Inari Sámi morphological analyser
This file documents the Inari Sámi morphological analyser. The tags in bold are the ones in use in the analyser.
Multichar_Symbols definitions
Parts of speech
- +N +A +Adv +V
- +Pron +CS +CC
- +Adp +Po +Pr
- +Interj +Pcle
- +Num
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +Prop - Propernoun
- +Pers - Personal Pronoun
- +Dem - Demonstrative Pronoun
- +Interr - Interrogative Pronoun
- +Refl - Reflexive Pronoun
- +Recipr - Reciprocal Pronoun
- +Rel - Relative Pronoun
- +Indef - Indefinitive Pronoun
- +Coll - Collective numerals, subtag for +N
- +Arab - Arabic numeral, subtag for +Num
- +Rom - Roman numeral, subtag for +Num
- +ACR - Acronym
- +Dyn - Dynamic Acronym
- +NomAg
- +Ord
- +Gram/TAbbr: Transitive abbreviation (it needs an argument)
- +Gram/NoAbbr: Intransitive abbreviations that are homonymous with more frequent words. They should only be considered abbreviations in the middle of a sentence.
- +Gram/TNumAbbr: Transitive abbreviation if the following constituent is numeric
- +Gram/NumNoAbbr: Transitive abbreviations for which numerals are complements and normal words. The abbreviation usage the sentence can be considered as true cases.
- +Gram/TIAbbr: Both transitive and intransitive abbreviation
- +Gram/IAbbr: Intransitive abbreviation (it takes no argument)
- +Gram/3syll: trisyllabic verbs
Grammatical properties
Person - number
- +Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3
- +Du1 +Du2 +Du3
- +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3
- +PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3
- +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3
- +PxPl1 +PxPl2 +PxPl3
- +Nom +Gen +Acc
- +Ill +Ine +Ela
- +Com +Ess +Par +Abe
- +Loc
- +Known mon , till we found a better tag
Adverb types
- +Spat Spatial adverbs
- +Temp Temporal adverbs
Tense - mood
- +Ind +Pot +Cond +Imprt +ImprtII
- +Prs +Prt
- +Pass +Sup
- +Inf +Ger +GerII
- +ConNeg +Neg
- +PrsPrc +PrfPrc
- +VGen +VAbess
- +Actio
The derivation position tags.
The tag +Der
All non-positional derivations should be preceded by this tag, to make it possible
to target regular expressions at all derivations in a language-independent way:
just specify +Der|+Der1 .. +Der5 and you are set.
- +Der is the tag to put before the other der tags.
Pos1 |
Pos2 |
Pos3 |
Pos4 |
POS switches (from-to) |
Explanation |
+Der1 |
Position tag, required |
+Der2 |
Position tag, required |
+Der3 |
Position tag, required |
+Der4 |
Position tag, required |
+Der/lasj |
NA |
+Der/d |
VV |
+Der/tt |
VV |
- Causative čälittiđ |
+Der/Caus |
VV |
- 3-syll causatives |
+Der/l |
VV |
+Der/st |
VV |
čälistiđ |
+Der/Car |
NA |
* +Der1+Der2 - only combine with Der3 caritive: peljittem |
+Der/laakan |
AA |
* +Der1+Der2 - only combine with Der3 |
+Der/Pass |
VV |
- passive |
+Der/Dimin |
NN |
(was: Der/aš & Der/š) |
+Der/NomAg |
+Der/NomAct |
VN |
Der/NomAct har to realisasjonar, med ulike restriksjonar, |
+Der/sasj |
NA |
+Der/alla |
VV |
+Der/adda |
VV |
+Der/AAdv |
adverb pyeremusávt pyeremusâht |
+Der/taa |
adverb pyeremustáá !This is not the best tag? |
+Der/vuota |
AN |
+Der/InchL |
VV |
+Der/upmi |
VN |
+Der/mas |
VN |
Other derivations
Other/unclassified derivations, can appear in all positions:
- +Der/ag neeljičievâg neeljijienâg kuulmâloonjâg neeljičievâg neeljijienâg
- +Der/ahasas 85-ahasâš škovlâahasâš
- +Der/ivvaas
- +Der/vualasas tutkâmvuálásâš
- +Der/Superl
- +Der/Comp
- +Ex/N - This tag is not added in lexc. The POS tag before derivation is converted into this tag when compiling FST for disambiguation.
- +Ex/A - This tag is not added in lexc. The POS tag before derivation is converted into this tag when compiling FST for disambiguation.
- +Ex/V - This tag is not added in lexc. The POS tag before derivation is converted into this tag when compiling FST for disambiguation.
- +Qst question particle
- +Foc
+Foc/uv … focus particles.
All Err-tags must have a normative form as lemma except Err/Lex
- +Err/Orth - substandard, not in normative fst
- +Err/Lex - substandard, not in normative fst, no normative lemma
- +Err/Hyph - substandard, not in normative fst
- +Err/SpaceCmp - substandard, not in normative fst
- +Err/MissingSpace - in use in smi lexc
- +MWE - MultiWord Expression, used for abbreviation extraction for
- +Use/-PLX - do not include in Polderland spellers (most likely irrelevant for smn)
- +Use/-Spell - do not include in speller (even though the entry is formally correct)
- +Use/SpellNoSugg - Recognized, but not suggested in speller
- +Use/NGminip Not for miniparadigm in NDS dicts
- +Use/GC – only retained in the HFST Grammar Checker disambiguation analyser
- +Use/-GC – never retained in the HFST Grammar Checker disambiguation analyser
- +Use/TTS – only retained in the HFST Text-To-Speech disambiguation tokeniser
- +Use/-TTS – never retained in the HFST Text-To-Speech disambiguation tokeniser
- +Sem/Act = Activity
- +Sem/Adr = Webadr
- +Sem/Amount = Amount
- +Sem/Ani = Animate
- +Sem/Aniprod = Animal Product
- +Sem/Body = Bodypart
- +Sem/Body-abstr = siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi, (noe man kan bruke i fysisk aktivitet som en kroppsdel, f.eks. synet, stemmen, etc.)
- +Sem/Build = Building
- +Sem/Build-room = Room in a building, typically place to be
- +Sem/Buildpart = Part of Bulding, like the wall
- +Sem/Cat = Category
- +Sem/Clth = Clothes
- +Sem/Clth-jewl = Jewelery
- +Sem/Clthpart = part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji…
- +Sem/Ctain = Container
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr = Abstract container like bank account
- +Sem/Ctain-clth = Soft container, like a rucksack
- +Sem/Curr = Currency like dollár, Not Money
- +Sem/Date = Date
- +Sem/Dance = Dance
- +Sem/Dir = Direction like GPS-kursa
- +Sem/Domain = Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
- +Sem/Drink = Drink
- +Sem/Dummytag = Dummytag
- +Sem/Edu = Educational event
- +Sem/Event = Event
- +Sem/Feat = Feature, like Árvu. (noe som man kan ha mye eller lite av, det kan være en skala og som er på en måte karakteriserende. (høyde, vekt, farge, kreativitet etc.)
- +Sem/Feat-phys = Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
- +Sem/Feat-psych = Psychological feauture
- +Sem/Feat-measr = Psychological feauture
- +Sem/Fem = Female name
- +Sem/Food = Food
- +Sem/Food-med = Medicine
- +Sem/Fruit = Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts
- +Sem/Furn = Furniture
- +Sem/Game = Game
- +Sem/Geom = Geometrical object
- +Sem/Group = Animal or Human Group
- +Sem/Hum = Human
- +Sem/Hum-abstr = Human abstract
- +Sem/Hum-prof = Human professional
- +Sem/Ideol = Ideology
- +Sem/ID = ID
- +Sem/Lang = Language
- +Sem/Mal = Male name
- +Sem/Mat = Material for producing things
- +Sem/Measr = Measure
- +Sem/Money = Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
- +Sem/Obj = Object
- +Sem/Obj-clo = Cloth
- +Sem/Obj-cogn = Cloth
- +Sem/Obj-el = (Electrical) machine or apparatus
- +Sem/Obj-ling = Object with something written on it
- +Sem/Obj-rope = flexible ropelike object
- +Sem/Obj-surfc = Surface object
- +Sem/Org = Organisation
- +Sem/Part = Feature, oassi, bealli
- Perc = (perception) er noe man kan kjenne i en begrensa periode og som er forårsaka av noe utenifra, f.eks. Mus lea ballu. Mus lea bavččas.
