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Sublexica for Noun

Even-syllable stems

2syll stems

LEXICON MUORRA Standard even stems with cg (note Q1). OBS: Nouns with invisible 3>2 cg (as busºsa) go to this lexicon.

LEXICON TÁLLA Same as MUORRA, but for words with º (extra length). Not in MUORRA because of other err/orths

LEXICON ALMME Same as MUORRA, but with special -LASJ derivation. For noun that have strong grade -lasj. “Almmelasj” instead of “almálasj” which is Err/Orth-taged..

LEXICON NOADE Even stem without cg. OBS: No nouns with invisible 3>2 cg (as busºsa) in this lexicon. OBS: Because of denominal nouns taking a weak grade stem, entries in grade 3 are given the gradation mark º in order to prevent alternation to weak grade. We should consider creating a separate denominal nouns lexicon for NOADE instead.

LEXICON KÁFFA For even-syll words with cg cg III-I: káf’fa-káfav, jáf’fo-jáfo. No vowelchanges jet, need new twolc code.

LEXICON LINNJA Only for the loan word “linnja”. Because it’s a loan word, the “nnj” is pronounced “nn-j”, and therefore does not behave as the regular lule sami “nj” sound and therefore it doesn’t follow the rule that makes a:á in 1. grade with short vowel in first syllable (It isn’t as linnja-linjáv or birás-birrasav). This word is therefore sub taged. Norwegian/Swedish words with a short “i” followed by two different consonants are assimilated to lule sami in different manners accoring to the consonants in question, but the word is always on grade III (Morén-Duolljá 2014). Both err/orth and correct form is part of this lexicon.

LEXICON BOAKSA Only for word “boaksa”. Both boaksa-båvsa and Err/Orth boaksa-båksa are part of lexicon.

LEXICON SÁMEGIEL Compounds on -giella, with short -giel as middle compound (sámegielåhpadiddje)

LEXICON AHKA Words like tjerastahka, with short compound form

LEXICON DARRHA Only for “darrha” or compounds that end on “darrha”.

Nouns with comparatives

LEXICON GÁDDE 2 syllable stems with cg (note Q1) with comparatives, like MUORRA

LEXICON VUODO 2 syllable stems without cg (note Q1) with comparatives, like NOADE

LEXICON SJIEVNNJET Like GAHPER but with comparatives. Odd-syllable C-final noun without cg, no vowchange, no short Ess.

LEXICON ÅLGGO Like MUORRA, but with comparatives. This lexicon was previously without sg ill/ine/elat, but these nouns can be conjugated for regular location cases. However, “adverbs” like ålggot (from outside), nuorttan (at north), oarjas (to south), etc., are more commonly used to denote location/direction (should therefore maybe consider subing the regular location case forms).

LEXICON MIEHTE Like MUORRA but no locative/elative/illative sg. Presently no words in this lexica except for err subed nuortto

Plural stems

LEXICON BÅVSÅ Like MUORRA, only in plural. All, except ganta, juvdá and ávta, have regular, singular stem counterparts.

LEXICON LÅHTSASA Like GAHPER, only in plural. Without derivations, these should maybe be added.

Partially assimilated loanwords. The first part of the word is “citation borrowed” and keeps its norwegian/swedish orthography, only the last two syllables are adapted to sami.

LEXICON MUORRA_LOAN For loan words that do not fit in a loan word lexicon because of wrong short cmp, or partially assimilated loanwords without separate lexicas (medállja), or for Err/Orths assimilated with cg but with other errors. This lexicon gives no short compound forms. Potential short cmps must therefore be hard coded into the FirstComponent lexicon. This also for compounded words with partially assimilated loan words. Examples of problem words: sirup>siráhppa og stetoskop>stetoskoahppa.

LEXICON MUORRA_LOAN_NO_LASJ Like MUORRA_LOAN without -lasj derivation. This lexicon is made for Sem/Hum words like økonåvmmå, biolåvggå, agronåvmmå and so on. We don’t want agronåvmålasj since it means something else than “agronomisk”, the meaning of agronåvmålasj is barely used but messed up with “agronomijjalasj”

LEXICON MUORRA_LOAN_EXTRA_LENGTH Same as MUORRA_LOAN just for words with º (extra length).

LEXICON KAFIEDJA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -edja. Ends on -é in norwegian. Short and long cmp. “Kafea” and “kaféa” are subtaged. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA.

LEXICON ALLEGORIJJA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -i in NOR/SWE, with long and short compound form. Standardized as-iddja (SWE) and -ijºja (NOR). Previously often assimilated as -ija (or just -ia), but both forms are ungrammatical: Short vowels cannot preceed and follow a single intervocalic consonant. -ija is thus ungrammatical as the short a would be lenghtened to á, like “idja-ijá”.

LEXICON TEKSTIJLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijlla with long and short compound-form. . Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON ASIJLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijlla, from nor and swe words ending on -yl. With long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON BENSIJNNA Recent loanwords on -ijnna with long and short compound-form

LEXICON BENSIJNNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijnna with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON MASJIJNNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjijnna with long and short compound-form: -SKIN

LEXICON ADJEKTIJVVA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijvva with long and short compound-form

LEXICON PARADIJSSA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijssa with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON TELEFÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvnnå with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON INSTITUSJÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -TION IN SWEDISH. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON MISJÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -SSION IN SWEDISH. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON PENSJÅVNNÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -SION IN SWEDISH. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON PARTISIHPPA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords from swe -cip and nor -sipp, becoming -sihppa in Norway, both -sijppa and -sihppa are used in Sweden (Particip vs partisipp). Short and long compound-form.

LEXICON ALKOHÅVLLÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvllå with long and short compound-form. The old stadarization form “alkohola” is sub taged. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON AGRONÅVMMÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvmma with long and short compound-form. -lasj derivation is error taged. The old stadarization form -oma that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged.

LEXICON DEMAGÅVGGÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -og with long and short compound form. Assimilated to smj as -åvggå. -lasj derivation is error taged. The old stadarization -oga that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged.

LEXICON LAKTÅVSSÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -ose in nrowegian and -os in swedish, with long and short compound form. Assimilated to smj as -åvsså. The old stadarization -oga that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged.

LEXICON FAKTÅVRRÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvrrå with long and short compound-form.

LEXICON MIKROSKÅVPPÅ_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvppå (-op in NOB/SWE) with long and short compound-form. Long vowel and short consonant is assimilated with njuoban, but somehow a lot of -op words are assimilated -oahppa (biskop is pronounced as -opp, so that’s different, maybe some have used “biskop” as template), so this is Err/Orth taged.

LEXICON KULTUVRRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -vrra with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON TERAPÆVTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ævtta/ievtta with long and short compound-form. No -lasj derivation. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON ADVÆRBBA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ærbba with long and short compound-form

LEXICON SUBSTÁNSSA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ánssa with long and short compound-form. Originally -ans in SWE and NOR. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON VALÆNSSA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ænssa with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON ADVOKÁHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -áhtta with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON ALFABIEHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords originally on -et both in Norway and Sweden. Assimilation differences, however, create two lule sami forms: -iehtta in NOR and -æhtta in SWE. LONG -e is assimilated in different ways in Norway and Sweden: In Norway, it becomes -ie, and in Sweden -e. Tiedja/tedja, systiebma/systebma and so on. This is especially apparent in assimilated words with long e in third grade: E becomes æ in third grade so we get “universitæhtta” in SWE, but this is very strange to people on the norwegian side of the border as they want “universitiehtta”. Both -ie and -e are dialtaged in lexicons HYDROGIEDNA, APOTIEHKKA, SYSTIEBMA, KAFÉ. Previously people often wrote -ehtta in Norway, but this is incorrect as e always becomes æ in grade three.

LEXICON INTERNÆHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -æhtta with long and short compound-form: -ET IN SWEDISH, -ETT in norwegian. Differs from ALFABIEHTTA because -ehtta isn’t used in NOR.

