Here is an alphabetical list of the morphological tags
used in the Erzya analyser.
Здесь вы можете увидеть, что грамматические метки означают на русском языке
- +A = adjective
- +ABBR = abbreviation
- +ACC = accusative function (not a morpheme)
- +ACR = acronym
- +Abe = abessive case
- +Abl = ablative case
- +ActDemPrc = Ы2ця (This is dealt with elsewhere as an active present participle, it is also a demonstrative selector)
- +ActPrcLong = Ы2й (This is dealt with elsewhere as an active present participle)
- +ActPrcShort = Ы2 (This is dealt with elsewhere as an active present participle)
- +AdA = ad-adjective (adverb for modifying adjectives and adverbs)
- +Adn = adnominal (modifier) ! ! This is not an NP head like + Pron
- +Adv = adverb
- +Adv-Ideoph = These are ideophonic descriptors used to modify the verb
- +Appr = approximative numeral кавто-колмо, колмошка “two or three”
- +Assoc = associative Ванямезть
- +AssocColl = associative collective авидень
- +Attr = attribute
- +Aux = auxiliary
- +Bahuvrihi = This is a nominative-case NP used as an adjective
- +CC = coordinating conjunction
- +CLB = clause boundary
- +COM = This marks a function not a morpheme
- +CS = subordinating conjunction
- +Card = Cardinal numeral
- +Clt/Га = “редяка”
- +Clt/Гая = “редякая”
- +Clt/Гатя = “редякатя”
- +Clt/Гака = “редякака” (ARE these real?)
- +Clt/Гаять = “редякаять”
- +Clt/Гаятя = “редякаятя”
- +Clt/Гакая = “редякакая” (ARE these real?)
- +Coll = collective numeral
- +CollN = collective noun
- +Com = comitative case “-нек/-нэк”
- +Comp = comparative as opposed to superlative
- +CompCx = comparative case form “-шка”
- +ConNeg = main verb complement to Neg,
- +Cond = conditional Ындеря- (Derivational)
- +Conj = conjunctional mood “вОль”
- +DAT = dative function (not a morpheme)
- +DatCx = dative case
- +Def = definite
- +Delib = + Sugg modality: deontic/directive/deliberative
- +Dem = demonstrative
- +Dep = dependent word requiring the presence of another, e.g. мень
- +Der/Dem = Speaker-Oriented Demonstrative
- +Der/MWN = Modifier without Noun
- +Der/Pr = derivation to predicate head, e.g. nominal conjugation
- +Der/Ы = active short present participle
- +Der/Ый = active long present participle
- +Der/Ыця = active (demonstrative) present participle
- +Der/ка =
- +Der/ке =
- +Der/нЕ =
- +Der/не =
- +Der/се = this in verb2verb derivation and also in denominal demonstrative
- +Der/та = prefix
in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/Ыя = + Indef “ковия”, “зярыя” suffix in indefinite pronouns
- +Der/чи = adjective-to-noun
- +Der/ай = vocative
- +Der/Гак =
- +Der/Ома =
- +Der/Ыне =
- +Der/Ыця =
- +Der/кой =
- +Der/Овт =
- +Der/ОмО =
- +Der/Омс =
- +Der/Ома = modality: deontic/directive/obligative андомс: андома , якамс: якама
- +Der/ОмА = verb-to-noun
- +Der/кай = vocative
- +Der/Озь = Gerund
- +Der/Омга =
- +Der/ОмдО =
- +Der/Омка =
- +Der/ОмсО =
- +Der/бути =
- +Der/кшнО =
- +Der/пель =
- +Der/таго =
- +Der/ОмстО =
- +Der/Ынька =
- +Der/Ынькине =
- +Des = Ыксэль “was about to; wanted to”
- +Descr = descriptive words
- +Dial = Specific to some dialects
- +Dial/L = Long forms
- +Dial/SH = Short forms
- +Dimin = diminutive
- +Distr = distributive numeral
- +Ela = elative case “сто/стэ”
- +Emphatic =
- +Exclusive = “ансяк”
- +Field/Agr = agriculatural
- +Field/Anat = anatomical
- +Field/Bio = biological
- +Field/Bot = botanical
- +Field/Chem = chemical
- +Field/Geol = geological
- +Field/Gram = grammatical
- +Field/Hist = historical
- +Field/Law = law
- +Field/Mar = maritime
- +Field/Math = mathematical
- +Field/Med = medical
- +Field/Mus = musical
- +Field/Relig = church
- +Field/Tech = technical
- +Field/Zool = zoological
- +Foc = focus
- +Foc/Гак =
- +Formulaic =
- +Gen = Genitive case
- +Ger = Gerund This is used with Der/Озь and VAbl
- +Gr2000 = Erzya Grammar 2000
- +Guess =
- +Cmp/Hyph = A tag to indicate that a hyphen was used when compounding
- +IV = intransitive verb
- +Ill = Illative
- +Imprt = Imperative
- +Ind = indicative mood
- +Indef = indefinite
- +Ine = inessive case
- +Inf = infinitive
- +Intensifier = уш
- +Intensive = intensive, reflexive
- +Interj = interjection
- +Interr = interrogative
- +Iter = Iterative numeral expressing number of times. myv: кавксть
- +LEFT = left edge ?
