Eastern Mari NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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This document discusses some unclear cases in the tagging.


Mari has 4 plural suffixes.

  1. пӧрт-влак = Plural +Pl
  2. пӧрт-шамыч = Plural +Pl
  3. Трондмыт = Trond and his friends / family etc. +AssocPl
  4. яллаште, яллашке, ялла гыч, … +LocusPl
    1. ял = village, -ла is a plural used in combination with local cases. -влак/-шамыч could be used here as well, but -ла is sort of preferred

Difference between (1) and (2) is dialectal. (3) is associative plural. (4) is referring to several locations.

The plurals 1-3 trigger Pl3 agreement in verbs, the fourth one does not.

Derivational genitive

We have no tag of the derivational genitive

мемнаным = мый+Pron+Pers+Pl+Gen+Der/Poss+N+Sg+Acc

мемнаным = мый+Pron+Pers+Pl+Der/Poss+N+Sg+Acc

    "мый" Pron* Pers Pl Der/Ellipsis N Sg Acc

    "мый" Pron* Pers Pl Der/MWN N Sg Acc

пурышо лӱддымӧ разведчик шуко годым шкенжын-шамычше дене кылым телефон але


Productive in Western, sporadic in Eastern, forbidden by normative grammars.


ава to авай = vocative with -и for a class of nouns (Jeremy should deliver a list)

  1. авай = авай N Sg Nom (not optimal because no info on vocativity)
  2. авай = ава N Sg Voc (bad because of case stacking)
  3. авай =
    1. ава+N+Der/Voc+N+Sg+Nom (morphology)
    2. “ава” N* Der/Voc N Sg Nom (input to syntax, which will be @Vocative

It seems (3) is the best.

ӱдыр to ӱдырем = for all (other) words - do not mark

  1. a. Keep the morphology as Px, add @Vocative in the syntax
  2. b. Have an analysis Der/Voc parallel to Px and then disambiguate

It seems (1) for удыр and (3) for авай is best.

Possessive suffixes


  1. tag it for one word
  2. not tag it

==> Tag it


Skip Card? Skip Ord?


Throw out +Cond

+Imprt: We want all attested forms, also Sg1?

+Inf may have +Dat

Infinite forms

We want to have all +Prc as fused tags

Then +Act and +Pass do not exist.

+Foc/я is missing, add it. (e.g. тол-я Oh come, please or something like this)

The description of gerunds is not yet optimal. Mari has the following gerunds, with all but the gerund in -н being attached directly to the verbal stem - with stem simplifications/alternations, if necessary. The gerunds of ышташ (-ем) to do:

Some open questions:

Derivational morthology

+Der/ .. a lot of tags just not implemented yet.

Here’s what’s missing from 100% productive morphology - everything else we can leave to the lexicon, I’d say.

Verb > noun

All of these suffixes are attached to the verbal suffixes, all the usual simplifications/alternations occur (as did with participles)

Noun > adjective

Noun/adjective > verb

Verb > verb