Liv NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-liv

Livonian morphophonology

This file documents the phonology.twolc file

We first show alphabet and sets, thereafter rules.


Literal quotes and angles

They must be escaped (cf morpheme boundaries further down):

»7 «7 %[%>%] - Literal > %[%<%] - Literal <

Archiphonemes for consonant lengthening


Vowel raising

Vowel metathesis



Rule section

Vowel rules

Shortening in first syllable

Rule: ǟ:ä in first syllable

Rule: ā:a in first syllable

Rule: ȱ:ȯ

Rule: ā:ī in second syllable plural

Rule: ū:ī in second syllable plural

Rule: ǭ:a in first syllable

Rule: ē:e in first syllable rēnaz+N+Sg+Gen:

Rule: ū:u in first syllable

Rule: ū:ȯ in first syllable

Rule: ī:i in first syllable

Rule: ȭ:õ in first syllable

Rule: ō:o in first syllable rōda+N+Pl+Par

lengthen vowels

Rule: e:ē in first syllable

Rule: u:ū in first syllable

Rule: ȯ:ū in first syllable

Rule: ä:ǟ in first syllable


Rule: a:ǭ in first syllable

Rule: a:ā in first syllable

Rule: o:ō in first syllable

LOWER VOWELS Rule: ī:ē in tīe 15

Destressing in second syllable **Rule: ā:õ **

**Rule: a:õ **

**Rule: ū:õ **

Rule: õ:i


Rule: ā:0

Rule: ō:0

Rule: ū:0

Rule: ī:0

Rule: a:0 rēnaz+N+Sg+Gen:


Rule: e:0

Rule: {õØ}:0

Rule: õ:0

Rule: i:0 in first syllable

Rule: u:0 in second position of first-syllable diphthong

Rule: o:0 in second position of first-syllable diphthong

* pūol0a%^Stress1to2%^ConsL examples:*

* pȯ0llõ00 examples:*

Zero to vowel

Rule: 0:õ in vowel metathesis

Consonant rules

Consonant loss

Rule: shorten consonantism between 1st and 2nd vowel center jeʼllõ:jelāb

Rule: g:0

Rule: l:0

Rule: m:0

Rule: z:0 rēnaz+N+Sg+Gen:

Consonant lengthening

Lengthening consonantism between first and second vowel center simultaneous to reducing vowel of second syllable

Rule: %{XC%}:Cx

%{XC%}:p 2014-02-27

%{XC%}:s 2020-10-21 tas+N+Sg+Ill

%{XC%}:ž 2014-02-27

%{XC%}:k 2014-02-27

Rule: Stod removal left

Rule: z:ž

Rule: d:ḑ lēʼḑ:līʼed 147 rōda+N+Pl+Par

Rule: ļ:l

Rule: l:ļ This rule should not require the %^ConsRM:0 trigger, but for now this makes it work. kēļ:kēl 215

Rule: n:ņ palatalization

Rule: r:ŗ jūŗ:jūr 221

Rule: d:t

Rule: d:ț

Rule: d:ž

Rules for consonant loss

Rule: d:0 Vow: (ʼ:) (Cns:+) _ (%^Pen: %^VowsRM:|%^VOWRaise:) (%^PreI: %^StodRM:|%^VowsLI1:|%^StodRM:) [%^D2ZERO:0|%^ConsRM:] ;

P loss before subsequent morpheme with underlying

T loss before subsequent morpheme with underlying initial d

Rule: k:0

Rule: š:0

Rule: ț:0

Rule: s:š palatalization

Rule: ǟ:ē palatalization

Rule: ǟ:e short and palatalization

Rule: ä:e short and palatalization

Rule: ǭ:ä palatalization

Rule: a:ä palatalization

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc