Analysis symbols
The morphological analyses of wordforms of ERZYA are presented
in this system in terms of following symbols.
(It is highly suggested to follow existing standards when adding new tags).
The parts-of-speech are:
- +A adjective
- +Adp adposition
- +Adv adverb
- +CS subordinating conjunction
- +CC coordinating conjunction
- +Det determiner
- +Descr descriptive
- +Interj interjection
- +N noun
- +Num numerals
- +Pcle particle
- +Po postposition
- +Pr preposition (in Russian loans)
- +Pron pronoun
- +Qnt quantifier
- +V verb
Parts of speech are further split up into:
- +Adn Adnominal (modifier) !! This is not an NP head like +Pron
- +Bahuvrihi This is a nominative-case NP used as an adjective
- +bahuvrihi get rid of these for upper-case
- +Ideoph These are ideophonic descriptors used to modify the verb
вырк ливтясь “flit and it flew off”
“Ideophone: A vivid representation of an idea in sound. A word, often
onomatopoeic, which describes a predicate, qualificative or adverb in
respect to manner, colour, sound, smell, action, state or intensity.”
(Doke 1935:118)
- +Manner with reference to type of adverb
- +Parenthetic parenthetic
- +Spat spatial
- +Iter Iterative form expressing number of times; myv:
, kpv: кыкысь
- +Mult Multiplicative, two-ply; myv:
- +Deg Ad-adjective This is degree, depricate + AdA
- +Epist epistemic modality marker speaker’s evaluation/judgment of, degree of confidence in
- +EvidNfh not first-hand келя
- +EvidFh first-hand
- +PerifMod periferal modifier ськамонзо
+ Spat, + Temp
Quantifiers (numerals)
Quantifiers and Numerals are classified under:
- +Appr Approximative numeral кавто-колмо, колмошка two or three
NB! do not confuse with Komi case +Apr
- +AssocColl -ne- ; avide-
- +Assoc +мезть
- +Card cardinal + NCard
- +Coll collective
- +Distr Distributive
- +Ord ordinal + NOrd
- +Exclusive: ськамонзо
Nominals are inflected for Number and Case
- +Sg singular
- +Pl plural
- +SP ambiguous for number, general number
- +Abe abessive
- +Abl ablative case
- +Com Comitative “-нек/-нэк”
- +Cmpr Comparative case form -шка
- +Dat dative
- +Ela elative case
- +Gen genitive case
- +Ill illative
- +Ine inessive
- +Lat lative
- +Loc Locative “вить ён : вить ёно”
- +Nom nominative case
- +Prl prolative “га/ка/ва”
- +Tra translative: used in similative and depictive constructions
to mark what would be a secondary subject:
–вармакс оргодсь тосто–
- +Temp Temporalis case form “-не/-нэ” previously TempCx
- +Voc Vocative
Possession and other declension types are marked with:
- +PxSg1 first person singular
- +PxSg2 second person singular
- +PxSg3 third person singular
- +PxSP3 third person singular or plural with dative only
- +PxPl1 first person plural
- +PxPl2 second person plural
- +PxPl3 third person plural
- +Def Definite
- +Comp comparative as opposed to superlative
- +Superl superlative
- +Attr Attribute
Verb moods are:
- +Cond conditional Ындеря- (Derivational)
- +Conj conjunctional “вОль”
- +Des desiderative Ыксэль “was about to; wanted to”
- +Ind indicative
- +Imprt imperative
- +Opt optative
- +Prec precative
- +Proh prohibitive is distinct from the negation of imperative
Иля аварде!
Don't cry' (Proh);
Аволь мелявтт, кецяк!
Don’t worry, be happy!’ (Neg + Imprt)
Infinitive moods
- +Oblig modality: deontic/directive/obligative
андомс: андома , якамс: якама
- +Delib +Sugg modality: deontic/directive/deliberative
I still need the right word for this андомс: андомсат
Tenses in the indicative and infrequently in the conditional
- +Prs In Erzya There is no morphological distinction
between present and future
- +Prt1 Preterite 1
- +Prt2 Preterite 2 (This is also used in predicate forms not involving a finite verb.)
