Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
This file documents the phonology.twolc file
This file contains rules for morphophonological alternations, such as vowel harmony, stem vowel changes, palatalisation, etc.
We define our symbols (Alphabet), some Sets, and then the Rules
other symbols
Archiphonemes for vowels, Giellatekno style
Archiphonemes for vowels, Apertium style
%{ӧы%}:ы Stem-final vowel variation when stress falls on non-final vowel
%{яы%}:ы Stem-final vowel variation when stress falls on non-final vowel
%{ыØ%}:0 PxSg3 onset
%{ьØ%}:0 for -ам verbs Prt1 Sg1, Sg2, Sg3, Pl3 л н
т2:т лект- лек# “leave/ уходить”
%^END:0 for -ам verb final, i.e. Imprf
%^Sonorant:0 for use with acronyms after hyphen Л | М | Н | Р | Ҥ |
%^Obstruent:0 for use with acronyms after hyphen С | Ф | Ъ | Ь |
%^FrontObstr:0 for use with acronyms after hyphen
Vow = Vo VO Ve ы Ы ;
Cns = б в г д ж з й к л м н ҥ п р с т ф х ц ч ш щ
з2 к2 н2 т2 ;
CnsAll = б в г д ж з й к л м н ҥ п р с т ф х ц ч ш щ
з2 к2 н2 т2 ;
CnsNoj = б в г д ж з к л м н ҥ п р с т ф х ц ч ш щ
Б В Г Д Ж З К Л М Н Ҥ П Р С Т Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ;
Cst = б в г д ж з к п с т ф х ц ч ш щ
Б В Г Д Ж З К П С Т Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ;
Ltrs = Vow Cns ъ ь Ъ Ь ;
Punctuation bullet as such This rule prevents deleting of BULLET when it forms a token. BULLET as stress mark is deleted as before.
Palatal mark loss before vowel имне+N+Sg+Nom+Foc/Ат
Onset vowel loss in suffix after stem vowel
Onset vowel Е2 realized in suffix е
Onset vowel Е2 realized in suffix э
Onset vowel Е2 realized in suffix ZERO
Onset vowel Ы1 realized in suffix
suffix-final vowel loss after stem-final vowel
suffix-final vowel loss after stem-final vowel
**suffix-final vowel realized as -Round in word-final position е **
шылаш+V+Imprt+Sg3 шыл%>жЫ2%^END шыл%>же0
**suffix-final vowel realized as +Back +Round in word-final position о **
**suffix-final vowel realized as +Front +Round in word-final position ӧ **
remove ʼ mod let apostrophe
%{ьØ%}:ь толам+V+Ind+Prt1+Sg1
suffix-final vowel realized after stem-final consonant
stem-final vowel realized as -Round in word-final position
stem-final vowel realized as +Back +Round in word-final position
stem-final vowel realized as +Front +Round in word-final position
**suffix-final vowel realized %{аы%}:ы **
stem-final vowel realized %{аы%}:а
stem-final vowel realized %{аы%}:а
Stem-final non-stressed vowel loss
Stem-final non-stressed %{еы%} loss
**suffix-final vowel realized %{еы%}:ы **
имне+N+Sg+PxSg3+Nom horse/hevonen
**suffix-final vowel realized Ы2:ы **
stem-final vowel realized %{еы%}:е
**suffix-final vowel realized %{ӧы%}:ы **
stem-final vowel realized %{ӧы%}:ӧ
**suffix-final vowel realized %{оы%}:ы **
stem-final vowel realized %{оы%}:о
**suffix-final vowel realized %{яы%}:ы **
stem-final vowel realized %{яы%}:я
**stem-internal glide realized in 0:й %{яы%}:ы **
Clitics in At and Ak take onset glide = a
Clitics in At and Ak take onset glide = ja
Clitics in At and Ak take ZERO
й Deletion in front of я Suffix and others
й Deletion in front of я Suffix and others
й Deletion in front of я Suffix and others
**Onset consonant devoicing ж:ш **
**Onset consonant devoicing з:с **
Stem-final consonant loss т
Stem-final consonant loss к
Stem-final consonant loss н
Stem-final consonant variation з2:з
Stem-final consonant variation з2:з
**Disallow Sg+Ine in тЫ2 everywhere except after stem-final ш ** йӧратымаш+N+Sg+Ine
**Disallow Sg+Ill in кЫ2 everywhere except after stem-final ш ** авалтымаш+N+Sg+Ine
**Disallow PxSg3 in ыж no where except after ш **
**Disallow PxSg3 in ыж no where except after ш **
**Disallow %^V2IMPRT й-final Imprt+Sg2 single-syllable -em verbs **
(Eng. м н ʼ ь %{еы%} > A2 т)и 0
(Eng. м н 0 0 0 > я т)
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc