Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
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Comp, both for adverbs and adjectives Superl, both for adverbs and adjectives
Der/A Der/A* pga av bug i lookup2cg
V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should
be the ones without an N tag following the V.
The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V … N bug.
*Substitute PlcSur (Sem/Plc) (Sem/Sur)
SoriaAttr Soria Attr Moria, Harry Attr Potter-girji
Remove unwanted analyses
álbmotN, ii V.
headisge, ii heađisge.
loahppa after TIME Gen.
miiPersLeft1, miiPersLeft2, _miiPersRight select mii Pers
DemPlIll removes Dem Ill and Dem Loc in front of Acc
DemSgNom selects Dem Nom Sg if VFIN Sg3
DemIndefAttr selects Dem in front of Indef Attr, no verb to the left
DemGenSeammas selects dat Dem Gen in front seammás
DemSg removes Dem Sg when there is no Sg N to the right
datPersSg3 selects dat Pers Sg3 when there is no N to the right
PersNRel selects Pers Sg3 when there is a N and a Rel to the right
DemMeasure removes Dem in front of a Num and MEASURE or NUMUNIT in Ill
boaris A or N
garra N vs. garas A
Comp rules select Comp A
AttrVFIN removes Attr in front of VFIN
AttrnotNA removes Attr when no N or A to the right
AttrnotNA removes Attr when no N or A to the right
ANomILLA selects Nom when ILL-ADJ
AAttrDemSg1, AAttrDemPl1
AAttrDemSg2, AAttrDemPl2
AAttrDemSg3, AAttrDemPl3
AAttrDemSgIll, AAttrDemPlIll
AAttrDemSgLoc, AAttrDemPlLoc
Not attribute in front of Ess: dovddus sánálaš nissonin
AAttrN no copulas close to the left
AAttrCop copulas close to the left
AttrPlacelaš This rule selects Sem/Plc Der/lasj A Attr in front of Prop or N
ANom removes A Nom
AAttr selects A Attr
ASuperlAttr selects A Superl Attr
AdvN removes Adv
AttrTIME bad rule
AAttrCoord1 coordination, first part
AAttrCoord2 coordination, first part
PrfPrcCoordA selects PrfPrc in coordination with an A
ACoordPrfPrc selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc
AAttrContra selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc
-FMAINVInf to Inf
NPrsPrc1 with 1C N Nom
n<titel1 (@N<) for (“jr”) or (“sr”); if first one to the left is Prop
n<titel2 (@N<) for INITIAL; if first one to the left is a noun, or if to the left of you is a single letter which is part of a noun conjunction bustávas e ja f gáibiduvvo
n<:com (@N<) for (Sg Com); if first one to the left is Coll
>nAttr (@>N) for Attr; if there is a noun to your right
n>Indef (Pron Indef Attr); if eará is to the right
n>Indef (Pron Indef Com); if eará is to the right
>nNum (@>N) for numerals if; there is a noun to your right. You are not allowed to be (Sg Nom), (Sg Acc) or (Sem/Date)
noun>n (@>N) for Gen; if there is a noun to your right. Restrictions: Not if you are: a time related word. Not if you are OKTA with Pl Loc to your right. Not if CC is to your right followed by another Gen and then Po. Not if you are HUMAN and to your right is Actio Nom folloed by a noun.
>nTime (@>N) for Gen TIME-N; if timenoun to your right. Restrictions: Not if you are a OKTA Nom with Pl Loc to your right. Not if CC followed by Gen, followed by Po to your right. Not if COMMA to your right
>ntittel (@>N) for (Sg Nom TIME-N) or (Nom Der/NomAg); if to your right is Sem/Mal, Sem/Fem, Sem/Sur
>nplc (@>N) for (Sg Nom Prop Sem/Plc), if to your right is Sem/Plc
>nALU (@>N) for Sg Acc numerals; when a measure-noun to the right
>NTime (@>N) for Gen; if you are TIME-N with BOC to your left, and PREGEN to your right
This (part of) documentation was generated from tools/grammarcheckers/grc-disambiguator.cg3