Eastern Mari NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Requires a recent version of HFST (3.10.0 / git revision>=3aecdbc) Then just: $ make $ echo “ja, ja” | hfst-tokenise –giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst


More usage examples: $ echo “Juos gorreválggain lea (dárbbašlaš) deavdit gáibádusa boasttu olmmoš, man mielde lahtuid.” | hfst-tokenise –giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo “(gáfe) ‘ja’ ja 3. ja? ц jaja ukjend "ukjend"” | hfst-tokenise –giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo “márffibiillagáffe” | hfst-tokenise –giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst

Pmatch documentation: https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/KitWiki/HfstPmatch

Apart from what’s in our morphology, there are 1) unknown word-like forms, and 2) unmatched strings We want to give 1) a match, but let 2) be treated specially by hfst-tokenise -a

TODO: Could use something like this, but built-in’s don’t include šžđčŋ:

Unknown handling

Unknowns are tagged ?? and treated specially with hfst-tokenise hfst-tokenise –giella-cg will treat such empty analyses as unknowns, and remove empty analyses from other readings. Empty readings are also legal in CG, they get a default baseform equal to the wordform, but no tag to check, so it’s safer to let hfst-tokenise handle them.

Needs hfst-tokenise to output things differently depending on the tag they get

This (part of) documentation was generated from tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.thirties.pmscript