Mohawk NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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first attempt to model simplest form of mohawk verbs: personal prefix + root extra tages are listed below

Multichar_Symbols definitions

I-> X you-> X he -> X she/smb/they -> X it -> X you and I -> X smb and I -> X you two -> X two males or mixed -> X two females -> X you all and I -> X they all and I -> X you all they all (male or mixed) -> X they all (female) -> X X -> I X -> you X -> he X -> she/smb/they X -> it X -> you and I X -> smb and I X -> you two X -> two males or mixed X -> two females X -> you all and I X -> they all and I X -> you all X -> they all (male or mixed) X -> they all (female) Active voice, Red verbs Passive voice, Blue verbs Transitive verbs, Purple verbs dualistic prefix integral to some verbs a special pseudo-type to allow red verbs take blue prefixes in Perfective aspect disallow red prefixes in Perfective aspect The following are verb conjugation classes, one through 9, plus Exceptions class

start of personal prefix boundary
start of the root morpheme
marks verbs the start of Habitual suffix marks verbs the start of Perfective suffix marks verbs the start of Habitual suffix marks verbs the start of Command suffix (usually none) marks verbs the start of Future prefix marks verbs the start of Conditional prefix marks verbs the start of Past prefix marks hidden h that only appears in certain circumstances marks the te- part of te-verbs marks the te- part of ni-verbs

The word forms in UNDEFINED language start from the lexeme roots of basic word classes, or optionally from prefixes:

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/kawe-root.lexc