- +ScSg1 * subject conjugation first person singular
- +ScSg2 * subject conjugation second person singular
- +ScSg3 * subject conjugation third person singular
- +ScPl1 * subject conjugation first person plural
- +ScPl2 * subject conjugation second person plural
- +ScPl3 * subject conjugation third person plural
Object conjugation
- +OcSg1 * object conjugation first person singular
- +OcSg2 * object conjugation second person singular
- +OcSg3 * object conjugation third person singular
- +OcPl1 * object conjugation first person plural
- +OcPl2 * object conjugation second person plural
- +OcPl3 * object conjugation third person plural
Other verb forms are
- +Err/Orth * Substandard
- +Err/Sub * Substandard
- +Err/Orth-no-hyphen * тетятават should be тетят-ават
- +Err/Orth-back-should-be-hard-front * back should be hard front
+Err/Orth-cons-stem * пачт |
емс 2012 пачтямс |
- +Err/Orth-freq-le * пачтнемс:пачле
- +Err/Orth-cons-stem * эзь эряв
- +Err/Orth-front-linking-vowel * linking vowel is front уряжень
- +Err/Orth-high-linking-vowel * linking vowel is high
- +Err/Orth-mid-linking-vowel-should-be-high * linking vowel is mid вечкелизь should be вечкилизь
- +Err/Orth-mid-onset-default-missing * should be скаломок, but this is скалмок, мелезэнек: мельзэнек
- +Err/Orth-no-linking-vowel * linking vowel is missing
- +Err/Orth-stem-a-should-be-o0 * чачтомс+V:чачта
- +Err/Orth-stem-hard-e-should-be-je * Nekshnems
- +Err/Orth-stem-ja-should-be-je0 * лемдемс+V:лемдя
- +Err/Orth-stem-je-should-be-ja * мелямс:меле
+Err/Orth-stem-je-should-be-je0 * чудемс+V:чуде чуд |
емс (->)чуде |
мс |
- +Err/Orth-je-for-jo * should be ё
- +Err/Orth-vowel-stem-je * пачтякшномс:пачтекшне
- +Err/Orth-stem-soft-should-be-0 * кирпець:кирпецьтне
- +Err/Orth-stem-nodent-hard-should-be-tnje * потоктнэсэ
- +Err/Orth-missing-soft-in-stem * видме
- +Err/Orth-missing-t-in-def-pl * область: областне
- +Err/Orth-s-to-j * кайсь Modern: кассь
- +Err/Orth-z-to-j * кардайсэ Modern: кардазсо
+Err/Orth-v-loss-before-lab * ольной
- +Err/Orth-f * not v but instead f
- +Err/Orth-s * not v but instead s
- +Err/Orth-d * not t but instead d
- +Err/Orth-colloq * colloquial, e.g. Минорыч
- +Err/Orth-old1 * old1 like озимь, морковь
- +Err/Orth-pre1880 * orthography preceding 1880
- +Err/Orth-pre1978 * orthography preceding 1978
- +Err/Orth-pre2012 * previous orthography
- +Use/Marg * Marginal
- +Use/-Spell * Exclude from speller
- +Use/SpellNoSugg * recognized but not suggested in speller
- +Use/Circ * Circular path
- +Use/CircN * Circular number path
- +Use/-Ped * Remove from pedagogical speller
- +Use/NG * Do not generate, for isme-ped.fst and apertium
- +Use/GC – only retained in the HFST Grammar Checker disambiguation analyser
- +Use/-GC – never retained in the HFST Grammar Checker disambiguation analyser
- +Use/TTS – only retained in the HFST Text-To-Speech disambiguation tokeniser
+Use/-TTS – never retained in the HFST Text-To-Speech disambiguation tokeniser
+Err/Lex * The lemma is not an Erzya word (Depricating –+Src/F–)
- +URL * For tagging URLs
- +Dial/SH * Short forms
- +Dial/L * Long forms
- +Dial * No specification
Specific to some dialects
Rueter 2010: 8
- +Dial/-C * Not central standard
- +Dial/C * 1 Central or Kozlovka-Mokshlei
- +Dial/W * 2 Western or Insar
- +Dial/W-NW * 2 Western or Insar, subgroup NW
- +Dial/W-SW * 2 Western or Insar, subgrou0 SW
- +Dial/NW * 3 North-Western or Alatyr
- +Dial/SE * 4 South-Eastern or Sura
- +Dial/M * 5 Mixed or Drakino-Shoksha
- +Orth/PhonDeriv * Derivation is phonetic but declension and conjugation morphologic
- +Orth/PhonInfl * Entire inflection is phonetic 1821, 1920-30
- +Orth/standard * described in 2008, dictionary 2012
- +Orth/thirties * 1939–1955 phonetic, morphological
- +Orth/fifties * 1955–1978 phonetic, morphological
- +Orth/seventies * 1978–1993 phonetic, morphological
- +Orth/nineties * 1993-2008 morphological, but phonetic compounding
- +Orth/wiki * Regular-semantic deriving from 1993 and 2008
- +Orth/-wiki * e.g. compound words written with white space
- +Orth/standard_wiki * e.g. вайгельпе
- +Orth/-thirties * e.g. таргсемс, студенттнэ
