Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
ā ē ī ō ū.
Vow = a e i o u ;
RULE: R realisation as consonant = vora - Vopora
RULE: E realisation as vowel = vora - vOpora
RULE: Initial stem consonant change = vora - voPora
RULE: Delete affix initial -i- = for e- and o- stems in the Px declension.
RULE: i is backed to u before u over a morpheme boundary
RULE: e is backed to o where there is a following u = This rule applies only when the front vowel precedes the back vowel, and not when it follows the back vowel. This rule is stated without reference to any morpheme boundaries. We should consider %< instead of %> (for prefixes)
RULE: Vowel deletion in stem medial position = works in stem medial position, a vowel is deleted between an identical vowel and any other vowel, either preceding or following it
RULE: e raising = e raises to i between the vowels o and a on the one hand, and the vowels a and a on the other.
RULE: e deletion = e is deleted whenever it occurs in the sequence iea
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc