Mohawk NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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first attempt to model simplest form of mohawk verbs: personal prefix + root extra tages are listed below

Multichar_Symbols definitions

I-> X you-> X he -> X she/smb/they -> X it -> X you and I -> X smb and I -> X you two -> X two males or mixed -> X two females -> X you all and I -> X they all and I -> X you all they all (male or mixed) -> X they all (female) -> X X -> I X -> you X -> he X -> she/smb/they X -> it X -> you and I X -> smb and I X -> you two X -> two males or mixed X -> two females X -> you all and I X -> they all and I X -> you all X -> they all (male or mixed) X -> they all (female) Active voice, Red verbs Passive voice, Blue verbs Transitive verbs, Purple verbs

boundary of the root morpheme (arrow point to the start); personal prefix boundary (arrow point to the start)

The word forms in UNDEFINED language start from the lexeme roots of basic word classes, or optionally from prefixes:

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/moh-root.lexc