- +Sem/Perc-cogn =
- +Sem/Perc-emo = Emotional perception
- +Sem/Perc-phys = Physical perception
- +Sem/Perc-psych = Psychological perception
- +Sem/Phonenr = Telephone number
- +Sem/Plant = Plant
- +Sem/Plantpart = Plant part
- +Sem/Plc = Place
- +Sem/Plc-abstr = Abstract place
- +Sem/Plc-elevate = Place
- +Sem/Plc-line = Place
- +Sem/Plc-water = Place
- +Sem/Pos = Position (as in social position job)
- +Sem/Process = Process
- +Sem/Prod = Product
- +Sem/Prod-audio = Audio product
- +Sem/Prod-cogn = Cognition product
- +Sem/Prod-ling = Linguistic product
- +Sem/Prod-vis = Visual product
- +Sem/Rel = Relation
- +Sem/Route = Route
- +Sem/Rule = Rule or convention
- +Sem/Semcon = Semantic concept
- +Sem/Sign = Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
- +Sem/Sport = Sport
- +Sem/State =
- +Sem/State-sick = Illness
- +Sem/Substnc = Substance, like Air and Water
- +Sem/Sur = Surname
- +Sem/Symbol = Symbol
- +Sem/Time = Time
- +Sem/Time-clock = Time clock
- +Sem/Tool = Prototypical tool for repairing things
- +Sem/Tool-catch = Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
- +Sem/Tool-clean = Tool used for cleaning
- +Sem/Tool-it = Tool used in IT
- +Sem/Tool-measr = Tool used for measuring
- +Sem/Tool-music = Music instrument
- +Sem/Tool-write = Writing tool
- +Sem/Txt = Text (girji, lávlla…)
- +Sem/Veh = Vehicle
- +Sem/Wpn = Weapon
- +Sem/Wthr = The Weather or the state of ground
- +Sem/Year - year (i.e. 1000 - 2999), used only for numerals
- +Sem/Act_Fruit
- +Sem/Act_Group Activity and Group
- +Sem/Act_Hum Activity and Human
- +Sem/Act_Plc A persons job is an activity, and a place as well
- +Sem/Act_Route Activity and Route, ie johtolat
- +Sem/Act_Tool-it
- +Sem/Amount_Build Amount and Building
- +Sem/Amount_Semcon
- +Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Build
- +Sem/Ani_Buildpart
- +Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt
- +Sem/Ani-fish
- +Sem/Ani_Group
- +Sem/Ani_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Group_Prod-vis
- +Sem/Ani_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Time
- +Sem/Ani_Plc
- +Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt
- +Sem/Ani_Time
- +Sem/Ani_Veh
- +Sem/Aniprod_Hum
- +Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo
- +Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plc
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plc_Route
- +Sem/Body-abstr_Feat-psych
- +Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon
- +Sem/Body_Body-abstr
- +Sem/Body_Clth
- +Sem/Body_Food
- +Sem/Body_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Body_Group_Hum_Time
- +Sem/Body_Hum
- +Sem/Body_Mat
- +Sem/Body_Measr
- +Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch
- +Sem/Body_Plc
- +Sem/Body_Plc-elevate
- +Sem/Body_Time
- +Sem/Build_Clthpart
- +Sem/Build_Edu_Org
- +Sem/Build_Event_Org
- +Sem/Build_Obj
- +Sem/Build_Org
- +Sem/Build_Route
- +Sem/Build-room_Cat_Ctain_Mat
- +Sem/Buildpart_Cat
- +Sem/Buildpart_Cat_Ctain
- +Sem/Buildpart_Cat_Ctain_Mat
- +Sem/Buildpart_Ctain
- +Sem/Buildpart_Ctain_Mat
- +Sem/Buildpart_Ctain_Obj
- +Sem/Cat_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Cat_Group_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Cat_Edu
- +Sem/Cat_Obj
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr_Obj
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr_Obj_Org
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Fruit
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Money
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant
- +Sem/Clth_Hum
- +Sem/Clth_Obj-clo
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh
- +Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys
- +Sem/Ctain_Furn
- +Sem/Ctain_Plc
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr
- +Sem/Curr_Org
- +Sem/Dance_Org
- +Sem/Dance_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Domain_Food-med
- +Sem/Domain_Hum
- +Sem/Domain_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Drink_Plant
- +Sem/Edu_Event
- +Sem/Edu_Geom
- +Sem/Edu_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Edu_Hum
- +Sem/Edu_Mat
- +Sem/Edu_Org
- +Sem/Event_Food
- +Sem/Event_Hum
- +Sem/Event_Plc
- +Sem/Event_Plc-elevate
- +Sem/Event_Time
- +Sem/Feat-measr_Plc
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Veh
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr
- +Sem/Feat-psych_Hum
- +Sem/Feat-psych_Plc
- +Sem/Food_Obj-surfc
- +Sem/Feat_Plant
- +Sem/Food_Perc-phys
- +Sem/Food_Plant
- +Sem/Food_Sign
- +Sem/Fruit_Hum
- +Sem/Game_Obj-play
- +Sem/Geom_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Geom_Obj
- +Sem/Group_Hum
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Org
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc-abstr
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Time
- +Sem/Group_Org
- +Sem/Group_Prod-vis
- +Sem/Group_Sign
- +Sem/Group_Txt
- +Sem/Hum_Lang
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Time
- +Sem/Hum_Mat_Tool
- +Sem/Hum_Obj
- +Sem/Hum_Org
- +Sem/Hum_Sign
- +Sem/Hum_Part
- +Sem/Hum_Plant
- +Sem/Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Hum_Sign
- +Sem/Hum_Tool
- +Sem/Hum_Tool-it = Human
- +Sem/Hum_Veh
- +Sem/Hum_Wthr
- +Sem/Lang_Tool
- +Sem/Mat_Plant
- +Sem/Mat_Txt
- +Sem/Measr_Obj_Time
- +Sem/Measr_Sign = Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
- +Sem/Measr_Time
- +Sem/Money_Obj
- +Sem/Money_Org
- +Sem/Money_Part
- +Sem/Money_Txt
- +Sem/Obj-play
- +Sem/Obj-play_Sport
- +Sem/Obj_Semcon
- +Sem/Obj_Sign
- +Sem/Obj_Veh
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Org
- +Sem/Obj_Symbol
- +Sem/Org_Rule
- +Sem/Org_Buildpart
- +Sem/Org_Txt
- +Sem/Org_Veh
- +Sem/Part_Prod-cogn
- +Sem/Part_Substnc
- +Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr
- +Sem/Plant_Plantpart
- +Sem/Plant_Tool
- +Sem/Plant_Tool-measr
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Route
- +Sem/Plc_Pos
- +Sem/Plc_Route
- +Sem/Plc_Semcon
- +Sem/Plc_State
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr
- +Sem/Plc_Time
- +Sem/Plc_Tool-catch
- +Sem/Plc_Txt
- +Sem/Plc_Wthr
- +Sem/Prod-audio_Txt
- +Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt
- +Sem/Semcon_Txt
- +Sem/Obj_State
- +Sem/Substnc_Wthr
- +Sem/Plc_Time_Wthr
- +Sem/Time_Wthr
- +Sem/State-sick_Substnc
- +Sem/Obj-ling_Obj-surfc
- +Sem/Org_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Org_Prod-cogn
- +Sem/Org_Prod-vis
- +URL
- +CLBfinal Sentence final abbreviated expression ending in full stop, the full stop is ambiguous
- k4 l4 t4 p4 c4 t4 č4 = these are consonants that change in cg
- b6 d6 g6 = these are consonants that change in clitics: jiemge, epke
- i2 i3 u2 â2 = stemvowel changing to e, e.g. kyeli:kyeˊle
- i3 = stemvowel changing to e, e.g. kyeli:kyeˊle (why i3)
- i4 = this is the postvocalic i consonant, realised as i
- i5 = comitative suffix-begin in loanwords
- i6 j6 = these are fake vowel and consonant, to get rules to function for exeptions
- a5 ä5 á5 e5 u5 o5 y5 = these vowels do not change, e.g. pyerá
- h5 j5 m5 ŋ5 t5 c5 d5 = these consonants do not change in WG
- l5 t5 r5 č5 k5 z5 = these consonants do not change in WG
- ∑ used for dynamic compounds, Capital Greek Sigma, Alt-Shift-S
- ^RC = Root consonant dummy
- ^RV = Root vowel dummy
- ^SC = Suffix consonant dummy
- ^SV = Suffix vowel dummy
- ^VO = vowel copy
- ^CLEN Consonant lengthening in qual WG
- ^CSH Consonant shortening (not WG)
- ^FCD Final consonant deletion
- ^FVD Final vowel deletion
- ^EA is á and root vowel change in Ill Sg of i-stems
- ^EX = Stem vowel: i to â where it should have been á, this is Err/Orth only
- ^RLEN Root vowel lengthening (impl. WG)
- ^RVSH Root vow shortening
- ^SLEN Suffix vowel lengthening
- ^SVLOW Suffix vowel lowering â > á and u > o
- ^SVSH Second syllable vowel shortening
- ^VLOW is Vowel lowering in 3rd sg of contract verbs tuhhid:tohhe
- ^WG Weak grade trigger
- ^ÁE á->e
- ^ÁI á->i
- ^VHIGH = hightening of vowels for verbs o to uu, a to oo
^VBACK = back vowels for verbs, ä to a (when needed, normally 2syll a |
â is enough |
- ^IUML = â to e in front of high suffixes
- ^BLOCK = This symbol just to block otherwise triggering contexts
Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
- » derivation boundary symbols (for hunspell etc. not in use (?))