LEXICON TABLÆHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -æhtta with long and short compound-form. -ETT in both norwegian and in swedish.

LEXICON INSTITUHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -uhtta, with long and short compound-form on -utt(NOR)/-ut(SWE). The swedish -ut also gets uvtta, as ANTIHKKA-antijkka, but instituhtta is also used in sweden, so no Area/NO tag.

LEXICON SATELIHTTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ihtta, with long and short compound-form on -itt(NOR)/-it(SWE). The swedish -it also gets ijtta, as ANTIHKKA-antijkka, but satelihtta is also used in sweden, so no Area/NO tag.

LEXICON APOTIEHKKA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -iehkka in NOR, -æhkka in SWE. -ehkka as sub. With long and short compound-form on -k. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA.

old “apotehkka” (long e not allowed in grad III, even though it’s in dictionaries it’s wrong)

LEXICON ANTIHKKA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -hkka in Norway, both -ijkka and -hkka are used in Sweden (Antik vs antikk). With long and short compound-form on -kk/-k. The swedish forms were earlier added to stems for the Swedish version, but now added here.

LEXICON SEMINÁRRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -árra with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON AREÁLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -álla with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON AMBASSADERRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ør with long and short compound-form. Standarized by Giellagálldo 05.05.14 as -erra. -ørra is subtaged

LEXICON VETERINERRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -erra. Words ending in -ær in both SWE and NOR. Both long and short compound-form. The old standardization form -æra, without cg, is subtaged, -also -ær’ra and -ærra.

LEXICON ATMOSFERRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords -on erra. But with different endings in SE and NO, ending on -ære, -ær in NOR and -är, -ära in SWE (Ingefær NO, ingefära in SE). Only long compound-form, short form must be hardcoded in firstcompnent lexicon. The old standardization form -æra, and -era, without cg, are subtaged, -also -ær’ra and -ærra.

LEXICON KARAKTIERRA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords -on ierra in NOR, -erra in SWE, because of long e assimilates diffenrent ways. Words ending on -er in NOR, and -er or -är in SWE. Only long compound-form, short form must be hardcoded in firstcompnent lexicon.

LEXICON TABÆLLA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -älºla with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON TELEGRÁMMA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ámºma with long and short compound-form

LEXICON TOPOGRÁFFA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -áfºfa with long and short compound-form, no -lasj derivation since most of these words are humans.

LEXICON SYSTIEBMA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ebma/-iebma with long and short compound-form. -em in NOR and SWE. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON ORGÁDNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ádna with long and short compound-form

LEXICON KOLLÆKTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ækta with long and short compound-form

LEXICON HYDROGIEDNA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -iedna in NOR and -edna in SWE. Both long and short compound-form. Norwegian/swedish -en. The old standardization form -ena, without cg, is subtaged. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABIEHTTA.

LEXICON PATÆNNTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ænnta with long and short compound-form. The -ennta form (used in “Ådå testamennta”) is taged as sub (e always becomes æ in grade three).

LEXICON VARIÁNNTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ánnta with long and short compound-form. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON FANATISSMA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ssma with long and short compound-form.

LEXICON TURISSTA_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ssta with long and short compound-form. -lasj derivation is error taged. Frequently typos that does not follow lulesami rules are sub taged; These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

Loanwords becoming odd-syll

LEXICON PRIEMIJ_CMP_INFL Assimilated loanwords. on -ie/-y, like premie and bandy. Become odd syllable loan words with cg, like “riebij”. Nom: premij, gen prebmiha. Long and short essive.

Loanwords becoming contracted-syll

See further down: ÅLMÅJ_LOAN

Error-lexicons, made to not get too many entries with both Err/Orth and correct

LEXICON A_CMP_INFL Sub-forms. Lexicon for giving sub-variation conjugation by simply adding an -a to the norwegian/swedish word. No cg. Like “alkohola” and “agronoma”. These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries.

LEXICON ERR/ORTH_EVEN_WEAK_CASES Even stem Err/orth lexicon without nominative, illative and essive. Only for entries with ERR/ORTH tag. Made so that we don’t get entries that are both norm and with error tag. Entries like “ålggo” have no grade alternation, a common error is writing it like it has, ålggo>ålgov. tálla>tálav, klimáksa>klimáksav, prefiksa>prefiksav, barggo>barggov

LEXICON ERR/ORTH_EVEN_WEAK_CASES2 Even stem Err/orth lexicon without nominative, illative and essive, AND ALSO without Sg+Gen, Sg+Ine, Pl+Nom, Pl+Com and Pl+Gen (to not get homonemies.

LEXICON ERR/ORTH_EVEN_STRONG_CASES Even stem Err/orth lexicon with only nominative, illative and essive. Only for entries with ERR/ORTH tag. Made so that we don’t get entries that are both norm and with error tag. Hydrogena is used as nom and is err/orth, hydrogena>hydrogenav is not err/orth. marináda-nom, banána-nom

LEXICON ERR/ORTH_ODD Err/Orth lexicon doing the opposit of what odd-syllable nouns do. Strong grade in nom and weak in all other. fiehpar-fiebara

Badly assimilated loanwords

LEXICON NOADE_BADASS 2 syll stems without cg. Badly or wrongly assimilated words, ie. assimilated in a way that isn’t lulesami. (Same as NOADE) Most of the words are Err/Orth tagged with a standardized lemma. Some are Err/Lex tagged, 5.9.2019: EJP/SNM: fjerna +Use/-Spell - sjølv om vi ikkje likar orda, så vil vi sjå til at dei blir skrive rett etter smj-ortografien! Dei fleste orda er uansett merka med +Err/Orth :)

LEXICON C_ILL_IJ_BADASS Badly or wrongly assimilated words. Last letter is consonant, no cg, no vowchange, with illative -ij. (Same as GAHPER) Assimilated in a way that isn’t lulesami. Most of the words are Err/Orth tagged with a standardized lemma. Some are Err/Lex tagged, and some only recieve the +Use/-Spell tag from the lexicon.

LEXICON C_ILL_AJ_BADASS Badly or wrongly assimilated words. Last letter in consonant, no cg, no vowchange, with illative -aj. Should have been assimilated to even-syll, but are used as odd-syll, and mostly just assimilated with changing to letter á. So almosed same as CELSIUS_UNASS.

Unassimilated loanwords

LEXICON KINO_UNASS_CMP_INFL V-final unassimilated loanwords. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Words that aren’t assimilated at all. Really just norwegian words with a kind of sami inflection. Get even syllable case marking. Are part of the spell checker.

LEXICON C_ILL_IJ_UNASS C-final unassimilated loanwords, gives illative- ij. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Really just foreign words with a kind of sami inflection. Odd syllable case marking (like GAHPER). Are part of the spell checker.

LEXICON C_ILL_AJ_UNASS C-final unassimilated loanwords, gives illativ -aj. Also odd-syll words ending on letter i, as selleri. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Really just norwegian words with a kind of sami inflection. Case marking like standard even 4 syllable stems (see proper nouns file on the case marking of foreign words with stressed last syllable). Are part of the spell checker.

+Der4+Der/ahtes:e»g AHTES ; Only for odd-syllble stems

4syll stems

LEXICON GÅNÅGIS Standard C-final 4-syllabic stems

LEXICON BERULASJ For words ending on -asj. Same as GÅNÅGIS but with strong essive and illative -adjtan and -adtjaj subtaged, same with PX “-adjtam”. These forms are barely used today. -lahttja is also Err/Orth-taged.

LEXICON BEDNAGASJ Like BERULASJ, but for derived nouns in diminutive. No cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation since these words already are dimin, ie. no double dim as for GAHPER. No abessive, not totally sure about this, I think we must use postposition dagi when it’s diminutive,

LEXICON HÁVSAGUSJ Like BEDNAGASJ, but not diminutive. No cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation. No abessive, not totally sure about this, I think we must use postposition dagi when it’s diminutive,

LEXICON JIHPELIJ gen:jihpelahá

LEXICON OARJJILIJ gen:oarjjilihá

LEXICON VIESSOMUJ gen:viessumuhá

4 syllable plurals

LEXICON OADÁDAGÁ Plural forms of words like tjerastahka with short compound-form

LEXICON BERRAHATTJA Plural stems. Like IEDNITJA, these do not have corresponding singular stems. Most stems here have the same form as the pl nom form of diminutive derivations, but (while it may have originated as a diminuitive derivation) it is not the same derivation (today) and it does not have a singular form.


LEXICON SISSNELUHÁ plurals. presently only for sissŋeluhá

LEXICON DAGI_SINGULAR Earlier we generated “bijladagi” and bijlajdagi as abbessiv. This has been fixed, but to be able to analyse what we earlier generated, we needed this lexicon. Only singular. Gives Err/tag to “bijladagi” and makes correct “bijla dagi”.

LEXICON DAGI_PLURAL Earlier we generated “bijladagi” and bijlajdagi as abbessiv. This has been fixed, but to be able to analyse what we earlier generated, we needed this lexicon. Only plural. Gives Err/tag to “bijlajdagi” and makes correct “bijlaj dagi”.

Adjectival sublexicas. Give 4 syll adjectives inflection


LEXICON N-EVENWEAKSTEM-NO-ABE same as N-EVENWEAKSTEM but without abessive (abessive it Err/Infl-taged). Used for 4-syll nouns

Compound lexicas

Odd-syllable stems

without cg

LEXICON GAHPER Odd-syllable C-final noun without cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Spiik A3

with cg

LEXICON ÅRES Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG, 2ndsyll vowchange. Long and short essive. Spiik A1

LEXICON SÅHKÅR Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG and 2ndsyll vowelchange. Has only long essive. Spiik 2b

LEXICON MIEHTAR Only for word “miehtar”. Same as SÅHKÅR but with Area-differences and a lot of Err/Orths.

LEXICON GÁMAS Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG, no 2ndsyll vowchange (OBS: a does not change). Long and short essive. Spiik A2

LEXICON BENA Odd-syllable V-final noun with cg, no 2nsyll vowchange. Deletes g. Long and short essive. Spiik 2a

Irregular stems

LEXICON SUOBDE gen: suobddega. Presently only for “suobde”. For some reason -e dosn’t become á. So not in lexicon BENA. Long and short essive.

LEXICON SÁGE gen: sáhkaha. Presently only for “ságe”. Long and short essive.

LEXICON BAVSEV Ends on -v and last vowel changes to i: bavsev:baksIma. Not like gierkav gierkkAma and birev birEma.

LEXICON RÁBEV rábev:ráhpuga. Presently only for “rábev”.

LEXICON RITJAS ! Like GÁMAS but without stem a-lengthening for grade I (underlying long -i-). presently only for “ritjas”.

LEXICON SÅGAS gen: sågaska. Presently only for “sågas”.

LEXICON SJUVÁJ Presently only for “sjuváj”. sjuváj-sjuvvaga. Only this word

LEXICON BØSOJ Because of bösoj in O.Korhonen, and bæsoj-bessuga. Only for these two words. J becomes g.

LEXICON GUOVSOJVUOJOJ vuojoj:vuodjom. Presently only for “guovsojvuojoj”.

LEXICON BUTJES butjes-buttjása. Presently only for “butjes”. This is an sub. Korhonen has this form but if you look in Grundstöm it’s buttjes-budtjasa. Must be a typo in Korhonen, because ttj-tj dosn’t exist in smj. This form is err subed in stems file.

LEXICON TJÅLKES tjålkes:tjoalkkas- Presently only for “tjålkes and tsålkes”. This must be wrong, and it dosn’t exist in Grundström. Å in 1. syll isn’t possible with e in 2. syll. Must be tjoalkes-tjoalkkása or tjålkas-tjoalkkasa. This form is err subed in stems file.