- +Orth/Colloq Colloquial speech reflected in spelling
Abbreviated words are classified with:
- +ABBR * Abbreviation
- +Symbol = independent symbols in the text stream, like £, €, ©
- +ACR * Acronym
Special symbols
Delimiter marks are classified with:
- %^excl *
The verbs are syntactically split according to transitivity:
- +TV * transitive verb
- +IV * intransitive verb
- +NomAg Actor Noun From Verb - Nomen Agentis (ready)
- +NomAct Action Noun From Verb - Nomen Actio (ready)
- +Dimin Diminutive
Auxiliary verbs
Special multiword units are analysed with:
Non-dictionary words can be recognised with:
Question and Focus particles:
Semantic tags to help disambiguation & synt. analysis: (before POS)
Borrowed from main/langs/sme/src/morphology/root.lexc
- +Sem/Act Activity
- +Sem/Amount Amount
- +Sem/Ani Animate
- +Sem/Aniprod Animal Product
- +Sem/Body Bodypart
- +Sem/Body-abstr siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi
- +Sem/Build Building
- +Sem/Build-part Part of Bulding, like the closet
- +Sem/Cat Category
- +Sem/Clth Clothes
- +Sem/Clth-jewl Jewelery
- +Sem/Clth-part part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji…
- +Sem/Ctain Container
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr Abstract container like bank account
- +Sem/Ctain-clth
- +Sem/Curr Currency like dollár, Not Money
- +Sem/Dance Dance
- +Sem/Dir Direction like GPS-kursa
- +Sem/Domain Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
- +Sem/Drink Drink
- +Sem/Dummytag Dummytag
- +Sem/Edu Educational event
- +Sem/Event Event
- +Sem/Feat Feature, like Árvu
- +Sem/Feat-phys Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
- +Sem/Feat-psych Psychological feauture
- +Sem/Feat-measr Psychological feauture
- +Sem/Fem Female name
- +Sem/Food Food
- +Sem/Food-med Medicine
- +Sem/Furn Furniture
- +Sem/Game Game
- +Sem/Geom Geometrical object
- +Sem/Group Animal or Human Group
- +Sem/Hum Human
- +Sem/Hum-abstr Human abstract
- +Sem/Ideol Ideology
- +Sem/Kin Kinship term (special PxSg2 forms),
- +Sem/Kin_Fem Kinship term (special PxSg2 forms), female
- +Sem/Kin_Mal Kinship term (special PxSg2 forms), male
- +Sem/Lang Language
- +Sem/Mal Male name
- +Sem/Mat Material for producing things
- +Sem/Measr Measure
- +Sem/Money Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
- +Sem/Obj Object
- +Sem/Obj-clo Cloth
- +Sem/Obj-cogn Cloth
- +Sem/Obj-el (Electrical) machine or apparatus
- +Sem/Obj-ling Object with something written on it
- +Sem/Obj-rope flexible ropelike object
- +Sem/Obj-surfc Surface object
- +Sem/Org Organisation
- +Sem/Part Feature, oassi, bealli
- +Sem/Perc-cogn Cognative perception
- +Sem/Perc-emo Emotional perception
- +Sem/Perc-phys Physical perception
- +Sem/Perc-psych Physical perception
- +Sem/Plant Plant
- +Sem/Plant-part Plant part
- +Sem/Plc Place
- +Sem/Plc-abstr Abstract place
- +Sem/Plc-elevate Place
- +Sem/Plc-line Place
- +Sem/Plc-water Place
- +Sem/Pos Position (as in social position job)
- +Sem/Process Process
- +Sem/Prod Product
- +Sem/Prod-audio Audio product
- +Sem/Prod-cogn Cognition product
- +Sem/Prod-ling Linguistic product
- +Sem/Prod-vis Visual product
- +Sem/Rel Relation
- +Sem/Route Name of a Route
- +Sem/Rule Rule or convention
- +Sem/Semcon Semantic concept
- +Sem/Sign Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation)
- +Sem/Sport Sport
- +Sem/State
- +Sem/State-sick Illness
- +Sem/Substnc Substance, like Air and Water
- +Sem/Sur Surname
- +Sem/Fem-Sur Surname female
- +Sem/Mal-Sur Surname male
- +Sem/Symbol Symbol
- +Sem/Time Time
- +Sem/Tool Prototypical tool for repairing things
- +Sem/Tool-catch Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
- +Sem/Tool-clean Tool used for cleaning
- +Sem/Tool-it Tool used in IT
- +Sem/Tool-measr Tool used for measuring
- +Sem/Tool-music Music instrument
- +Sem/Tool-write Writing tool
- +Sem/Txt Text (girji, lávlla…)
- +Sem/Veh Vehicle
- +Sem/Wpn Weapon
- +Sem/Wthr The Weather or the state of ground
Multiple Semantic tags:
- +Sem/Act_Group
- +Sem/Act_Plc
- +Sem/Act_Route
- +Sem/Amount_Build
- +Sem/Amount_Semcon
