Inupiaq NLP Grammar

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Verb lexicon

Stems according to Edna MacLean

Note that there are appr 120 verb + contlex combination being identical. They must thus be uniqed. The list is found at the end of this document.

LEXICON Verbs Siḷivigmiittuq ! is at Selawik Siḷivigmiñŋaqtuq ! is coming from Selawik Utqiaġviŋmuktuq ! He is going to Barrow. Utqiaġviŋmuktigaa ! is sending it to Barrow Utqiaġviŋmuutigaa ! is taking it to Barrow aaktuq ! is self-asserting, proud of himself (K) aalġuruq ! menstrates aatkaa ! snatches it away (K) aatchauqtuq ! yawns aatchuġaa ! gave it, gives it aatchuiruq ! gives (K) aatiġaa ! snatches it away aaġluqtuq ! looks up, raises head aaŋaruq ! is stubborn, acts against better advice aaŋittuq ! thinks he knows everything agaayuruq ! prays (K) agaayuvigmiittuq ! is in church agaktuq ! fights, plays roughly agiaqtuq ! files, rubs agikkaa ! files it, rubs it aglaktuq ! writes aglautiruq ! types (K) aglautitaqtuq ! types (N) agliruq ! grows up, gets big agliqiruq ! reads (K) aglisaiññaqtuq ! is continually getting bigger agliutigaa ! take one’s picture (K) agliñġaqtuq ! reaches puberty agliġigaa ! abstains from it, avoids it agliġnaqtuq ! is tabooed, forbidden to eat of do for religious reasons agniġiqsuq ! blizzard has ceased (N) airuq ! goes home (N) aigaa ! fetches it, goes to get it (K) aiḷaqtuq ! is damp (K) aiḷaqtuq ! is wet (N) aiḷinaqsiruq ! is lunch time (noon meal) (K) aiparuq ! is fresh, raw (uncooked food) (K) aitkaa ! fetches it, goes to get it (N) aitchuġaa ! gave it, gives it aitchuġaa ! gives it aitchuiruq ! gives (N) aitchuusiaqaqtuq ! has received a gift aitchuusiaġisuugaa ! is always receiving it aiyugaaqtuq ! invites aiyuilisuuruq ! gets carried away, goes to excess akigaġaa ! bears it, carries it akigaqtuq ! bears, carries akiiḷaaqtuq ! is free, without cost akiiḷaqtuq ! is owing akiiḷigaa ! beats him (in contest) akimaruq ! has won (is in state of having opposed) akimaruq ! wins akiqsruqtuq ! promises akiqsruġigaa ! promises it akisaqtuq ! revenges (lit. tries to counter) akisuruq ! is expensive, precious, valuable akitchaktuq ! trades, barters akpaktuq ! steps up (from lower to higher place) akpittuq ! starts to sing aksikkaa ! touches it aksraqtuq ! is rolling aktigiruq ! is so long, is this much aktigiruq ! it is that big akutuq ! “Eskimo ice cream” (of cooked fats, meats and berries) akutuq ! leaf akuaġaa ! catches it akuqtuq ! receives, accepts akuqtuġaa ! accepts it akutkaa ! stirs it akuġluktuq ! bell rings alapittuq ! inattentive, fools around, is confused alapittaqtuq ! is crazy, is drunk alatkaqtuq ! scans the landscape from an elevated point, looks into water for signs of fish alianaqtuq ! is quiet, lonesome, sad alianiuqtuq ! is lonesome, quiet, sad, not communicative aliasruktuq ! is despondent, sad (K) aliktuq ! is torn aliuqtuq ! cooks dog food (K) aliuqtuq ! haunts aliuqtuq ! marvels, fears (N), haunts aliuqtuqtuq ! is haunted allaiyaġaa ! is mending net allakuaqtuq ! goes by another way allaqtuq ! clear weather allaqtiġiruq ! dries, wipes (e.g. dishes) allatuqtuq ! commits adultery allayuaqtuq ! fears because of an unusual event, shyness of toddler (N) allayuaqtuq ! is shy, bashful (of toddler) (N) allaŋŋuqtuq ! is different allaŋŋuqtuq ! is different, other (N) alliqsuq ! is deep aluktuq ! licks alutaġuktuq ! wants a spoon aluutaġaqtuq ! eats with a spoon alġaqsruġaa ! exhorts him, tells him the right way to behave alġaqsruiruq ! exhorts, corrects, preaches (N) alġaqsruiruq ! exhorts, reproves, preaches (N) amaġaa ! puts him (baby) on her back (inside the parka) amaaqtuq ! carry baby on back amaniittuq ! is there (out of sight) amiiqsiruq ! skins an animal amiiqsiktuq ! has skinned self (K) amiiġruktuq ! has skinned self (N) amiḷiqiruq ! works with skins amumaruq ! is pulled out (e.g. a net) anaqtuq ! defecates anaugaa ! hits him, beats him anayasuktuq ! fears the consequence (N) aniruq ! exits, is born aniruq ! is born (lit. exits) aniiqsuaqtuq ! plays outdoors aniqtiġiruq ! breathes aniġnitchiaqtuq ! is panting annaktuq ! is saved (N) annaktuq ! is sheltered, is safe, saves annaqtittuq ! is bruised annautigaa ! saves him anniiyaruq ! is sore (N) anniqsuġaa ! benefits him anniqsuiruq ! benefits, helps anniqsuiruq ! helps, is beneficial (N) anniqsuqtuq ! is saved (K) anniġñaqtuq ! hurts, pains, is sick (N) anuqqaŋaruq ! is windy (gale force) anuqsruruq ! endures, suffers (K) anuqłiqsuq ! is windy apaiqsuq ! is enough, had enough apiruq ! is snow covered apigaa ! it is snow covered apiqsriruq ! asks, questions apiqsruġaa ! is about to question him, ask him apiġigaa ! questioned him, asked him apluqtuq ! steps, takes a step apqusraaġaa ! passes him (K) apqusraaqtuq ! travels through (K) aptaruq ! is busy (N) apuġaa ! bumps, strikes against it, meets him apuqtuq ! meets, bumps, strikes against apuqtiġaa ! bumps, strikes against it, meets him apyularuq ! is dusty (K) aqalugniaqtuq ! is fishing (kiv, n) aqaluktuq ! catches a fish (kiv, n) aqavittuq ! sits down ( q) aqiruq ! kicks aqigaa ! kicks it aqiaġunŋuruq ! has an acute stomachache aqpaksruqtuq ! runs (of human) (K) aqpaliġaaqtuq ! runs a race aqpaqsruqtuq ! runs (K) aqpattuq ! runs (of human) (N) aqqauqtuq ! (fish) bit on hook aqsravaluktuq ! is round (K) aqtuġaa ! touches it aquvittuq ! sits down aqvaluktuq ! is round (N) araqsiġiaqtuq ! is open to counsel (N) argaaqtuq ! broken finger arguaqtuġaa ! doubts it arguaŋaruq ! is egotistical (can do anything) arguktuq ! travels into the wind arriligaa ! draws, sketches its likeness arriqaqtuq ! is like, is comparable (N) asiqtuq ! is nodding (with head while others dance) ataruq ! is connected with ataaniittuq ! is under