Inari Sámi NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Sentence delimiters are the following: <.> <!> <?> <…> <¶>



This section lists all the tags inherited from the fst, and used as tags in the syntactic analysis. The next section, Sets, contains sets defined on the basis of the tags listed here, those set names are not visible in the output.

Beginning and end of sentence


Parts of speech tags


Tags for POS sub-categories

Pers Dem Interr Indef Recipr Refl Rel Coll NomAg G3 Prop

Tags for morphosyntactic properties

Nom Acc Gen Ill Loc Com Ess Sg Du Pl RCmpnd Cmpnd SgNomCmp SgGenCmp ShCmp PxSg1 PxSg2 PxSg3 PxDu1 PxDu2 PxDu3 PxPl1 PxPl2 PxPl3 Comp Superl Attr Ord Qst IV TV Prt Prs Ind Pot Cond Imprt ImprtII Sg1 Sg2 Sg3 Du1 Du2 Du3 Pl1 Pl2 Pl3 Inf ConNeg Neg PrfPrc VGen PrsPrc Ger Sup Actio

Tags for clitic particles

Foc/ge Foc/gen Foc/ges Foc/gis Foc/naj Foc/ba Foc/be Foc/hal Foc/han Foc/bat Foc/son

Derivation tags

Der/PassL Der/PassS Der/NomAg NomAg Der/adda Der/ahtti Der/alla Der/asti Der/easti Der/d Der/eaddji Der/eamoš Der/amoš Der/geahtes Der/gielat Der/NuA (what is NuA?) Der/h Der/heapmi Der/hudda Der/huhtti Der/huvva Der/halla Der/j Der/l Der/laš Der/las Der/hat Der/mállet Der/meahttun Der/muš Der/NomAct Der/st Der/stuvva Der/upmi Der/supmi Der/vuotâ Der/kyetti Der/lagan Der/lágán Der/lágaš Der/jagáš Der/jahkásaš Der/diibmosaš Der/dássásaš Der/A Der/Dimin Der/viđá Der/viđi Der/veara Der/duohke Der/duohkai Der/vuolle Der/vuollai Der/vuolde

### Semantic tags ### Syntactic tags @+FAUXV @+FMAINV @-FAUXV @-FMAINV @-FSUBJ> @-F<OBJ @-FOBJ> @-FSPRED<OBJ @-F<ADVL @-FADVL> @-F<SPRED @-F<OPRED @-FSPRED> @-FOPRED> @>ADVL @ADVL< @<ADVL @ADVL> @ADVL @HAB> @<HAB @>N @>Interj @N< @>A @P< @>P @HNOUN @INTERJ @>Num @Pron< @>Pron @Num< @OBJ @<OBJ @OBJ> @OPRED @<OPRED @OPRED> @PCLE @COMP-CS< @SPRED @<SPRED @SPRED> @SUBJ @<SUBJ @SUBJ> @PPRED @APP @APP-N< @APP-Pron< @APP>Pron @APP-Num< @APP-ADVL< @VOC @CVP @CNP @X ## Sets containing sets of lists and tags This part of the file lists a large number of sets based partly upon the tags defined above, and partly upon lexemes drawn from the lexicon. See the sourcefile itself to inspect the sets, what follows here is an overview of the set types. ### Sets for Single-word sets OKTA and go, and the set INITIAL for initial letters OKTA go INITIAL ### Sets for word or not WORD REAL-WORD WORD-NOT-de NOT-COMMA ### Derivational affixes DER-V DER-N DER-A1 DER-A A-V A-NOT-V ### Case sets ADLVCASE CASE-HALFAGREEMENT CASE-AGREEMENT CASE NOT-NOM NOT-GEN NOT-ACC ### Verb sets NOT-V ### Sets for finiteness and mood REAL-NEG MOOD-V GC VFIN VFIN-POS VFIN-NOT-IMPRT VFIN-NOT-NEG NOT-PRFPRC ### Sets for person ### Sets consisting of forms of "leđe" (these ones need to be rewritten) ### Pronoun sets ### Adjectival sets and their complements ### Adverbial sets and their complements ### Sets for coordinators ### Sets for adverbs that have lookalikes Here come some adverbs that have identical twins in other POS. If these are found in Adv contexts, we treat them as adverbs. ### Sets of elements with common syntactic behaviour ### Sets for verbs V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should be the ones without an N tag following the V. The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V ... N bug. * The set COPULAS is for predicative constructions TRANS-V is the set for verbs really taking objects * Sets for verbs choosing oblique objects or adverbials * **STVLIST** is the list of strictly transitive verbs. In the rules, refer not to STVLIST, but to the set STV defined below. STRICT-TRANS-V is the set for verbs which don't let a GenAcc be a modifier of anything else than an object, e.g. Mun organiseren eatni gievkkanis. - eatni wants to be the object ### Valency sets * **PLACE-V** Those get only not locative if the target is a member TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or ANIMATE or CONCEPT. Selects more locatives than ONLY-PLACE-LOC-V ### Adverb sets ### Adjective sets ### NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features ### The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the expression **WORD - premodifiers**. The set **NOT-NPMOD** is used to find barriers between NPs. Typical usage: ... (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) ... meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., "scan to the next NP head") ### Other negatively defined morphosyntactic noun sets ### Noun sets Nominal sets defined according to their morphophonological properties Sets for lexeme homonymy (most of them are moved to where the actual rules are.) The words in the set **N-PO** can be both N and Po, the set takes that into account. ### The LAHKA set family ### Nominal sets defined according to their semantical properties * Spatial noun sets. These nouns behave like postpositions * Time sets * Amount sets * Sets for nouns with morpho-syntactic preferences * Number-related sets * Sets for case, possessive, etc. * Sets for nouns as pred * Sets for animals * Sets for things * Sets for qualities * Sets for things, not necessarily tools * Sets for things such that people can be inside them: * Sets for things such that people cannot be inside them: * Part-whole sets for human * Sets for places * Sets that can both be buildings/places and represent humans * Sets denoting relations ### Miscellaneous sets ### Border sets and their complements ### Multilingual sets Conjunction sets ### Syntactic sets ALLSYNTAG NON-APP *These were the set types.* * * * This (part of) documentation was generated from [src/cg3/introdisambiguation.cg3](