Komi-Zyrian NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Komi Zyrian twol file

This file documents the phonology.twolc file

cf. kpv-phon-old.xfscript cf. Rueter 2000 Хельсинкиса университетын кыв туялысь Ижкарын Перымса кывъяс симпозиум вылын лыддьӧмтор

Alphabet, Sets and Definitions

Letters of the alphabet


Boundary symbols




Palatal Vowel Cns-initial vowels

All non-vowels, consonants and hard and soft signs

All non-vowels with exception of soft sign

All but z consonants that can be followed by either і or и




No definitions


Rules connected to L/V alternations

Rule: The famous L/V changes л to в betweeen vowel and the ^Close symbol

Rule: The famous L/V goes Izhva where л goes to its preceeding vowel (except a) before ^C2V.

Rule: Vowel lengthening а:о я:ё for the ^C2V context

Rule: The ӧ/V as in унаан

Rules for paragogic consonants

Rule: Paragogic consonant deletion

Rule: Paragogic т deletion and tripple т between Cns and ^Close

Other consonant deletion rules

Rule: Paragogic т deletion and tripple т

Rule: Paragogic т deletion and tripple т

Rule: jDeletion after vowel

Rule: j to hard sign after consonant

Rule: l deletion ALSO tripple letter

Rule: d deletion

Vowel Palatalisation rules

Rule: а 2 я, о 2 ё, у 2 ю

Rule: %{иі%} 2 і

Rule: %{иі%} 2 и

Rules for soft and hard sign

Rule: Soft Sign Deletion

Rule: Hard Sign Deletion

Rule: Hard Sign Palatalization

Other rules

To do: Look at a more logical ordering

Rule: No triple letters deletes the middle consonant in Cx Cx > Cx sequences

Rule: IClitic

клуб+N+Sg+Err/Dial+Ill club/kerho

Rule: Disallow l to vowel after other than l

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc