Eastern Mari NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Meadow Mari verb inflection.

Verbal continuation lexica

Auxiliary verbs

Some of these are directed directly from root.lexc

LEXICON verbs_not_from_xml

LEXICON negverb TODO: fix

Regular verbs

We divide the verbs in two, -am and -em

The -am class

LEXICON V_am-N divides V_am in Mood and infinites

LEXICON V_am divides V_am in Mood and infinites

LEXICON Vam-Mood divides in Ind, Imprt, Des

LEXICON Vam-Ind gives all the Ind tenses

LEXICON Vam-Imp for imperative, Повелительное наклонение:

LEXICON Vam-Des for desiderative, Желательное наклонение:

The -em class

First four lexica: V_em with Gerund, the rest without, all going to V_em_ALL to get derivation affixes.

LEXICON V_em divides V_em in Mood and infinites

LEXICON V_em-1SYLL-j allow for literary norm until 1970 (Alhoniemi 1985: 105-106) кайше, кайшаш +Err/Orth: non-finites ; until 1972 reform

LEXICON V_em-1SYLL single syll V_em verbs, do not include bare-stem gerunds in their paradigms

Optional derivation: All verbs going to V_em_INFL

LEXICON Vem-Mood divides in Ind, Imprt, Des

LEXICON Vem-Ind gives all the Ind tenses

LEXICON non-finites contains Mutual endings

Special verbs

V_am, возаш : воч

These need work 2012-09-21

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/verbs.lexc