Komi-Zyrian NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-kpv

Project meeting in Syktyvkar 21.3. 2017: Dima, Marina, Michael, Enye Lav, Jack, Trond.

Practical issues

GT infrastructure is/will be running on:


Summer 2017: Tromsø, Week 27??, 5 days, or perhaps 4 (look at flight schedule)


General working plan and collaborators


Documents for workers

Further plans

Project issues



Improving the FST for use in the new spellchecker

Work this spring

Micha and Niko made a test corpus and will continue with that. This will be introduced in the freecorpus / boundcorpus.

Micha and Niko start looking into the refinment of FST rules and adding CG rules (this work will only start slowly until the Tromsø meeting, but will be intensified after the meeting)

Machine Translation


Marina is planning a 3-year MT project kpv <-> rus.

CAT (Computer assisted translation)