- +Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Build
- +Sem/Ani_Build-part
- +Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt
- +Sem/Ani_Group
- +Sem/Ani_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Hum
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Ani_Hum_Time
- +Sem/Ani_Plc
- +Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt
- +Sem/Ani_Time
- +Sem/Ani_Veh
- +Sem/Aniprod_Hum
- +Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo
- +Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys
- +Sem/Aniprod_Plc
- +Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon
- +Sem/Body_Body-abstr
- +Sem/Body_Clth
- +Sem/Body_Food
- +Sem/Body_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Body_Hum
- +Sem/Body_Mat
- +Sem/Body_Measr
- +Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch
- +Sem/Body_Plc
- +Sem/Body_Time
- +Sem/Build-part_Plc
- +Sem/Build_Build-part
- +Sem/Build_Clth-part
- +Sem/Build_Edu_Org
- +Sem/Build_Event_Org
- +Sem/Build_Org
- +Sem/Build_Route
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Money
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant
- +Sem/Clth_Hum
- +Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant
- +Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh
- +Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys
- +Sem/Ctain_Furn
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool
- +Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr
- +Sem/Curr_Org
- +Sem/Dance_Org
- +Sem/Dance_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Domain_Food-med
- +Sem/Domain_Prod-audio
- +Sem/Edu_Event
- +Sem/Edu_Group_Hum
- +Sem/Edu_Mat
- +Sem/Edu_Org
- +Sem/Event_Food
- +Sem/Event_Hum
- +Sem/Event_Plc
- +Sem/Event_Time
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Veh
- +Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr
- +Sem/Feat-psych_Hum
- +Sem/Feat_Plant
- +Sem/Food_Perc-phys
- +Sem/Food_Plant
- +Sem/Game_Obj-play
- +Sem/Geom_Obj
- +Sem/Group_Hum
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Org
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis
- +Sem/Group_Org
- +Sem/Group_Sign
- +Sem/Group_Txt
- +Sem/Hum_Lang
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc
- +Sem/Hum_Lang_Time
- +Sem/Hum_Obj
- +Sem/Hum_Org
- +Sem/Hum_Plant
- +Sem/Hum_Plc
- +Sem/Hum_Tool
- +Sem/Hum_Veh
- +Sem/Hum_Wthr
- +Sem/Lang_Tool
- +Sem/Mat_Plant
- +Sem/Mat_Txt
- +Sem/Measr_Time
- +Sem/Money_Obj
- +Sem/Money_Txt
- +Sem/Obj-play
- +Sem/Obj-play_Sport
- +Sem/Obj_Semcon
- +Sem/Clth-jewl_Org
- +Sem/Org_Rule
- +Sem/Org_Txt
- +Sem/Org_Veh
- +Sem/Part_Prod-cogn
- +Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr
- +Sem/Plant_Plant-part
- +Sem/Plant_Tool
- +Sem/Plant_Tool-measr
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State
- +Sem/Plc-abstr_Route
- +Sem/Plc_Pos
- +Sem/Plc_Route
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc
- +Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr
- +Sem/Plc_Time
- +Sem/Plc_Tool-catch
- +Sem/Plc_Wthr
- +Sem/Prod-audio_Txt
- +Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt
- +Sem/Semcon_Txt
- +Sem/Obj_State
- +Sem/Substnc_Wthr
- +Sem/Time_Wthr
Semantics are classified with
- +Sem/Divinity Divinity (god personified),
- +Sem/Constellation Constellation,
- +Sem/Ant Anthroponym
- +Sem/Fem Anthroponym female
- +Sem/Mal Anthroponym male
- +Sem/Patr Patronym
- +Sem/Fem-Patr Patronym female
- +Sem/Mal-Patr Patronym male
- +Sem/Rvr name of river or water way, media of transportation,
- +Sem/Mnth name of month
- +Sem/Inanim Inanimate,
Semantic Fields
- +Field/Agr agriculatural
- +Field/Anat anatomical
- +Field/Bio biological
- +Field/Bot botanical
- +Field/Chem chemical
- +Field/Geol geological
- +Field/Gram grammatical
- +Field/Hist historical
- +Field/Law law
- +Field/Mar maritime
- +Field/Math mathematical
- +Field/Med medical
- +Field/Mus musical
- +Field/Relig church
- +Field/Tech technical
- +Field/Zool zoological
Verbal arguments
- +Subj/Zero This is used to mark verbs without a semantic subject
Derivations are classified under the morphophonetic form of the suffix, the
source and target part-of-speech.
