Norwegian Bokmål NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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The OBT-Giellatekno Bokmål Norwegian disambiguator

This disambiguator is based upon the disambiguator from OBT (Oslo-Bergen-taggeren), hereafter OBT-cg. It is adjusted to the GiellaLT FST and extended with several rules. It contains the morphological rules only.

The original OBT disambiguator was written in CG-1 by Kristin Hagen and Anders Nøklestad at UiO. It was translated to CG-2 by Lars Nygård. The conversion to CG-3 and the Tromsø format was done by Trond Trosterud.

Delimiters and sets

The tagsets are a superset of the OBT and GiellaLT tags, so that the labels are kept from OBT-cg, but GiellaLT content is added when needed.

Rule section

Giellatekno early rules

NotAbbr removes abbreviations whenever alternatives

AbbrBeforePara removes CLB before CLB

Nynorsk removes all +Nynorsk forms (they are in use only for the dictionary interface, and that does not use disambiguation).


aaIM selects +IM for å



Mostly OBT Rules

The bulk of the file contains rules from the original OBT file.

Giellatekno late rules

Neuter sg pl


Det rules

V and not N


Late rules, Gt

Rules with weights

minweight selects reading with lowest weight.

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/cg3/disambiguator.cg3