- « derivation
- %> suffix
- %< prefix
- +Use/NG not-generate, for ped generation isme-ped.fst
- +Use/MT generate only for MT
- +Use/Circ
- +Use/-PMatch = for preprocessing
- +Use/PMatch = for preprocessing
- @P.Pmatch.Backtrack@ = for preprocessing
- @P.Pmatch.Loc@ =
Variants within the same paradigm
- +v1
+v4 for different paradigm variants of same lexeme
- +Hom1
+Hom2 for different homonymous lexemes
- +Allegro
The prefix (before “/”) is Cmp.
- +Cmp/Hyph compounds where first part ends in -
- +Cmp/SgNom compounds where first part is Sg Nom
- +Cmp/PlNom compounds where first part is Pl Nom
- +Cmp/Attr compounds where first part is Attr
- +Cmp/SgGen compounds where first part is Sg Gen
- +Cmp/PlGen compounds where first part is Pl Gen
- +Cmp/SplitR compounds where first part is a split compound hmm
- +Cmp/Sh compounds where first part is a short form
- +Cmp This tag to mark there is a compound. It comes after the Cmp/xxx tag.
The prefix (before “/”) is CmpNP:
(meaning: this is the normative position of thus tag)
- +CmpNP/All - … in all positions, default, this tag does not have to be written
- +CmpNP/First - … only be first part in a compound or alone
- +CmpNP/Pref - … only first part in a compound, NEVER alone
- +CmpNP/Last - … only be last part in a compound or alone
- +CmpNP/Suff - … only last part in a compound, NEVER alone
- +CmpNP/None - … does not take part in compounds
- +CmpNP/Only - … only be part of a compound, i.e. can never be used alone, but can appear in any position
The prefix (before “/”) is CmpN:
(meaning: this is the normative position of thus tag)
The tagged part of the compound should make a compound using:
- +CmpN/SgN Singular Nominative
- +CmpN/SgG Singular Genitive
- +CmpN/PlG Plural Genitive
Unmarked = Default, ie +CmpN/SgN
for SMN.
The second part of the compound may require that the previous (left part) is:
- +CmpN/SgNomLeft Singular Nominative
- +CmpN/SgGenLeft Singular Genitive
- +CmpN/PlGenLeft Plural Genitive
Language tagged names
- +OLang/ENG
- +OLang/FIN
- +OLang/NNO
- +OLang/NOB
- +OLang/SME
- +OLang/SMJ
- +OLang/SMA
- +OLang/SWE
- +OLang/UND
- +OLang/RUS
- +OLang/PARA - parallelle navn, navnet skal ikke overføres til andre samisk språk
Flag diacritics
We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using following
flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics - only allow compounds
with verbs if the verb is further derived into a noun again.
The P sets positive value, the C clears it.
Flag |
Explanation |
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ |
(Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ |
(Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@C.NeedNoun@ |
(Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@R.NeedNoun.ON@ |
(Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised |
@D.ErrOrth.ON@ |
Disallow ErrOrth |
@C.ErrOrth@ |
Clear ErrOrth flag |
@P.ErrOrth.ON@ |
Set positive value for ErrOrth flag |
@R.ErrOrth.ON@ |
Reset ErrOrth Flag |
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
to control position-based compounding restrictions for nominals. Their use is
handled automatically if combined with +CmpN/xxx tags. If not used, they will
do no harm.
Flag |
Explanation |
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ |
Require that words tagged as such only appear first |
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ |
Block such words from entering ENDLEX |
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ |
Block these words from making further compounds |
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ |
Block such words from entering R |
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ |
Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ |
Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding |
@U.CmpNone.TRUE@ |
Combines with the two previous ones to block compounding |
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ |
Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R |
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ |
Disallow words coming directly from root. |
@D.CmpHyph.TRUE@ |
Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@U.CmpHyph.FALSE@ |
Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@U.CmpHyph.TRUE@ |
Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@C.CmpHyph@ |
Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@P.CmpHyph.TRUE@ |
Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
@N.CmpHyph.TRUE@ |
Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns |
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
nouns (e.g. Finnish Pariisi -> pariisilainen). See e.g. North Sámi for how to use
these flags. There exists a ready-made regex that will do the actual down-casing
given the proper use of these flags.
Flag |
Explanation |
@U.Cap.Obl@ |
Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.Cap.Opt@ |
Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. |
@U.NeedsVowRed.OFF@ |
is used to force hyphenation/non-reduction: samediggi- |
@U.NeedsVowRed.ON@ |
is used to force reduction w/o hyphen: samedigge#xxx |
@C.NeedsVowRed@ |
Clearing this feature, so that it doesn’t interfere with further compounding |
@C.Px@ |
Clear px |
@C.Nom3Px@ |
@P.Px.add@ |
@R.Px.add@ |
@P.Px.block@ |
@D.Px.block@ |
@P.Nom12Px.add@ |
@R.Nom12Px.add@ |
@P.Nom3Px.add@ |
@R.Nom3Px.add@ |
@P.Vgen.add@ |
@R.Vgen.add@ |
@R.SpellRlx.ON@ |
Flag used to tag spell-relax-analysed strings (and only those). |
@D.SpellRlx.ON@ |
Flag used to tag spell-relax-analysed strings (and only those). |
@C.SpellRlx@ |
Flag used to tag spell-relax-analysed strings (and only those). |
@R.SpaceCmp.ON@ |
Flag to tag compounds written with a space |
@D.SpaceCmp.ON@ |
Flag to tag compounds written with a space |
@C.SpaceCmp@ |
Flag to tag compounds written with a space |
Use the following flag diacritics to control harmony in numeral case inflection
Flag |
Explanation |
@U.Case.SgNom@ |
Unifies with case Nominative |
@U.Case.PlNom@ |
Unifies with case Nominative |
@U.Case.SgGen@ |
Unifies with case Genitive |
@U.Case.PlGen@ |
Unifies with case Genitive |
@U.Case.PlAcc@ |
Unifies with case Accusative |
@U.Case.SgLoc@ |
Unifies with case Locative |
@U.Case.PlLoc@ |
Unifies with case Locative |
@U.Case.SgIll@ |
Unifies with case Illative |
@U.Case.PlIll@ |
Unifies with case Illative |
@U.Case.SgCom@ |
Unifies with case Comitative |
@U.Case.Ess@ |
Unifies with case Essive |
@U.Number.Sg@ |
Unifies with number Singular - perhaps not in use |
@U.Number.Pl@ |
Unifies with number Plural - perhaps not in use |
Flag diacritic |
Explanation | |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.two@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.three@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.four@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.five@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.six@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; | |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.eight@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.nine@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; | |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
Basic lexica, pointing to the other lexicon files
Lexicon Root where everyting starts
- @U.Cap.Obl@ ProperNoun ; propernouns, always uppercase
- @U.Cap.Opt@ ProperNoun ; propernouns, downcased for derivations: aanaarlâš
- Abbreviation ;
- Acronym ;
- AdjectiveRoot ;
- NounRoot ;
- VerbRoot ;
- Adverb ;
- Particle ;
- Subjunction ;
- Conjunction ;
- Adposition ;
- Interjection ;
- Numeral ;
- Pronoun ;
- Punctuation ;
- Symbols ;
We split of the 3 lexica defined above already here:
- LEXICON Abbreviation directing to both smi (common) and smn abbrs.
- Abbreviation-smn ;
- Abbreviation-smi ;
- LEXICON Acronym splitting in common and smn
- Acronym-smi ;
- Acronym-smn ;
- LEXICON ProperNoun point
- Prefix-Proper ;
- ProperNoun-smn ;
- @N.CmpHyph.TRUE@ ProperNoun-smi-nocomp ; Lexicon for short names - always require hyphen
- ProperNoun-smi ;
Lexicon ENDLEX
And this is the ENDLEX of everything:
**@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@@D.CmpPref.TRUE@@D.NeedNoun.ON@ # ;**
The @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@
flag diacritic is ued to disallow words tagged
with +CmpNP/Only to end here.
The @D.NeedNoun.ON@
flag diacritic is used to block illegal compounds.
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/root.lexc