- +Lat = lative
- +Loc = Locative “вить ён : вить ёно”
- +Manner = with reference to type of adverb
- +Multi = special multiword unit
- +N = noun
- +Neg = verb of negation эзь, аволь, иля
- +NoPoss = used with personal pronouns in oblique cases,
- +Nom = nominative case
- +NonHum = nonhuman
- +NonPast = In Erzya there is no morphological distinction between present and future
- +Num = numeral
- +Oblig = modality: deontic/directive/obligative
- +OcPl1 = object conjugation first person plural
- +OcPl2 = object conjugation second person plural
- +OcPl3 = object conjugation third person plural
- +OcSg1 = object conjugation first person singular
- +OcSg2 = object conjugation second person singular
- +OcSg3 = object conjugation third person singular
- +Onom = onomapoetic words
- +Opt = optative mood
- +Ord = ordinal numeral
- +Orth/PhonComb = orthography following the phonetic compounding of words
- +Orth/PhonDeriv = Derivation is phonetic
- +Orth/PhonInfl = Entire inflection is phonetic 1821, 1920-30
- +Orth/SH = stem shortening observed in compounding of words
- +PUNCT = punctuation
- +Pcle = particle
- +Pers = person
- +Pl = plural
- +Pl1 = first person plural
- +Pl2 = second person plural
- +Pl3 = third person plural
- +Po = postposition
- +Pr =
- +Prc = participle
- +Pred = Marking the predicate
- +Pref = prefix
- +PrfPrc = perfect participle
- +Prl = prolative case “га/ка/ва”
- +Pron = pronoun
- +Prop = proper noun
- +Prs = non-past, present
- +Prt1 = preterite 1
- +Prt2 = preterite 2 (This is also used in predicate forms not involving a finite verb.)
- +PxPl1 = possessor index first person plural
- +PxPl2 = possessor index second person plural
- +PxPl3 = possessor index third person plural
- +PxSg1 = possessor index first person singular
- +PxSg2 = possessor index second person singular
- +PxSg3 = possessor index third person singular
- +Qnt = quantifier
- +Qst = question particle
- +RIGHT = right edge ?
- +Recipr = reciprocal
- +Refl = reflexive
- +Rel = relative pronoun
- +Rom = Roman numerals
- +ScPl1 = subject conjugation first person plural
- +ScPl2 = subject conjugation second person plural
- +ScPl3 = subject conjugation third person plural
- +ScSg1 = subject conjugation first person singular
- +ScSg2 = subject conjugation second person singular
- +ScSg3 = subject conjugation third person singular
- +Sem/Ani = animate
- +Sem/Body = body
- +Sem/Build = This is the name of a building
- +Sem/Clth = clothing
- +Sem/Cnt = countable
- +Sem/Constellation = constellation
- +Sem/Divinity = divinity
- +Sem/Edu = education
- +Sem/Event = event
- +Sem/Fem = female
- +Sem/Group = group
- +Sem/Hum = Human
- +Sem/Inanim = inanimate
- +Sem/Kin = Kinship term (This is reflected in special PxSg2 forms)
- +Sem/Mal = male
- +Sem/Measr = measurement
- +Sem/Mnth = month
- +Sem/NonHum = non-human
- +Sem/Obj = object
- +Sem/Org = name of organization
- +Sem/Patr = Patronym
- +Sem/Plant = plant
- +Sem/Plc = place name
- +Sem/Route = name of a route
- +Sem/Rvr = river
- +Sem/Sur = surname
- +Sem/Time = time
- +Sem/Txt = name of a text
- +Sem/Veh = vehicle
- +Sem/Wpn = weapon
- +Sem/Wthr = weather related
- +SerialVerb = serial verb
- +Sg = singular
- +SP = singular or plural
- +Spat = spatial
- +Stem/е = stem variation in “е”
- +Stem/э = stem variation in “э”
- +Superl = superlative
- +TV = transitive verb
- +TelicPrc = telic participle ! “саевть”
- +Temp = temporal adverb or postposition
- +TempCx = Temporalis case form “-не/-нэ”
- +Tra = translative case
- +Use/-Spell = recognized but not suggested in speller
- +Err/Lex = The lemma is not an Erzya word (Depricating +Src/F)
- +Use/Marg = Marginal
- +Err/Orth = Substandard
- +V = verb
- +VAbl = Verb Ablative “озадо”
- +VGen = Verb Genitive
- +Voc = vocative
- +V→A = deverbal adjective
- +V→N = deverbal noun
- +V→V = deverbal verb
- +WORK = being worked on