Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
This file documents the phonology.twolc file
a b c č d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s š ş t u v w y z ž ƶ ü ä ö A B C Č D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S Š Ş T U V W Y Z Ž Ƶ Ü Ä Ö y Y
%{aä%}:a %{aä%}:ä
%{aoeInf%}:a Back vowel infinitive marker %{äöeInf%}:ä Front vowel infinitive marker
%{ui%}:i in imperative before %{aä%}:
%{oö%}:o %{oö%}:ö
%{oöØ%}:0 Used in present participle
%{ijPRC%}:j participle
this appears in the illative V1:a V1:e V1:i V1:o V1:u V1:y V1:ä V1:ö
These appear with the inessive and adessive V2:a V2:e V2:i V2:o V2:u V2:y V2:ä V2:ö
These reduplicate the preceding vowel if it in turn is preceded by a consonant V3:a V3:e V3:i V3:o V3:u V3:y V3:ä V3:ö V3:0
%^VOICE:0 pestä : pezen
no change The example here is for something that should not be done We have two infinite sets, Olonets-Karelian and incoming loanwords. The original idea was to make a rule changing all instances of adjacent double aa to ua. For this reason a special trigger was to be inserted into the lexc stem of a word to prevent such a rule from occurring. Since the infinite Olonets-Karelian set is more predictable and perhaps smaller than the incoming loanword set, it is better to literally spell out adjacent vowels that are constant. 2019-09-02 JMR %^NONE:0 This will break vowel change, e.g. sa%^NONEamelaine
%^Pen:0 pagisou paistah in combination with WGStem to trigger
%^D2Z:0 ! The ti => zi
%^E2O:0 the e => o, e => ö
%^Ä2I:0 ä => i %^A2UÄ2I:0 a => u, ä => i
%^ILoss:0 the i => 0 reboi reboloi %^V2U:0 v => y kävvä käydy
_%^RVow:0 _ _%^RmVow:0 _ vowel removal, e.g. with superlative
Triggers dictating right context phenomena
Right context for gradation
Rule: %{aä%}:a kuvitella+V+Inf: imagine/kuvitella
Rule: %{aä%}:ä ezitellä+V+Inf: present/esitellä
Rule: %{aäoeö%}:a
Rule: %{aäoeö%}:ä heittiä+V+Inf: throw/heittää
Rule: %{aäoeö%}:o
Rule: %{aäoeö%}:e
Rule: %{aäoeö%}:ö
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:a
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:ä
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:o
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:e
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:ö
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:u
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:i
Rule: {aäoeöuiy%}:y
Rule: e:0
Rule: %{ui%}:u
* %{front%}:0 ! imperative forms
* *kanda%{back%}%>kk%{ui%}%{aä%}mm%{oö%}*
* *kanda0%>kkuammo*
Rule: %{ui%}:i
* %{front%}:0 ! imperative forms
* *lʼykkä%{front%}%^WGStem%>kk%{ui%}%{aä%}mm%{oö%}*
* *lʼyk0ä00%>kkiämmö*
Rule: %{ui%}:i Rule: %{ui%}:i Rule: %{ui%}:i
Rule: %{aäuyiØ%}:a
Rule: %{aäuyiØ%}:u
Rule: %{aäuyiØ%}:ä
Rule: %{aäuyiØ%}:y
Rule: %{aäuyiØ%}:i
Rule: %{aäuyiØ%}:0
a:u before subsequent a Diphthong a+a => ua ostua+V+Inf: buy/ostaa
osta%>%{aä%} examples:*
ostu%>%{aä%} examples:*
ä:i before subsequent A2 Diphthong ä+ä => iä kehittiä+V+Inf: develop/kehittää
kehittä%>%{aä%} examples:*
kehitti%>ä examples:*
o:u before subsequent o Diphthong o+o => uo erota:eruou
ero%>%{oö%}%>n examples:*
eru0o%>n examples:*
runo%>%{oö%} examples:*
runu%>o examples:*
jo%>vv%{aä%} examples:*
ju%>vva examples:*