LEXICON VÁJES vájes:vádjas- Presently only for “báhkovájes”. It’s a sub: 2. syll e doesn’t become a. Must be vájes-vádjása or vájas-vádjasa. The second is used in NT, so I belive thats the right one. This form is err subed in stems file.

Derived stems

LEXICON BADJEL Derived nouns with acc -elav, ill -elij, elat -elas, etc. These were previously categorized as adpositions and adverbs, but according to Bruce Morén-Duolljá (2014) they are actually case forms of nouns derived from certain location nouns. Derived from even strong stems (badje -> badjel). Odd syllable inflection, but only singular nominative-elative (not clear if they take comitative and essive case). With comparatives. No Px.

LEXICON BÁRNEP bárnep:bárnebu-. Comparisation of nouns. No -ahtá abesive.

LEXICON OAPPÁSJ Like GAHPER, but for derived nouns in diminutive, have an underived form. Doesn’t get abesive -ahtá or -ahtes derivation. Oddsyll, no cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation since these words already are dimin, ie. not double dim as in GAHPER.

LEXICON FIERUN Like GAHPER, but instruments derived from verbs. Fierrot>fierun. No short essive.

LEXICON GUOLLÁR Like GAHPER, but actor derived from contracted verbs (ACTOR for evensyll verbs). Guollit>guollár. No short essive.

LEXICON IELLEM Nomen actionionis derived from even verbs. Earlier these went directly to VSBST-ODD, now they get tag Gram/NomAct before going there. Can’t put it in VSBST-ODD lexicon because paths from verb lexicons.

LEXICON TJIEKTJAMA Pl Nomen actionionis derived from even verbs. Earlier these went directly to VSBST-ODD-PL, now they get tag Gram/NomAct before going there. Can’t put it in VSBST-ODD-PL lexicon because of paths from verb lexicons.

LEXICON AKTIDIBME Nomen actionionis derived from uneven verbs, ending DIBME. Earlier these went directly to VSBST-EVEN, now they get tag Gram/NomAct before going there. Can’t put it in VSBST-ODD lexicon because paths from verb lexicons.

LEXICON BERUSTIBME Nomen actionionis derived from uneven verbs, ending STIBME and DIBME is Err/orth-taged. Earlier these went directly to VSBST-EVEN, now they get tag Gram/NomAct before going there. Can’t put it in VSBST-ODD lexicon because paths from verb lexicons.

Plural odd-syll

LEXICON DÁRBBAGA Like BENA, but plural. Presently only for “dárbbaga”, has singular stem counterpart.

LEXICON BÆLLJASA Like GÁMAS, but plural. These have corresponding singular stems.

LEXICON IEDNITJA Odd syllable pluralforms only. These do not have a singular form.

LEXICON SNJIERÁGA Odd syllable pluralforms only. These have corresponding singular stems.

LEXICON MANEBU oddsyllable plural only. presently only for “maŋebu”.

Contracted stems

LEXICON SUOLOJ C-final with cg II-III: ålmåj:ålmmå

LEXICON ÅLMÅJ_LOAN Same as SUOLOJ, only for loan words. Follows Ráhka/Mikkelsen’s Bårjås 2014. C-final with cg II-III: ålmåj:ålmmå

LEXICON GUOMOJ C-final with cg I-III: guomoj:guobbmu

LEXICON SARVES C-final with cg II-III. sarves:sarvvá

LEXICON SVÁLES C-final with cg I-III. sváles:svállá (lºl)

LEXICON GÅHKES C-final with cg II-III with vowel harmony (a/á=å). gåhkes:gåhkkå. Presently only for “gåhkes”.

LEXICON SJUOKKAJ sjuokkaj:sjuoggá. Presently only for “sjuokkaj”.

LEXICON GISTÁ gistá:gisstá. Presently only for “gistá”.

Contracted stems sublexica

Px lexica

LEXICON DUOLMUN Fierrot>fierun, instruments derived from verbs, used only for verb derivation, not for lexicalized lemmas. No short essive.

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/nouns.lexc