NP head with a genitive modifier is nominative
NDr2320 Selects Nom: A title is nominative if it has a Nom reading at all
NDr2321 Selects Nom: An NP head with an Attr modifier is nominative
onlyProp Selects Nom
NDr2325 Selects Nom
NDr2326 Selects Nom
NumNomgo Selects (Num Nom)
NDr2331 Selects (N Nom)
NDr2332 Selects (Num Nom)
NDr2333 Selects (Num Nom)
NDr2334 Selects Nom
NDr2335 Selects Nom
NDr2336 selects (N Sg Nom) when 1 SG3-V (grc: also Actio?)
NDr2338 Selects (N Sg Nom)
NDr2339 Selects (N Sg Nom)
NDr2341 Selects Nom
NDr2341 Selects Nom
NDr2343 Selects (Sg Nom)
NDr2345 Selects Nom
NDr2350 Selects Nom
NDr2351 Selects Nom
NDr2357 Selects (A Pl Nom)
NDr2359 Selects (A Pl Nom)
NDr2360 Selects Nom
NDr2361 Selects Nom
NDr2364 Selects (Sg Nom)
NDr2368 Selects (N Pl Nom)
NDr2370 Selects (Num Nom)
NDr2372 Selects (Pron Pl Nom)
NDr2373 Selects Nom
NDr2375 Selects Nom
NDr2376 Selects Nom
PostVNom Selects Nom if a singular third person verb to the left with no Nom to the left of it – REMOVE FOR GRC
PostVNomComp Selects (N Sg Nom)
NDr2378 Selects (Sg Nom)
ND selects Nom if; you are HUMAN and immediately to your right is a place. Leat is to the left, and there is HUMAN or Pers to the left of leat Son lei oahpaheaddji Kárášjogas
NDr2379 Selects (Sg Nom)
NDr2380 Selects (Pl Nom)
NDr2382 Selects (Pl Nom)
NDr2383 Selects Nom
NDr2384 Selects Nom
NDr2385 Selects Nom
NDSgr2388 Selects Nom
NDPlr2388 Selects Nom
NDr2389 Selects Nom
NDr2390 Selects Nom
NDr2391 Selects Nom
NDr2399 Selects Nom
NDr2400 Selects Nom
NDr2401 Selects Nom
NDr2402 Selects Nom
NDr2403 Selects Nom
NDr3529 Selects Nom
NDr2406 Selects Nom
NDr2407 Selects Nom
NDr2408 Selects Nom
NDr2409 Selects Nom
NDr2411 Selects Nom
NDr2412 Selects Nom
NDr2413 Selects Nom
NomCCNom Selects Nom
NDr2416 Selects Nom
NDr2417 Selects Nom
NDr2418 Selects Nom
NDr2422 Selects Nom
NDr2423 selects Nom if it finds a Nom to the left of CC and to the left of a verb. No verb allowed to the right eamit barggai vuođđoskuvllas ja isit fas gymnásas
nomHnoun Selects Nom
SOV Selects Nom in front of an Acc
NDr2424 Removes Nom
NDr2425 Removes Nom
NDr2426 Removes Nom, but not Actio
ND Removes Nom
Assuming there is Sg Com / Pl Gen homonymy in Inari Saami. There is, but far more marginal than for North Saami, the following rules should be revised to account for that.
PlSg-W removes Pl when SG-WORD
NumCom selects Num Com: guvttiin nieiddain if not plural-noun like: guvttiin heajain
ComDemNum1 selects N Com if there is a Dem or Num or buorre + Com to the left: Exception for plural-nouns
Comburiin selects N Com if there is a safe N Com to the right: buriin vugiin
ComCOM-A selects Sg Com after COM-A
ComComAdv1 selects Com after COM-ADV or juohke
LocLocVL1, LocLocVR select Pl Loc if there is a LOC-V
LLocAccLocVL select Pl Loc if there is a ACC-LOC-V
Loc-v select Sg Loc if LOC-V to the left in the clause. No mainverb to the right in the clause
ComComAdv1 selects Com for ACTOR OR ACTOR-ROLE after og before COM-ADV
ComComplPl-N selects Sg Com for HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION, STATE, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY, láhka when there is a COM-COMPL-N to the left or right
Comoktavuohta selects Sg Com when oktavuohta is to the left or right
ComDU-NR selects Sg Com after Pers dualis: moai áhčiin, munno vieljain
ComAnimate selecst Sg Com if there is an animate to the left, and the noun itself is not a ABSTR-TEXT, TEXT, PLACE, INDUSTRY, EDUCATION, INSTITUTION, ANIMATE
ComProp selecst Prop Sg Com for person names. Exception for habitive constructions.
FinalComForAni where philosophy is that you are with someone, not on someone # grc too general.
LocHab1, LocHab2 select Pl when HAB-ACTOR
LocHab1, LocHab2 select Pl when HAB-ACTOR
ComTool1, ComTool2, ComToolCoord select Com TOOL when ACTIVITY-V, MOVEMENT-V, PLACE-V-V
ComHumanVerbalV selects Com HUMAN when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V or báhcit
LocdynamicVR, LocdynamicVL select Pl Loc if there is a DYNAMIC-V and the noun itself is not a TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, HUMAN, VEHICLE, buorre, Der/NomAc
LocdynamicVR selects Pl Loc
LocdynamicVL selects Pl Loc
Most actio can be both tool and event.
ComboahtitR selects Sg Com
ComboahtitV– selects Sg Com for animate eller pron
ComMovemVL selects Sg Com over Pl Loc for a movement verb
ComMovemVR selects Sg Com over Pl Loc for a movement verb
Dynamic-verb selects Com when HUMAN, but not for HUMAN-SOURCE-VEHICLE-V
ComBody Body-activity-verb Selects Com when BODY, for BODY-ACTIVITY-V or VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V
LocCop selects Pl Loc if event
Final Com/Loc rule: Remove Com.
KillComSg This is the final Com/Loc rule, and it chooses Pl Loc. Remove this for grammar checker.
miiPlAcc selects acc noun if mii or kii to the left
AccTV1NoC was Eckhard’s late version of AccTV1 without C. We will look at this.
AccEOS is The Dangerous Rule: it is the last rule before removing all leftover Acc. It only selects Acc if Nom is not an option, dont change this btw, and the end of the sentence is the next one to the right
genRel removes genitive if Rel to your right ožžot olbmot skoviid maid
genAcc selects Acc
genNom removes Acc
DemAcc selects Den Acc after the last acc-disambiguation of nouns
Du1IfDu1 selects Du1 with a left context Du1 … ja …
NoDu1 removes Du1 if no MOAI or Du1 around.
Pl3 not Pl Gen
Pl3IfPlSubj Pl3 if Pl noun to the left
Pl3IfPlSubj Pl3 if safe plural (incl pron) to the left
Sg2LeftDon selects Sg2 in Rel phrase if don to the left of it
allPrtSg2 removes PrtSg2 if PrsPl3
Genitive not Nominative
Remove lemma2 if lemma 1
cleanSemClass cleans up if a word has more semclasses. This is just a start.
IfonlyVerb selects the FMAINV reading in the cohort … to hard
IfonlyConNeg ConNeg if it is @-FMAINV or @-FAUXV
TEST selects some infinte verb readings in the cohort
Denne regelen fjerner Err/Orth når det er samme lemma, sjøl om morfologien er forskjellig.
These 12 substitute rules add the
This (part of) documentation was generated from tools/grammarcheckers/grc-disambiguator.cg3