Norwegian Bokmål NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-nob

Sublexica for verb roots

Main types, from Bokmålsordboka v1 kaste kaster kasta kasta kastet kastet v2 lyse lyser lyste lyst reparere reparerer reparerte reparert v3 leve lever levde levd v4 nå når nådde nådd v4 bie bier bidde bidd

Subtypes v12 v1 or v2 v13 v1 or v3 v14 v1 or v4 v1-s passive v1 verbs v2-s passive v2 verbs v3-s passive v3 verbs

Sublexica for regular verbs

Preliminary lexica

LEXICON vx points to v1.

LEXICON v12 for both v1 and v2 past forms, or: score -> scoret, scorte (NG = do not generate)

LEXICON v12et for verbs with v2 and the -et forms of v1, like “skynde” (but not “tilskynde”, “framskynde” etc.)

LEXICON v13 also here: v1, v3: sveve -> svevet (NG), svevde.

LEXICON v13et for verbs with v3 and the -et forms of v1, like “tygge”


LEXICON v14 where v4 is NG

LEXICON v1 = kaste

LEXICON v2 = blåse, studere

LEXICON v3 = leve

LEXICON v4 = ro, bie

LEXICON v1-s = undres

LEXICON v2-s = føles, synes

LEXICON v3-s = trives

Conjugation sublexica

LEXICON inf-prsptc =

LEXICON regpres =

LEXICON r-pres =

LEXICON a-et-pret =

LEXICON et-pret =

LEXICON te-pret =

LEXICON de-pret =

LEXICON dde-pret =

LEXICON prsptcsuff =

Sublexica for irregular verbs

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/verbs.lexc