ö:y before subsequent ö Diphthong ö+ö, ö+%{oö%}:ö => yö
sö%>ö%>y examples:*
sy%>ö%>y examples:*
pöllö%>ö examples:*
pölly%>ö examples:*
sö%>vvä examples:*
sy%>vvä examples:*
e:i before subsequent :e Diphthong o+o => uo erota:eruou
* valge%>e%^WGStem%>t examples:*
* valgi%>e00t examples:*
* hävi%>%{aäPar%}%>n examples:*
* hävi%>e0n examples:*
* tiedo%^WGStem%>n examples:*
* tiijo0%>n examples:*
* *väge%{front%}%^WGStem>n*
* *vä0i00%>n*
* luge>%{ijPRC%} examples:*
* lugi%>j examples:*
e:o Vowel harmony suffixes Back
* luge%^E2O%>u examples:*
* lugo%>u examples:*
e:ö Vowel harmony
käske%^E2O%>y examples:*
käskö0%>y examples:*
Rule: ä:y word final
Rule: ä:ö word final
Rule: a:0 in suaja:sai
* a _ (%{back%}:) %^RmVow: ; Vowel shortening before subsequent "i"
* koira%^RmVow%>i%>en examples:*
* koir00%>i%>en examples:*
* koira0%>j%>en examples:*
* vahna%^RmVow%>in examples:*
* vahn00%>in examples:*
* *otta%{back%}%^WGStem%^RmVow%>in*
* *ot00000%>in*
Rule: i:j
* a _ (%{back%}:) %^RmVow: ; +ActPrsPrc
Rule: a:o in the plural and preterite
a:e pidiä
kanda%^WGStem%^E1%>tt%{aäDiph%}s examples:*
kanne00%>ttas examples:*
kirjava%^E1%>m%^NONEb examples:*
kirjave0%>m0b examples:*
ä:e piettih and in comparatives pidiä
Rule: ä:0 pidiä:pidi
Rule: i:0 reboi:reboloi
%{oö%}:o Vowel harmony suffixes Back %{oö%}:ö Vowel harmony suffixes Front
%{oöØ%}:0 Vowel harmony suffixes Back
%{oöØ%}:o Vowel harmony suffixes Back
luge%>%{ijPRC%}%>%{oöØ%}%>i%>n examples:*
lugi%>j%>o%>i%>s examples:*
%{oöØ%}:ö Vowel harmony suffixes Front
%{uy%}:u Vowel harmony suffixes Back
%{uy%}:y Vowel harmony suffixes Front
Rule: g:j
* *poiga%^WGStem%>n*
* *poija0%>n*
Rule: g:v
* särge%^WGStem%>n examples:*
* särre0%>n examples:*
* kergi%^WGStem%>t%{aäPar%} examples:*
* kerri0%>tä examples:*
d:v <=> [ ö y: | o u: ] _ [ ä: | a ] (HarmDummy:) %^WGStem:0 ;
u a _ o (%{back%}:) %^WGStem:0 ;
a _ u (%{back%}:) %^WGStem:0 ;
[ u o: | u: ] _ [ (%{back%}:) e | a: ] (%{back%}:) ((%^RmVow:) %> i ) %^WGStem:0 ;
[ ä y: ] _ [(%{front%}:) e | y ] (%{front%}:) ((%^RmVow:) %> i ) %^WGStem:0 ;
* *täydy%{front%}%^WGStem*
* *tävvy00*
Rule: v:y d:j
Rule: y:v
täydy%^WGStem examples:*
tävvy0 examples:* lʼöydiä:lʼövvä
Rule: u:v juodu+N+Pl+Ade
o:v Lengthening with Ut:vv weakening
d:t in partitive
pagis%>d%{aä%}%^WGStemh examples:*
pa0is%>ta0h examples:*
Rule: s:z
* s:z <=> _ (HarmDummy:) %^VOICE:0 ; pestä: pezen
k:g pestä: peskäh
rd:rr weakening
ld:ll weakening
nd:nn weakening mennä+Ind+Prs+ScPl3: mennäh
kanda%^WGStem%^E1%>tt%{aä%}s examples:*
kanne00%>ttas examples:*
rn:rr in prtprc
ln:ll in prtprc
sn:ss in prtprc
Rule: %{dtlnr%}:d
Rule: %{dtlnr%}:t
Rule: %{dtlnr%}:l tulla+Ind+Prs+ScPl3: tullah
Rule: %{dtlnr%}:n
Rule: %{dtlnr%}:r
* s:z <=> _ (HarmDummy:) %^VOICE:0 ; suvaija:suvaičen
kToZero aika: ajan
* *lʼykkä%{front%}%^WGStem%>t%{AÄ%}*
* *lʼy0kä00%>tä*
* *abuniekka%{back%}%^A2O%>i%>l*
* *abunie0ko00%>i%>l*
* *liikkeh%{front%}%^WGStem*
* *lii0keh00*
gToZero aika: ajan
ezitellä+V+Inf: present/esitellä
tavoitteh%^WGStem examples:*
tavoi0teh0 examples:*
Rule: b:m
b:m <=> m _ [ a | i ] (HarmDummy:) %^WGStem:0 ;
p:0 in lapsi
d:0 pidiä:piän
pidä%^WGStem%>n examples:*
pi0ä0%>n examples:*
bussa%^WGStem%>l examples:*
bu0sa0%>l examples:*
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc