Lushootseed NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-lut

=================================== ! The Lushootseed morphophonological/twolc rules file ! =================================== !

The Lushootseed language is written in lower case only

This transformation, accent loss, will be moved to post dict. 2022-12-25

c U+0313

Lushootseed is written in IPA, there are no upper-case letters

place holders

Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):

Reduplications are worked with on the basis of the Lushootseed Dictionary by Dawn Bates, Thom Hess and Vi Hilbert. Seattle & London. 1994:xvii

Red1 C V1 => C V1 C V1

C V1 => C V1 C ə

C V1 => C V1 C

C ə => C i C %^Red1i13:

C ə => C i C ə Red 1 qəlb: qiqəlb %^Red1i123

a:0 in inflection

ə:0 in inflection

sčətxʷəd+N+Der/Dimin+N+Pl bear/karhu

i:0 in inflection

í:0 in inflection

ʔ:0 in preceding s ʔəɬəd+V+Prf+Der+Der/N+N+Sg+PxSg2: eat/syödä

u:0 in preceding ƛ̕

%{pØ%}:a in reduplication

%{p2%}:ə in reduplication

%{p2%}:u in reduplication

%{p2%}:í in reduplication

%{p2%}:i in reduplication

%{p4%}:i in reduplication

%{p2%}:a in reduplication

%{p2%}:á in reduplication







d:0 before s:c

d:t before ə b

%{p1%}:Cx in reduplication

%{p3%}:Cx in reduplication

%{p5%}:Cx in reduplication sčətxʷəd+N+Der/Dimin+N+Pl bear


%{p1%}:l̕ in reduplication

%{p1%}:y̓ in reduplication

%{p1%}:w̓ in reduplication

%{p1%}:ʔ in reduplication

x̌aʔx̌aʔ+N+Der+Der/Dimin+N+Sg: sacred/pyhä

%{p1%}:Cx in reduplication

%{p1%}:Cx in reduplication

%{p1%}:Cx in reduplication

Cns:0 in reduplication 3 and 5

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc