Southern Lushootseed NLP Grammar

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Prefixes Prefixes in the Southern Puget Sound Salish language are attached to the beginning of other words.

Beck, David 2018: Aspectual Affixation in Lushootseed: A minor reanalysis ordering Tense/mood | Poss.subj | nominalizers | Aspect | Stem | Object/voice | others gʷə%<, ƛ̕u%<, tu%<, ɬu%<, bə%< | d%<, ad%< |s%<, dəxʷ%< | ʔu, ʔəs, lə, ləs, ləcu| X |%>s/%>bš, %>sut/%>ut, %>agʷəl, %>b |%>ləp, %>s, %>əxʷ

-1/-4?(lə=bə=ʔas-q̓ʷəl-il) proclitic Asp/Prog+:lə%< @U.TAM-HAB.HAB@:@U.TAM-HAB.HAB@ƛ̕u%< (+Hab) @U.TAM-T.REM@:@U.TAM-T.REM@tu%< (TM/Past+) @U.TAM-HAB.IRR@:@U.TAM-HAB.IRR@ɬu%< (+Fut) @U.TAM-RE.RE@:@U.TAM-RE.RE@bə%< (+Add) -1 aspect @U.TAM-A.PROG@:@U.TAM-A.PROG@lə%< (non-circumscribed, progressive) @U.TAM-A.STAT@:@U.TAM-A.STAT@ʔəs%< (ongoing state: Asp/Stat) @U.TAM-A.STAT@:@U.TAM-A.STAT@ʔas%< (ongoing state: Asp/Stat)variant @U.TAM-A.PROGSTAT@:@U.TAM-A.PROGSTAT@ləs%< (Asp/ProgStat) @U.TAM-A.PFV@:@U.TAM-A.PFV@ʔu%< (Asp/Pfv) -1 Asp/Cont+:ləcu%< (?Asp/Prog+:lə%< + Asp/Pfv+:ʔu%<) Skagit -1 Asp/Stat:ʔə{sØ}{dØ}xʷ%< (Asp/Stat+:ʔəs%< + dxʷ%<)

X 1 %>s/%>bš, %>sut/%>ut, %>agʷəl, %>b, +Inch:%>il 2 %>ləp, +Px3:%>s, %>əxʷ lə<bə<ləcu<gʷaadgʷad

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/prefixes.lexc