ataaqtuq ! travels down river by boat ataaqtuqtuq ! goes down to the lead to camp for whaling (N) ataaqtuqtuq ! goes to set up whale camp on the ice (N) atanniġaa ! judges him (K) atanġiqsauruq ! is free atanġusuktuq ! is cranky atanġusuktuq ! is cranky (N) atanġuturuq ! is cranky (K) ataqsiruq ! borrows atauttuq ! goes beneath atautkaa ! goes beneath it atchiġaa ! names him atchiksuq ! is lowly, is humble (K) atchikisaaqtuq ! see-saw jumping (N) atchitkaa ! lends him atiruq ! is the same, there is no difference atigaa ! wears it, put it on atigiruq ! puts on parka atigitchiaqtuq ! gets a new parky atiqayaqtuq ! almost the same atiqsaaqtuq ! travels down river by sled atlayuaqtuq ! fears because of an unusual event, shyness of toddler (K) atlayuaqtuq ! is shy, bashful (of toddler) (K) atlaġiiqsuq ! is different, other (K) atniiyaruq ! is sore (K) atniutaqtuqtuq ! has pain atniġñaqtuq ! hurts, pains, is sick (K) atniġñaqtuq ! is sick (malaise) (K) atqaqtuq ! descends atqunaqtuq ! is much, too much, plenty, there is an abundance atriligaa ! draws, sketches its likeness atriqaqtuq ! is like, is comparable (K) attaqsraqtuq ! respects, fear of a person who is not well known (K) attaġnaqtuq ! is stern, unfriendly, non-communicative atuġaa ! sings it atuġaa ! uses it atuaniktuq ! has already sung atuqtuq ! sings atuqtuq ! uses, acts immorally atuqtuuraqtuq ! plays instrument atuutiksraqaqtuq ! has a song choice atuġnaqtuq ! is useful atuġuiqsuq ! is worthless atuŋaiqsuq ! is useless (having been useable) atuŋaiqsuq ! is worthless atuŋaktuq ! resoles a boot (K?) atvaqtaqtuq ! humbles himself much (K) auruq ! is rotten, is rotting, aging auktuq ! nose bleeds aukkaa ! melts it (ice, snow) aularuq ! dances (K) aularuq ! dances (K) aularuq ! moves (N, s) aularuq ! nuna earthquake (N) aullaqtuq ! departs, goes away aullaqtuq ! goes away aullaqsiviñaqtuq ! is departing quickly aullaqsruġniaqtuq ! picks berries aullaqtitkaa ! causes it to depart, sends aullaqtitkaa ! sends him away aullautigaa ! leads him away, takes it away aullaġniiruq ! begins aunaaqtuq ! bleeds, menstruates (N) aunaaqsruqtuq ! bleeds, menstruates (K) auniqtuq ! has a rotten spot auqtuq ! stalks seal, crawling and scratching on ice at the same time autaaqtuq ! divides, shares avaalaruq ! yelps with pain (K, q) avallaktuq ! travels straight out from the shore avanŋagaa ! all around him aviktuq ! cuts, divides (meat, bread, etc.) aviḷuqtaqtuq ! bell rings ayaagittuq ! is undecided, desires to but can’t begin (N) ayauruq ! got blind ayauŋaruq ! is blind ayuruq ! plays ball (K) ayuktuq ! ball ayuqtuq ! plays ball (N) aġiisruknaġaa ! is offended by it aġiuruq ! ends, quits, stops, is satisfied (N) aġiunaqtuq ! plays (K) aġiunayaqtuq ! would be stopped aġiñaqtuq ! is soft aġvaluktuq ! is round aġvaqtuq ! killed a whale aġġallaaġiktuq ! enjoys himself (K) aġġiruq ! dances, participates aŋaayuruq ! prays (N) aŋalanŋaitkaa ! did not control him aŋalataġaa ! directs him, controls him aŋalatchiruq ! rules, reigns, directs aŋayuruq ! dances aŋiruq ! arose, resuscitated, revived aŋiruq ! is big aŋiruq ! is big aŋiruq ! resuscitated, revived, arose aŋiġaa ! agrees with him, assents to it aŋiiñaqtuq ! procures no game, fish aŋiḷaaqtuq ! goes home (K) aŋiḷgisaqtuq ! swings (n) aŋipchaġaa ! resuscitated him, resurrected him (K) aŋipkaŋagaa ! resuscitated him, resurrected him (N) aŋiqtuq ! agrees, assents, says yes with raised eyebrows aŋisitkaa ! tempers it aŋivraġaa ! unravels it, unscrews it, unties it aŋivraqtuq ! disassembles (K) aŋivraqtuq ! loosens, unravels, unties aŋivsiruq ! disassembles (N) aŋiłhisaqtuq ! swings (K) aŋmaqtuq ! is open, turned on (radio, tape recorder) aŋniġiqsuq ! blizzard has ceased (K) aŋuruq ! procures game, fish aŋugaa ! procures it aŋuaqtuq ! paddles aŋularuq ! chews aŋuniaqtuq ! is hunting aŋuyaktuq ! fights ichuktuq ! fleshes animal skin, tans (K) igaapiaqtuq ! boils meat or fish iggianŋuruq ! has an acute sore throat igittuq ! throws away, discards igitkaa ! throws it away, discards it iglaqtuq ! laughs iglaŋaruq ! smiles iglaŋaaqtuq ! smiles iglaŋaaqtuq ! smiles (N) igliqtuq ! travels, moves igliŋnaqtuq ! is cute (of a baby) iglukisaaqtuq ! juggles igluqpiruq ! builds a house (N) igḷutuġaa ! endures it, suffers it igḷutuiruq ! endure igḷutuiruq ! endures igniruq ! make fire with flint igniqauqtuq ! Steller’s eider (Somateria stelleri) igniġuqpatittuq ! is lightning (N) igruġaa ! gets stiff (of a dead body) igruliġaa ! has chills (K) iigaa ! swallows it iivaqtuq ! comes around a point (K) iivaqsaaqtuq ! rounds a bend (K) ikaaġaa ! crosses it ikaaqtuq ! crosses over ikayuġaa ! helps him ikayuqtuq ! helps ikiruq ! burns, is consumed ikiruq ! embarks (boat, sled, airplane etc.) ikiruq ! embarks, enters, gets on or into ikiaqtaalaaqtuq ! body tingles because of emotional stimulus ikimaruq ! is burning, is on (of electric light) ikiqturuq ! is wide ikkattuq ! is shallow ikpigigaa ! gets in on his mind and believes it (K) ikpiktitaqtuq ! bank is being undercut by water ikpiktitaqtuq ! water is undercutting bank iksrukkaa ! carries it on the shoulder ikugaa ! loads it on ikuallaktuq ! bursts into flame ikuallauraqtuq ! is burning a little, smoldering ikuktuq ! fleshes animal skin, tans (N) ikuktuq ! loads sled (N) ikumaruq ! is burning, is on (of electric light) ikľigutchaktittuq ! is tempted (lit. induced to want the other) illuktuq ! is snow blinded iḷaruq ! is adding (K) iḷaksiagaa ! bothers him iḷaliruq ! adds, joins, shakes hands with (K) iḷaliruq ! shakes hand iḷaligaa ! shakes his hand iḷaqatniktuq ! is married (lit. he obtained a partner) iḷaqatniktuq ! obtained a marriage partner iḷasrailaruq ! cries with pain, screams (K) iḷaŋŋaaqtaaqtuq ! is subtracting iḷigaa ! lays it down, places it iḷimasuktuq ! suspect iḷiqsaqtuq ! nuna earthquake iḷiqsaqtuq ! nuna earthquake (K) iḷiqsaqtuq ! quakes, wobbles iḷisaqtuq ! tries to learn, practices iḷisaurriruq ! teaches (N) iḷisautigaa ! teaches him iḷisautriruq ! teaches (K) iḷisimaruq ! knows iḷisimagaa ! knows it iḷisimasugnaqtuq ! is thought to know (I think he knows) iḷitchiruq ! learns iḷitchuġiruq ! recognizes, realizes iḷitchuġigaa ! finds it out, becomes acqainted with him iḷḷaktuq ! is tangled iḷḷaqtuq ! tangle iḷḷatiruq ! adds, joins, shakes hands with (N) iḷḷatiruq ! is adding (N) iḷḷiaqsuqtuq ! combs hair (N) iḷḷiaġuruġaa ! combs it (K) iḷumutuuruq ! is true iḷunŋuruq ! stomach hurts iḷunŋutchaktuq ! is deeply angry, hurt, disturbed iḷuvviktuq ! buries (N) imaiqsuq ! is low (water in river) imaqaqtuq ! is full imaqsiruq ! moistens skin imigluktuq ! earring iminŋuruq ! has a hangover (K) imiqtuq ! drinks imiqtaqtuq ! is going for water imiġuktuq ! is thirsty immaqtuq ! is leaking immiġaa ! fills it immiqsuq ! is full imñiqsaktuq ! groans imŋaluktuq ! whines imŋaluktuq ! whines (dog), hums (person) inillaktuq ! is placing inillakkaa ! is placing it innaittuq ! the like of, such kind (N) inuqtuq ! is insufficient, fails to reach it, shoots low ipiruq ! suffocates, smothers, drowns ipiktuq ! is sharp ipiktusuktuq ! is sad, despondent ipiqtusuktuq ! is despondent, sad (N) ipitkaa ! suffocates him, smothers him, drowns him ipiġaqtuq ! wades, cuts himself ipiġaqtuġaa ! whips him ipnaiqtuq ! goes to a cliff ipquruq ! is dirty ipuaqtuq ! rows (N) ipuktaqtuq ! see-saw jumping (K) iputtuq ! rows (K) ipyanŋunaqtuq ! is stuffy (K) iqalugniaqtuq ! is fishing (N, q) iqaluktuq ! catches a fish (N, q) iqaqsriruq ! washes clothes (N) iqatauruq ! is together with (K) iqiasruktuq ! is lazy (K) iqiasuktuq ! is lazy iqiasuktuq ! lazy iqiatkaa ! does not want to do it, is lazy iqiatchaktuq ! (moon) begins to wane iqquliruq ! skins muskrat (by cutting the belly section) iqsiruq ! fears iqsiruq ! fears (general, most common) iqsigigaa ! is afraid of him iqsisaaqtuq ! frightens away an attacking animal (K) iqsruqtuqtuq ! builds a house (K) iqsuktuq ! responds negatively by wrinkling nose iqsuktaqtuq ! wrinkles nose iqłaqtuqtuq ! is jigging, is hooking mudshark (K), is hooking tomcod (q) irinŋuruq ! eye hurts iriqtuq ! hides irriŋuġaa ! is icy cold (N) irrutigaa ! treats him properly, right isaaqtuq ! raises his arms (N) isaaŋaruq ! reaches forth isaġutiruq ! beings isiḷġiġaa ! corrects his misundertanding isimŋaaqtuq ! line of gently sloping hills isiqtuq ! enters, visits isiqattaaqtuq ! is visiting isiqsiruq ! is getting smoke filled isiqsuruq ! is daring (strong), is enduring (persistent hunter) (K) isivġiiruq ! judges (N) isivġiigaa ! examines him, tries him out isiġniataktuq ! is trying to enter israktuq ! raises his arms (K) isrumaruq ! thinks (K) isrumaaluktuq ! worries (K) isrumanŋuruq ! holds a grudge (K) isruqtuq ! is opaque, is muddy, not clear (K) isumaruq ! thinks (N, q) isumaaqtuq ! mourns (not expressed), worries (K) isumalitqigaa ! repents of it (lit. rethinks it) isumanŋuruq ! holds a grudge (N) isumanŋutchautiruq ! argues heatedly isumatturuq ! is wise isumaturuq ! is wise isummaqpaktuq ! is sorrowing much isuqtuq ! is opaque, is muddy, not clear ittuq ! exists, is, lives, stays itchuqtuq ! waits for an animal to appear (K) itiruq ! is deep itiktaqtuq ! has diarrhea itiqtuq ! wakes up itivliruq ! is sleepwalking, talking in his sleep itiġnaġiaqtuq ! arises early itnaqtuq ! the like of, such kind (K) itqanaiqsuq ! is ready, finished itqaqtuq ! remembers itqaqtiġaa ! it comes to mind (K) itqatauŋaruq ! is together with (N) itqaġigaa ! remembers it itqaġmiraqtuq ! he habitually remembers itqumaruq ! is awake, is not sleeping itqutchiġnaqsiruq ! is breakfast time itraiqsuq ! has moderated (having been cold) (K) itriŋuġaa ! is icy cold (K) ivaruq ! is nesting ivaktuq ! searches (N) ivaluktuq ! flaps (N) ivalukataqtuq ! is flapping (slowly) ivalukkattaaqtuq ! is flapping (rapidly) ivayaqtuġaa ! defrauds, robs him (K) ivaġiaqtuq ! is going to search iviktuq ! fits iviġaktuq ! pleases ivukutaqtuq ! flaps (K) ivvaqtuq ! bathes (N) ivyanŋunaqtuq ! is stuffy (N) iñigaa ! hangs (fish or net for dryingj) over a pole iñiqsiruq ! made, created (K) iñiqtiġaa ! threatened him iñiqtiqtuq ! is threatening (scolding that brings results) iñiqtiqtuq ! rebuked him, permitted him not iñiqtuqtuq ! is tired (K) iñugiaktuq ! are many iñugiiḷiqsuq ! frowns (lit. makes himself ugly) iñugiksuq ! is a good or pretty person iñugiksuq ! is handsome, beautiful iñuguqtuq ! became a man (having grown up) iñuguqtuq ! grew up (lit. became a person) iñukpalliktuq ! comes from, originates iñulluataqtuq ! is a good man iñunŋunaqtuq ! is naughty (lit. evokes a person to pain) (K) iñuuruq ! lives iñuuniaqtuq ! makes a living, lives iñuŋniqsuq ! is a gentleman iññiaqtuq ! is visiting (K) iññiaqsiruq ! stretches hide on frame iġitchaqtuq ! plucks fowl iġḷigigaa ! clings to it for himself, is stingy with it iġḷiktuq ! is stingy iġḷituruq ! is stingy (n, K) iġñiruq ! gives birth, has a baby iġñiqaġniaqtuq ! will have a son iġġialaruq ! yells, shouts iġġuqsiruq ! washes clothes (K) iłuaqtuq ! is right, good, correct, fitting iłuaqquġuuruq ! is proper, honest iłuaqsiruq ! heals, fixes iłuaqsiruq ! recovers iłuaqsruqtuq ! corrects person who is erring ignorantly iłuiḷḷiuqtuq ! is troubled, bad conscience iŋiġaa ! asks him, begs him, prays to him iŋiqsruqtuq ! asks, prays (K) iŋiuliuqtuq ! pitches (boat) iŋutuq ! young female (choice whale, soft muktuk) kaaktuq ! is hungry (N) kaimuġaqtuq ! pushes heavy sled (N) kaivaŋaruq ! is dizzy (N) kaivittuq ! circles around (K) kaivḷuktuq ! pushes heavy sled kakaaktuq ! carries on head or shoulders kakiruq ! pricksq kakkaaqtuq ! is starving, starved to death kakkiruq ! blows nose kakkiñŋuruq ! has a stuffy nose kalaktuq ! burps (N, q) kalaktuq ! clears throat kalikkaa ! drags it kalitkaa ! pulls it, drags it behind kalivittuq ! is stuck kallularuq ! is thundering kamagigaa ! obeys him kamaksriruq ! obeys kamaksriugaqtuq ! is always obedient kamanaqtuq ! is great, is to be honored kamanałhaaqtuq ! is greater kamasaaqtuq ! is boastful (N, q) kamasraaqtuq ! is boastful (K) kamatchaktuq ! is surprised at another’s ability, takes pride in another’s ability kananiittuq ! is down there (visible) kanŋusruktuq ! is ashamed, bashful (K) kanŋusuktuq ! is ashamed, bashful (N) kanŋusuuruq ! is shy kanŋutchiaqtuq ! is embarrassed kapiruq ! stabs kapyaliqsuq ! worries, gets dizzy, has a headache (K) kasuŋaruq ! is loose (e.g. rope tied loosely around pole) (N) kataktuq ! is falling katakkaa ! drops it katittuq ! gathers katitkaa ! gathers it kauktuq ! hammers (K) kautaqtuq ! hammers (N) kaviqsuq ! is red kayuqtuq ! fox (K) kayuqtuq ! red fox (N) kayuŋiutigaa ! coaxes him, urges him (K) kaŋataliiktaktuq ! to rumble (as a moving sled) kaŋiqsiruq ! understands kiavluktuq ! circles around (N) kigiraqtuq ! is crimping soles (K) kigutinŋuruq ! has a toothache kiigaa ! answers him (K) kiiqsiuqtuq ! is painful kiiraqtuq ! is crimping soles (N) kiiñaġiiliruq ! blushes kikiaktuutigaa ! crucifies him (lit. nails him) kiliktuq ! tells news, warns kiliktauruq ! is being warned kiliktuġaa ! tells him news, warns him killaiyaqtuq ! mends, sews killukuaqtuq ! errs killukuaqtuq ! goes wrong way killuqsaqtuq ! sinned (K) kiluaqtuq ! is ripped kiluusaġaa ! locks it kiluusaqsimaruq ! is locked kiḷiigruktuq ! has skinned self, abrased kiḷiqsuq ! has cut self kinataqtuq ! brakes sled kiniqtuq ! thick soup kinnauruq ! is foolish kinnaŋaaqsiruq ! is becoming senile kipalukkaa ! works for him, helps him kipaluniktuq ! has helpers kipiqniuqtuq ! is anxious to (K) kipiġiruq ! is anxious to kipiġniuqtuq ! is anxious to (N) kipliġaa ! cuts it in two, severs it kipriruq ! cuts off, severs (K) kirratchaiqtitkaa ! shines brightly kirriruq ! cuts off, severs (N) kirriqsiruq ! has a fever kisimġiuqtuq ! is alone kisiŋŋuġaa ! left him alone, left her bereaved kitñuruq ! capsizes kiugaa ! answers him (N) kiugiññaġaa ! is merely answering him kiviruq ! sinks kiviktuq ! lifts kivikkaa ! lifts it kiviliqtuq ! cannot recall word or name, forget kivluktuq ! cuts across kivsiruq ! is startled awake while dozing off kiñuġautiruq ! is too late (K) kiŋiaqtuq ! turns head (K) kiŋiaqtuq ! turns head, looks behind (K) kiŋmaqtuq ! bites kiŋuruq ! capsizes (N) kiŋuvaannaktuq ! inherits (N) kiŋuġautchiruq ! is too late (N) kukiḷuktuq ! goes about from place to place kukiuruq ! is cooking (N) kukkiḷiruq ! picks teeth kumiktuq ! scratches kunikkaa ! kisses him kuraqtuq ! looks down kurraqtuq ! looks down, lowers head kusiksuq ! is dripping kuukpiaqtuqtuq ! is drinking coffee kuviruq ! pours kuvigaa ! pours it kuvigaa ! pours it out kuvraqtuq ! netted fish kuvraqsruqtuq ! checks net kuvriruq ! makes net kuvriqsuq ! is setting net kuvriqiruq ! checks net kuyakkaa ! lies with her maguruq ! howls (dog, wolf) makimaktuq ! understands not (N) makittuq ! arises, stands up makpiqtuq ! opens (as a shirt, coat) maliktuq ! follows (another)
malikkaa ! follows him, accompanies him maliksuktitauruq ! convinced maliksuktitauruq ! is convinced mamianaqtuq ! is annoyed, offended mamittuq ! heals (of sore, cut, etc.) mamititkaa ! healed him manaqtuqtuq ! is hooking fish (tomcod) (q) mapkutittuq ! slaps the water with his tail (beaver) mapqaqtuq ! reports of a gun, sound of an explosion mapturuq ! is thick maqiruq ! drains (of ear, sore etc.), sweats maqiruq ! sweats (N) mattaqtuq ! disrobes, removes the harness from a dog matuniġaa ! covers it mauruq ! steps into, falls into a hole, breaks through (of snow) mauragaaqtuq ! crossing open water by jumping on “stepping stone” ice pans mayuqtuq ! ascends, climbs up mayuqtuq ! climbs maġaalaruq ! yelps with pain (N) maŋaqtuq ! is black (N) mikiruq ! is small miluktuq ! nurses miluktitkaa ! breast feeds him miḷuqtuq ! hits with a thrown object miniksuq ! is misty minitkaa ! missed him, omitted him minġuqtuq ! is tired miquqtuq ! sews (N) miqłiqtuq ! child (b) misigaqtuq ! hops misuktuq ! dips mitaaqtuq ! jokes mitautigigaa ! mocks him, makes a fool of him mitauturuq ! mocks (K) mitchaaġaqsiruq ! is proceeding to land miñugluktuq ! is stained, spotted miñukkaa ! paints it miñułiġaa ! paints it miñułiqtuq ! is painting miġiaqtuq ! vomits muliktuq ! is closed, turned off (radio, etc.) muluruq ! stays a long while mumiksiruq ! translates munaġigaa ! watches him, takes care of him muqpaktuq ! dives (of a sea mammal whose body curves high out of the water) naaruq ! ends, runs out, finishes naalaktuq ! listens naamaruq ! is complete, is enough naammaktuq ! is fitting, right, perfect naaqturuq ! is pregnant (K) naattuq ! is ended, finished, stopped, caught naavittuq ! dumps out (non-liquid) naavitkaa ! dumps it (non-liquid) (N) naavitkaa ! dumps it out naaġuqtuq ! (moon) is full nagligigaa ! has compassion on him nagligigaa ! pities him nagliginniġaa ! is merciful to him naglignaqtuq ! is poor, pitiable (N) nagliktuq ! is merciful, compassionate nagliksaaqtitchiruq ! persecute nagliksraqtuq ! pities nagliŋnaqtuq ! is poor, pitiable (K) nairuq ! smells nairuq ! smells strong, smells foul naipiqtuq ! watch critically (N) naipitkaa ! watches it closely, tests it (K) nakiqtuq ! goes direct (as path of bullet) nakkaqtuq ! dives, sinks naktuqtuq ! is chipped nakuruq ! is cross-eyed nakuaqsriruq ! likes, loves