Mansi NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Open issues concerning participles

Present Participle

Ам тув яласанэм порат тав ётэ хо̄нтхатыгласум. I there go-prs.prtc-Sg1 time-loc he together-PxSg3 meet-prt-Sg1 During the time I was there I met him.

Ам электростанцият рӯпитэ̄гум, тот рӯпитанэ̄м аквхуплов та̄лыг ты е̄мтыс/ I electric.station-loc work-Sg1 there work-prs.prtc-Sg1 11 year-trsl behold become-prt-Sg3 I am working at an electric station, I have already been working there for 11 years.

Ма̄н ща̄нь ла̄тӈув ва̄нэ̄в ма̄гыс ма̄ньщииг о̄лэ̄в. we.Pl mother langue.PxPl1 know-prs.prtc because Mansi-trs be-Pl1 We are Mansi for knowing our mother tongue.

Past participle



хунь ма̄хум пилта̄лыг, та̄нкина̄ныл са̄литатта̄л хо̄нлысыт how people fear-privative-trsl they.refl-acc feel.sorry-trsl fight-prt-Pl3 ‘how the people were fighting undauntly and not sparing themselves’

ма̄н са̄ккон щирыл та̄н палтаныл щалтуӈкве ат ве̄рме̄в, уральтта̄л та хӯльтэ̄гыт we.Pl law they side-Loc-PxPl3 step no can-Pl3, protect-privative behold remain-Pl3 ‘according to the law we cannot take their side, thus they remain unprotected’

Irregular verbs

It is complicated to compile the complete paradigm for the irregular verbs


At Rombandeeva: auditive, evidential (Rombandeeva 2017: 161-170) At Riese: narrative




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