Der begin
Declaring noun derivations
Modifier without noun
- +Der/MWN Modifier without Noun
- +Der/Dem Speaker-Oriented Demonstrative
Conjugation of words other than finite verbs
- +Der/Pr derivation to predicate head, e.g. nominal conjugation
- +Der/Cop This is not a derivation
- +Clt/Cop This will replace the nominal conjugation Der/Pr+V
- +Clt/Cond
Declaring Indefinite Pronoun derivations
- +Der/koj prefix
in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/ta prefix
in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/tago prefix
in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/Gak suffix
in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/buti suffix
in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/Yja suffix
in indefinite pronouns ковия, зярыя
- +Der/chi adjective-to-noun
the combinatory –Event– preceding the NP-final noun
- +Der/OmA verb-to-noun
- +Der/cje +A+Ord
- +Der/tjks +A+Ord (non-contrastive)
To represent phonologic variations in word forms we use the following
symbols in the lexicon files:
And following triggers to control variation
Special letters in the root that might be useful in dialect research and etymology later
вт%{оеэ%}мО1 suffix-internal archivowel
- %{оэØ%} inessive, elative; this is the hard/broad s
- %{ОØ%} Stem-final archiphoneme панго
- %{ЕØ%} Stem-final archiphoneme тинге
%^OldAE — This allows Ӓ4 and Ӓ3 to be realized as я
- %^NoLinkVow — No linking vowel is used only after consonants for error
- %^SoftRetain — The soft sign is not lost when adding -тне
- %^HardNoDent — Hard non-dent followed by -тнэ потоктнэсэ
- +Cmp/Hyph A tag to indicate that a hyphen was used when compounding
Development tag
- +Dig1
- +Dig2
- +Dig3
- +Dig4
- +Rom Roman numerals
- +Cmp Dynamic compound - this tag should always be part of a dynamic compound.
It is important for Apertium, and useful in other cases as well.
- +Cmp/Hyph-Coll with nouns
- +Cmp/Hyph-Redup with verbs
- +Cmp/Hyph-Synonym with verbs
- +Cmp/Hyph-Serial with verbs
- +Cmp/Hyph-tejems with verbs
- +Emphatic
- +Gr2xxx
- +Pref Prefix
- +Exclusive “ансяк” only
- +Intensive
+Intensifier уш
- +Onom onomapoetic words
- +Descr descriptive words
Different focus particles
Focus clitics
- +Clt/Add Only one additive clitic
- +Clt/AddGak
Imperative clitics
- +Clt/Ga редяка Precative +Prec
- +Clt/Gaja редякая
- +Clt/Gajatj редякаять
- +Clt/Gajatja редякаятя
- +Clt/Gatja редякатя
- +Clt/Gaka редякака ARE these real?
- +Clt/Gakaja редякакая ARE these real?
- +Pred2 secondary predicate. Examples:
“Joe came in with his hat on.”
“Joe came in Joe had his hat on.”
Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
- »
- «
(written with square brackets, see the root.lexc file)
- < (written with square brackets, see the root.lexc file)
Flag diacritics
We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using following
flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics - only allow compounds
with verbs if the verb is further derived into a noun again:
| @P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
| @D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
| @C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
to control position-based compounding restrictions for nominals. Their use is
handled automatically if combined with +CmpN/xxx tags. If not used, they will
do no harm.
| @P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first
| @D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX
| @P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds
| @D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R
| @D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding
| @U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding
| @P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R
| @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root.
Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
nouns (e.g. Finnish Pariisi -> pariisilainen). See e.g. North Sámi for how to use
these flags. There exists a ready-made regex that will do the actual down-casing
given the proper use of these flags.
| @U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
| @U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
Flags used to identify parts of speech
- @U.POS.N@
- @P.POS.N@
- @R.POS.N@
- @P.POS.V@
- @R.POS.V@
- @C.POS@
Flags used with +Clt/Cop nonverbal predication
- @C.PRED@
Flags used with transitivity
Flags used with serial verbs
- @D.CONJ-MX.IND@ 2012-11-04 should this be –D– or –N–
- @U.CONJ-PX.10@
- @U.CONJ-PX.12@
- @U.CONJ-PX.13@
- @U.CONJ-PX.15@
- @U.CONJ-PX.16@
- @U.CONJ-PX.20@
- @U.CONJ-PX.21@
- @U.CONJ-PX.23@
- @U.CONJ-PX.24@
- @U.CONJ-PX.26@
- @U.CONJ-PX.30@
- @U.CONJ-PX.31@
- @U.CONJ-PX.32@
- @U.CONJ-PX.33@
- @U.CONJ-PX.34@
- @U.CONJ-PX.35@
- @U.CONJ-PX.40@
- @U.CONJ-PX.42@
- @U.CONJ-PX.43@
- @U.CONJ-PX.45@
- @U.CONJ-PX.50@
- @U.CONJ-PX.51@
- @U.CONJ-PX.53@
- @U.CONJ-PX.54@
- @U.CONJ-PX.60@
- @U.CONJ-PX.61@
- @U.CONJ-PX.62@
- @U.CONJ-PX.63@
- @U.CONJ-PX.64@
- @U.CONJ-PX.65@
- @R.CONJ-PX.13@
- @R.CONJ-PX.16@
- @R.CONJ-PX.23@
- @R.CONJ-PX.26@
- @R.CONJ-PX.33@
- @R.CONJ-PX.43@
- @R.CONJ-PX.53@
- @R.CONJ-PX.63@
- @P.CONJ.ObjAll@
- @R.CONJ.ObjAll@
- @C.CONJ@
- @P.PossPx.Sg1@
- @P.PossPx.Sg2@
- @P.PossPx.Sg3@
- @P.PossPx.Pl1@
- @P.PossPx.Pl2@
- @U.PossPx.S3@
- @U.PossPx.Sg1@
- @U.PossPx.Sg2@
- @U.PossPx.Sg3@
- @U.PossPx.Pl1@
- @U.PossPx.Pl2@
- @D.PossPx@
- @C.PossPx@
- @C.TNUM@
- @P.TPERS.1@
- @P.TPERS.2@
- @P.TPERS.3@
- @N.TPERS.1@
- @N.TPERS.2@
- @N.TPERS.3@
- @U.TPERS.1@
- @U.TPERS.2@
- @U.TPERS.3@
- @U.CX.ABE@
- @U.CX.ABL@
- @U.CX.CMP@
- @U.CX.COM@
- @U.CX.DAT@
- @U.CX.ELA@
- @U.CX.GEN@
- @R.CX.ILL@
- @D.CX.ILL@
- @U.CX.ILL@
- @U.CX.INE@
- @U.CX.LAT@
- @U.CX.LOC@
- @U.CX.NOM@
- @U.CX.PRL@
- @U.CX.TRA@
- @U.CX.PRL@
- @N.CX.ILL@
- @N.CX.INE@
- @N.CX.LAT@
- @N.CX.ELA@
- @P.NUM.SG@
- @P.NUM.PL@
- @D.NUM.SG@
- @D.NUM.PL@
This allows or disallows combining with hyphen through loop
especially for acronyms 2012-11-04
This disallows secondary compounding
Linking vowel for use with Translative
- @P.LV.ON@
- @P.LV.OFF@
- @R.LV.ON@
- @U.LV.ON@
- @D.LV.ON@
Flag diacritic |
Explanation | |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.two@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.three@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.four@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.five@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.six@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; | |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.eight@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
@U.number.nine@ |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; | |
Flag used to give arabic numerals in smj different cases ; |
The word forms in ERZYA start from the lexeme roots of basic
word classes, or optionally from prefixes:
Here follow all contlexes, appr 20.
- Hyphenated-nouns ; entire serial nouns
- Hyphenated-verbs ; entire serial verbs
CyrillicFemaleName ;
HUNSPELL Type name derivation
RussianMalenamesDerive ; !
RussianSurnamesDerive ;
alo-SPAT-1Arg ; >PO_KAL-LOC
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/root.lexc