nakuqsiruq ! is getting better (K) nakuuruq ! is good nakuuruq ! is good nakuuruq ! is good, fine nakuugisiruq ! it is going to be good nakuumaruq ! is in state of being good nakuupiaġataqtuq ! is extremely good nakuupiaŋitkaluaqtuq ! although not very good, it is okay nakuuqsiruq ! is getting better (N) nakuusimaruq ! now is good (having been ot good) nakuułallaktuq ! it is very good nalaunŋaruq ! is right, just nalauraaqtuq ! rests nalauttuq ! is right nalautchaaġaa ! travels past (N) nalautchaqtuq ! guesses, gambles nalautittuq ! fulfills, sights in a rifle nalautitkaa ! aims it, focuses it nallaruq ! lays (himself) down nallaqtuq ! has lain down nallaqtuq ! lies down nallautigaa ! lays him down, puts him to bed naluruq ! is ignorant, does not know naluktuq ! swims (of sea mammals and polar bear) nalukataqtuq ! is blanket tossing naluksriŋuaqtuq ! has a hangover (N) nalunaqtuq ! is secret, is hidden nalupqigigaa ! is uncertain about it nalupqinaqtuq ! is uncertain, unpredictable nalupqisuktuq ! doubts, is uncertain nalġuqsruġaa ! straightens it, corrects him nalġuqsruiruq ! corrects, instructs naniqtuq ! is trapped naniġiaqtuqtuq ! is trapping nanmaktuq ! carries on the back, back packs (N) nanuktuq ! rubs with seal oil (as on neck for sore throat) nanġaġaa ! praises him, brags about him nanġaqtuq ! brags, praises (himself) nanġaqtuq ! praises, boasts naparuq ! (4) rib (4) naparuq ! sticks up napaaqtuq ! tree napaaqtuq ! tree, spruce tree napittuq ! is snared napituruq ! is noisy napiŋaruq ! is hunchbacked (N) nappairuq ! builds napuŋaruq ! is hunchbacked (K) naqittuq ! is low narranŋuruq ! has abdominal ache narranŋuruq ! stomach cramps (acute) nasittuq ! ascends to a high spot for scanning (N) natchikkaa ! yearns to follow him natchiqiruq ! washes floor (K) natchitchiġaa ! lays flooring natiġviksuq ! is ground drifting natmaktuq ! carries on the back, back packs (K) natqigutigaa ! forgives him (lit. corrects him) (K) natqiksruqtuq ! is correcting one who has unknowingly erred nauruq ! grows naulikkaa ! spears it nautchiiruq ! plants nautkiaqtuq ! jumps down naviagaa ! does not dare it naviagigaa ! is dangerous for him navianaqtuq ! is dangerous naviktuq ! breaks navikkaa ! breaks it nayaaŋaġaa ! greets him, sends him greetings (K) nayagaqtuq ! is drowsy (N) nayaŋaqtuq ! is drowsy nayuġaa ! lives with him, stays with him nayuutiruq ! stays, remains naġġugigaa ! despises it, rejects it naŋiatchaktuq ! fears a situation naŋittuq ! is sick naŋittuq ! is sick (malaise) niaqunŋuruq ! has a headache nigaqtuq ! is snared nigaqtuqtuq ! is snaring caribou or sheep nigaqtuqtuq ! is snaring small game niglaqtuq ! has cooled (of food, drink) nigliñaqtuq ! is cold (not weather) niguaqtuqtuq ! is wary (N) nikatchaktuq ! gives up (N) nikpaqtuq ! waits for an animal to appear (N) niksaaqtuq ! burps (K) niksiksuqtuq ! is hooking (jigging) fish niksiḷiuqtuq ! makes a hook niliqtuq ! expels flatus (gas) nipaalaruq ! screams nipiruq ! (sun, moon) sets nipittuq ! is sticky nipituruq ! is noisy, loud niptaruq ! is bright weather (N) niptaqtuq ! is clearing, clouds are dispersing niqipialiuqtuq ! boils meat (K) niqiqaqtuq ! has meat niqiłuktuq ! is poor meat (food) niqniaqtuq ! is cooking (K) niuruq ! (sun, moon) appears from behind cloud niuruq ! disembarks niuriruq ! unloads niuriruq ! unloads sled (K, N) niuriruq ! unloads, longshores nivaktuq ! paws (K) nivaktuq ! shovels, digs nivaktaqtuq ! falls backward (N) niviqtuq ! lays on his back (K) niviŋaġaa ! hangs it up niviŋaqtuq ! hangs down niñŋiqsimaruq ! is insulating dwelling by building a wall of snow blocks about it and placing soft snow between the wall and the dwelling niġiruq ! eats niġianiktuq ! has already eaten niġiaqtuq ! is going to eat niġipchaġaa ! he feeds him niġiqsuruq ! like to eat excessively (N) niġiraksrauruq ! must be eaten niġiruksrauruq ! has to eat niġisuktuq ! is hungry (K) niġisuġuiqsuq ! has had enough food niġiugigaa ! expects him (K, N) niġiuktuq ! expects, hopes (N) niġiľauraqtuq ! is eating a little niġḷiktuq ! choked to death niġvallaksraaqtuq ! falls backward (K) niŋitkaa ! kuvraq is setting net niŋitchiruq ! sets out, plants nuiruq ! comes into view, rises (sun) nuktaqtuq ! moves from place to place nullaqtuq ! camps nullautchiġñaqsiruq ! is supper time nunagiksuq ! is a good land nunuuraqtuq ! is remorseful nuqitkaa ! draws, pulls it nuqitchiruq ! raises an object by pulling with a rope nutauruq ! is new nutiktuq ! leaps nutqaqtuq ! stops, dies nutqaqtitkaa ! stops it nuttaġigaa ! leaps at him nuuruq ! moves to another dwelling nuuttuq ! moves to another dwelling nuvaktuq ! has a cold nuvaksiruq ! has a cold nuviyaliqsuq ! is overcast, is getting cloudy nuvuyalaqtuq ! is cloudy (broken) nuvuyaliqsuq ! is overcast, is getting cloudy nuvuyaŋŋuqsaiññaġaa ! is changing to cloudy weather nuyuaqtuq ! is wary (K) nuyuiqsuq ! is not afraid, is not scared nuŋuruq ! is used up paaġaa ! meets him paalaktuq ! stumbles, falls forward paamaktuq ! crawls on all fours paamġuqtuq ! crawls paaġurraqtuq ! paddles (qayaq) pairuq ! stays behind, stays home (when others went on a journey) paitchaktuq ! inherits (K) pakaktuq ! searches pakiktuq ! searches (K) paniktuq ! is thin, skinny paniqtuq ! is dry pannauruq ! is thin, skinny paqittuq ! finds pasigaa ! blames him, accuses him (N) pasiaqtuq ! warms himself by the fire pasigigaa ! suspects him, blames him pasinaqtuq ! is guilty pasrigaa ! blames him, accuses him (K) pasrigigaa ! suspects him, blames him (K) patchisaiġaa ! frees him patchisaiqsauruq ! is not guilty, innocent patchisauruq ! is guilty patchisigigaa ! accused, blamed him, condemns him, finds him guilty patchisigigaa ! blames him, accuses him (K) patiktuq ! slaps pauŋaqtuq ! travels inland payuktaqtuq ! gives gift of food paġlaġaa ! welcomes him pałuqtuq ! capsizes (K) paŋaliktuq ! gallops piaptuq ! sloppy (n) pigaaqtuq ! stays up late pigiitḷuktuq ! it is worse piiġaa ! removes it piiguqtuq ! forgets piiḷaaqtuq ! denies piiqsuq ! is absent piiqsuq ! is taken away piiyaġaa ! breaks it piiyaqtuq ! is broken piksraqtaaġigaa ! is choosing him piksraqtaaġuruq ! chooses (N) piksrutitaqtuq ! shovels piḷaaqtuq ! cares for baby piḷaiqsuq ! is tired piḷaiqsuq ! is tired (N) piḷaiŋiaqsiaqtuq ! takes a rest (a break from work) piḷaktuq ! butchers an animal (performs surgery) piḷiuqtuq ! is making piḷḷaruq ! is able to do (N) piḷḷuataqtuq ! is dependable, is good (N) piḷḷuataqtuq ! is good, dependable piḷuiḷḷiqsuq ! is not as capable as used to be piḷuktuq ! is bad (N) piḷuktuq ! is bad, sins (N) piḷuktuq ! sinned (N) piḷuksisuguuruq ! is always wanting to do badly piḷġaġaa ! braids hair piḷġataqtuq ! finally he did it pimaqłuktuq ! is bad pimmaġiksaaqtuq ! does it well piqpagigaa ! loves him piqpaktuq ! is expensive, precious, valuable piqpaksriruq ! loves piqpaksriruq ! loves, precious piqsiqsuq ! is snow storming (b) pisaasruktuq ! is always trying to do (K) pisaasruktuq ! is clever (K) pisaasuqtuq ! is clever (N) pisaasuuruq ! is always trying to do (N) pisaayugaġaa ! provokes him pisikkaa ! shoots it, hits it (N) pisiksaqtuq ! tries to shoot, tries to hit (N) pisruktuq ! walks (K) pisuaqtuq ! walks pisuaqtuq ! walks (N) pisuktuq ! flees pisuktuq ! wants, desires pisukataqtuq ! takes a stroll pisuġiuqsuq ! is enough (as when filling gas tank) pitḷaruq ! is able to do (K) pitḷautaqtuq ! is dependable, is good pitquruq ! commands pituktuq ! ties up (as a dog to a pole) pitukkaa ! ties it, (dog, boat) pitukkaa ! ties up, anchors piuraaqtuq ! plays, fools around pivuittaqtuq ! loves (of marriage) (N) piyaqquqtuq ! had an accident piyuaġaa ! tempts him, pursues him piñaqtuq ! happened piñiaqtuq ! will do, happen piñiġliruq ! inadvertently startles animal piññaqnaqtuq ! is good-looking, beautiful (K) piññaqnaqtuq ! is pretty piññaġiaqtuq ! is early piġuqtuq ! is haughty (N) piŋŋuaqtuq ! is pretending piŋŋuaqtuq ! pretends puggutchiruq ! washes dishes (N) puggutchiqiruq ! washes dishes (K) puiruq ! surfaces puktaktuq ! stinker (dead animal floating after having first sunk) (q) puktuktuq ! stinker (dead animal floating after having first sunk) (N) pularuq ! is eclipsed (lit. slipped into the brush) punniliuqtuq ! bakes bread (N) punŋaruq ! bows low, hides from animal while stalking (used for non-appearance of sun in December) (K) puptaruq ! floats puptaktuq ! stinker (dead animal floating after having first sunk) (K) puqiksuq ! is quick to learn, is wise (K) puttuq ! bows puttuq ! bows, bends at the waist putchimaallaktitchaġaa ! stores moistened skin for short while putchimaapkaqsaaġaa ! stores moistened skin overnight puttuqsriruq ! comes to mind, is inspired (N) puturiruq ! made a hole, drilled a hole putyukkaa ! pinches it (K) puuguqtuq ! forgets (p) puukaqtuq ! stumbles puuvraaqtuq ! plays in water puuvraktuq ! swims, plows through deep soft snow (N) puuvraqtuq ! swims (human swimming only) puuvruktuq ! swims, plows through deep soft snow (K) puuyuqtuq ! forgets (K) puuġniġaa ! wraps it puyattuq ! is dirty, grimy, gummy puyauruq ! is soiled, (e.g. of unwashed clothes) puyuaqtuq ! stalks (K) puyugaktuq ! is approaching a sea mammal by crawling (N) puyyukkaa ! pinches it (N) qaaktuqtuq ! is seining qaaliqsiruq ! roofs a house qaamasraaqtuq ! is buoyantly joyful (K) qaamatchaktuq ! is buoyantly joyful (N) qaaqtuq ! bursts, explodes (N) qaaqsiñiiraulġataqtuq ! readily blows his top (K) qaayuliqsuq ! dirties himself (of baby messing diaper) qaaŋaniittuq ! is on top qaaŋiałausrimaruq ! veers away, goes to excess (K) qairuq ! comes (N) qairuq ! comes (n) qaiḷiqsuq ! is rough water qaiqsuq ! is smooth, level, flat qaisugnaġniqsuq ! is thought he is coming (I think he is coming qaitchiruq ! gives qaitchigaa ! gives it qaiyasiruq ! is about to come qaiyumaaqtuq ! will come (someday) qakiġaa ! boxes him qaliuqtuq ! cooks fish (K) qalliruq ! approaches, nears qalligaa ! draws near qallugauraqiruq ! washes dishes (N) qaluruq ! is dip netting qalugaa ! is dip netting qaluktuq ! catches a fish (K) qaluuqtuq ! is dip netting qaluŋniaqtuq ! is fishing (K) qalġuqtuq ! croaks, crows, quacks, honks, whistles qamiruq ! goes out, extinguishes itself qamittuq ! is turned off, extinguished qamitkaa ! turns it off, extinguishes it qamŋuiruq ! snores (N, K) qanigruaqtuq ! is snowing (no wind) (K) qanittuq ! is near qanittuq ! is near, is close qanniġaa ! orders it qanniksuq ! is snowing (no wind) (N) qapiktuq ! is discouraged qapiqtaiḷiluuruq ! argues heatedly qapiqtaiḷisuuruq ! argues incessantly qapiŋaisaaġaa ! encourages him qapiŋaisaaqtuq ! encourages qaqqiruq ! bakes bread (K) qaqquġaa ! cracks it qaqquqtuq ! crunches, cracks qaquaġlaaġnaqtuq ! is tense because of impending unpleasantness (N) qaqugauġlaaqtuq ! is tense because of impending unpleasantness (K) qarvaktuq ! fleshes sea mammal (and polar bear), tans (N) qasraqtuq ! bell rings (K) qasruruq ! is withered (K) qasruqtuq ! ends, quits, stops, is satisfied (K) qasuiruq ! meet (by chance) while travelling qasuutiruq ! meets, rendezvous qasuŋaruq ! is withered (N) qatchaqtuqtuq ! is knocking qatchaqtuqtuq ! knocks, is knocking qatiqtuq ! is white qatmiksuq ! is impatient, dislikes to wait (K) qatvaktuq ! fleshes sea mammal (and polar bear), tans (K) qaummaiḷiqsuq ! is lightning qaummaqtuq ! clear, translucent, light enough to see qaummaġiksuq ! is bright qaunagigaa ! cares for him qaunaksriruq ! cares qauriaqtuq ! rests qaurimmiaqtuq ! fainted (N) qauġriruq ! becomes conscious qauġriliqtuq ! catches on (K) qavaqtuq ! sleeps on back in water (N, q) qavaqtuq ! to sleep on back in water (of seal) qaviuġnaqsauruq ! glamorous, seductive qaġanaqtuq ! is easy (K) qaġanaqtuq ! is easy, not difficult (K) qaġanatluktuq ! it is easier qiaruq ! cries qiallaktuq ! cries much qiarraqsiruq ! starts to cry (N) qiatuqtuq ! intestine that is turned inside out, cleaned and eaten qiayaqsiruq ! starts to cry (K) qichaqtuq ! stand upright (K) qigluktuq ! is saddened about a loss qigluktuq ! sorrows, mourns qiiqsruktuq ! has convulsions, is an epileptic qiiyanaqtuq ! is cold qikisitkaa ! warps it qikiŋaruq ! is warped qiksiksraqtuq ! respects, fear of a person who is not well known (N) qiluruq ! has a muscle cramp qiluriruq ! has a muscle cramp qiḷaruq ! conjures, divines qiḷiqtuq ! ties a knot qiḷuktuq ! barks (dog, fox) qimaktuq ! escapes, flees qimuktuq ! pulls qimuktuq ! pulls (of an animal) qinnaktuq ! fights, plays roughly qinnaktuq ! is angry qinuruq ! slush ice is forming, floating downstream qipigaa ! twists it qipiġniuqtuq ! desires qipiŋaruq ! is twisted qipriruq ! twists sinew, makes thread (K) qiqittuq ! is frozen (part of body) qiqitigaa ! freezes it quickly, has frostbite qiqsrauruq ! is frozen (not of body) (K) qiqumaruq ! is frozen (not of body) (N) qirriuqtuq ! chops fire wood qiruksiruq ! carries wood inside qiruktaqtuq ! is going for wood qitchuktuq ! scratches qitchuktiġaa ! scratches it qitiqaqtuq ! noon (lit. has middle) qitiqqutchiġnaqsiruq ! is lunch time (noon meal) (N, q) qituttuq ! is soft, flexible qityaġnaqtuq ! is bright, glaring qiuriruq ! freezes qiuññalaaqtuq ! is spine tingling (N) qiviruq ! lays on his back (N) qivialuktuq ! first vertebra (atlas) qiviaqtuq ! turns head, looks behind (N) qiviaġaaqtuq ! turns head right and left (N) qiviktuq ! commits suicide (N) qiviqtuq ! leaves another, not wanting to be together (N) qivittuq ! leaves another, not wanting to be together (K) qiviŋaaqtuq ! stands proudly, erect qivliqtuq ! shines, glitters, sparkles qivġuruq ! leaves because angry (b), leaves home because angry (ap) (N) qiñiġaa ! watches it qiñiqtuq ! watches qiñiyunaqtuq ! is beautiful (lit. pleasant looking) qiñiġiksuq ! is good looking qiñuruq ! to cry fitfully (of a baby) qiñunġuruq ! mourns (as in death) qiñuvġuruq ! mourns (as in death) (K) qiġñiqtuq ! is black (K) qiġġaġaa ! has a stiff muscle quaġaa ! splits, separates, loosens it (of things frozen or otherwise fused together) quaqtuq ! splits loose (e.g. the sole from a shoe), eats quaq (frozen food) quiruq ! urinates (N, K) quisuuruq ! urinates (N) quiñaqtuq ! tickles quiñiruq ! is fat (N) quiññalasraaqtuq ! is spine tingling (K) quiññiqtauruq ! is ticklish qulauttuq ! is passing overhead quliaqtuaqtuq ! confess (N) quliaqtuaqtuq ! preach (K) quliaqtuaqtuq ! relates, confesses (N), preaches (K) quliaqtuaqtuq ! tell a true story, an experience quluularuq ! stomach growls qulviruq ! weeps qupaġuqtuq ! (moon) is half qupiruq ! splits, cracks qupyuġaġniqsuq ! is whiteout (K) ququularuq ! calls (N, q) ququularuq ! shouts (N) qusauqtuq ! sits qusauqtuaqtuq ! squats (N) qusrauqtuaqtuq ! squats (K) qutchiksuq ! is high quuniqsuq ! is calm quviasruktuq ! is happy (K) quviasuktuq ! is happy quviasuktuq ! is happy (N, q) quviasuktuq ! is happy (within himself) quviġusruktuq ! is surprised, amazed, astonished (K) quvyuġaġniqsuq ! is whiteout quyaruq ! is thankful quyaruq ! thanks, praises, expresses appreciation quyanaqtuq ! is to be thankful, is to be praised (K) quyatchaktuq ! is thankful quġliaqtuq ! drools, slobbers, oozes (of tree resin) quġluqtuq ! waterfall saagaqtuq ! carries by hand, by arm saattuq ! faces him saattuq ! is thin saattuq ! turn to face someone saavittuq ! launches a boat in chase, comes forward saavittuq ! launches in pursuit of sea mammal, steps forward from a group sagluruq ! lies, prevaricates sagluuraqtuq ! joking by telling false stories sagviruq ! is open, is obvious saiñġisuktuq ! is chagrined saiñġitchaktuq ! regrets sakuuktuq ! works hard (K) sakłaqtuq ! shouts (N) salikkuqtuq ! sweeps (q) salumaruq ! is clean salummaġaa ! cleanses it samaniittuq ! is down there (out of sight) samuŋaqtuq ! travels downriver, travels coastward sanaturuq ! is skilled sanuqiġaa ! puts siding on it (house) sanŋiyaqtuq ! sweeps (K) sanŋuruq ! is dusty, dirty sapiruq ! blocks it (one’s way) sapiġaa ! is difficult (K) sapiġnaqtuq ! is strong, mighty (N) sapiġnałhaaqtuq ! is stronger sapiġñaqsiruq ! is difficult (K) saquŋaruq ! is crooked, bent satuġaa ! obtains it back, redeems it (K) savagniḷuktuq ! is trying to work savagniuraaqtuq ! is doing what work he can! savagvigigaa ! works for him savaktuq ! works, makes savakkaa ! works it savaksimaruq ! is working savaktaksrauruq ! must be worked savaktuksrauruq ! has to work savallautaqtuq ! is working well savapaluktuq ! is working much (hard) savapałłuktuq ! is working poorly (ineffectively) savapiallaktuq ! is working quite hard savapiaqtuq ! is really working savapiaġataqtuq ! is working extremely hard savautigaa ! serves him savaŋaruq ! he worked savaŋniuraqtuq ! is doing what work he can! saviksuqtuq ! uses a knife savitkaa ! feels it, touches it savituruq ! sly, foxy (K, N) savvakturuq ! is always working diligently sayakturuq ! is healthy, strong sayakturuq ! is strong, healthy saġliaqtuq ! holds baby on knee saġvaġaa ! flows swiftly over it saġvaqtuq ! flows saŋiaktuq ! is jealous (suspecting marital unfaithfulness) saŋniruq ! is strong (N) saŋutkaa ! gossips about him saŋŋiruq ! is strong (K) sialuktuq ! is raining (N, n) sialukkattaqtuq ! scattered rain showers siamittuq ! spreads, scatters siatqiksuq ! is straight (as of a board) sigñaruq ! is greedy (N) siiksuq ! is cutting fish (for drying) siimaktuq ! argues (N) siimaktuq ! is arguing heatedly siiqsipkaqtuq ! sweats (K) siiġḷanŋuruq ! has a sour stomach (K) siiġḷanŋuliqsuq ! has a sour stomach (N) siiġruktuq ! hisses, whistles (of wind, gas stove or lantern) siiġñaaqtuq ! is sweet sikkaa ! shoots it, hits it (K) sikiruq ! moves head forward and down siksaqtuq ! tries to shoot, tries to hit (K) sikuliqiruq ! is in process of break-up sikñaruq ! is greedy (K) siḷagiksuq ! is good weather siḷaluktuq ! is bad weather (N) siḷaluktuq ! is raining (K) siḷaluktuq ! is rainy (K) siḷaŋiqsuq ! is carousing siḷiktuq ! is wide (K) siḷġiksuqtuq ! is correcting one who wilfully erred simmiġaa ! changes it, exchanges it simmiḷiġaa ! returns something borrowed siqiłhatittuq ! slaps the water with his tail (beaver) siqquqtuq ! is hard siqquqtuq ! is opinionated, not easily persuaded (lit. is hard) siqsuruq ! capable, enduring siqsuruq ! is daring (strong), is enduring (persistent hunter) (N) siquruq ! eyes are closed siquruq ! goes to sleep, closes his eyes siquniġaqtuq ! winks siqunġipaktaqtuq ! blinks siqusuktuq ! wants to go to bed siquyaqtuquyumagaluaġaa ! want him to go to bed sisuruq ! sisugaqtuq ! slides down a hill (N) sisugiaqtuq ! baby has a wet burp sisuraġaaqtuq ! slides down a hill (K) sitquqtuq ! kneels sitquqsimanaqtuq ! is “tied up in knots”, tense because of impending unpleasantness sitquqsimanaqtuq ! is tragic sivisuruq ! is a long distance, is of long duration sivruuraqtuq ! whispers sivulliġaa ! he leads him (lit. he is foremost to him) sivuniqtuuguuruq ! is obstinate (N) sivunmuuruq ! is steadfast, continues on regardless (N) sivunmuuruq ! is stubborn, continues on regardless (N) sivunniġaa ! decides it, plans it sivutmuuruq ! is steadfast, continues on regardless (K) sivutmuuruq ! is stubborn, continues on regardless (K) sivutmuusruuruq ! is obstinate (K) sivuuġaruq ! fears the consequence (N) siñiktuq ! sleeps siñiksraaqtuq ! goes around visiting from house to house, collects food for the poor from house to house (K) siññaktuq ! dream siññaktuqtuq ! dreams siġḷiqiraqtuq ! works hard, is difficult siġḷiġnaqtuq ! is difficult (N) siġñiksrauruq ! is devoted siġġaqtuq ! works hard (N) siġġaqiruq ! is difficult, laborious siŋaiyauruq ! is pregnant (N) suaktuq ! scolds suammaktuq ! is enduring (N) suammaktuq ! revitalized (as: engine works better, workers more diligent) suaŋaruq ! is strong sukattuq ! is fast suksraaġaa ! gives up on it, forsakes him suksraunġiqsuq ! is destroyed suliuqtuq ! is cooking suluktuqtuq ! brushes clothes supiruq ! blows (of a person), rushes (of a stream during break-up) supiruq ! flows, rushes (river at break-up) suppuqtuq ! spurts out (of liquids under pressure) suqumitkaa ! broke it up, tore it to pieces (K) suqutigaa ! takes notice of someone, pays attention to someone suurimaanġiqsuq ! is not concerned for law or other people (N) suvliktuq ! gushes out (as oil from a punctured drum) suġuktuq ! wrestles suŋaaqtuq ! is green taaktuq ! is dark taaqsiruq ! is becoming dark tagialaruq ! moves out of a home because not wanted tagialanaqtuq ! inhospitable, unenjoyable atmosphere tagiuqtuq ! sneezes tagraqtuq ! travels up river by boat tairuq ! is named taigaa ! names him taiguanŋuliqsuq ! is tired of reading taiguaqtuq ! reads (N) tainnaittuq ! is like takiruq ! is long takpiksuq ! has keen eyesight taktuguġaa ! it’s foggy taktuktuq ! is foggy takupkaŋaruq ! has a reunion taliinŋaruq ! goes over the hill taluqsralliaqtuq ! browbeats taluqsraqtuq ! is afraid of someone’s sternness taluġnaqtuq ! is stern, unfriendly, non-communicative talġaktuq ! travels up river by sled (N) tammaqtuq ! is lost tammaġasrugigigaa ! thinking he is lost tamuqtuq ! chews tanuġaqsiruq ! diminishes in light tapiqtuq ! is along sie, is parallel taputigaa ! takes it along taqqiruq ! waits (K) tasiqsruqtuq ! stretches tasiqsruġigaa ! stretches it tasritchaġaa ! stretches it tasuġaa ! obtains it, redeems it (N) tasuġaa ! ransomed, redeemed him (N,q) tatamittuq ! gets very frightened tatamnaqtuq ! is terrible, is very frightening tatigaa ! lays against it, leans against it, touches it tauqsiġaa ! buys it tautuktuq ! sees tautukkaa ! sees it tautuksiññaqtuq ! he simply sees taŋiġiqsuq ! is false (lies) taŋŋiġaa ! does what is told, brings it to reality taŋŋiqsuq ! is fulfilled tiggaqtuq ! is stiff tigliktuqtuq ! steals tigliqtaqtuq ! is throbbing tigluktuq ! hits with side of fist tigluktuqtuq ! is knocking tigluktuqtuq ! knocks, is knocking tigugaa ! picks it up, takes it tiguaqtuq ! adopted, is tigumiaqtuq ! hand carries (N) tigusiruq ! takes, lays hold of, picks up (N) tigusriruq ! takes, lays hold of, picks up (K) tiipaktuq ! is coquettish tikitchumaaqtuq ! will arrive (someday) tikitqauraqtuq ! races tikkuaqtuq ! points tilaktuq ! washes floor (N) tilaġġiruq ! sweeps (N) tilirauruq ! was told to do something, was sent to do something tilisiruq ! sends tipaaqtuq ! stinks tipigaa ! washes it ashore tipituruq ! stinks tipsigigaa ! laughs at somebody, mocks someone titiġaa ! marks it, draws a line on it titiqtuq ! draws a line, makes a mark tivvuaqtuq ! spits tiŋiruq ! flies away, takes off tiŋilġairuq ! sails (N) tiŋittuq ! drifts away tiŋitkaa ! drifts him away tiŋmiruq ! flies tiŋŋiqsiruq ! gets full (of a person who eats too much or is pregnant) tugaktuq ! pokes it with a stick tuglauġaa ! shields him, protects him tukkuruq ! stays overnight, is a guest tulaktuq ! returns from the water, lands tumaqsruġaa ! fits it together tuniḷaġaa ! gives it, makes a present of it, sacrifices it tuniqsimaruq ! is faithful tunisiruq ! sell tunuttuq ! turns his back to tunutkaa ! turns his back on him tunŋaruq ! rests firmly on, trusts tunŋagaa ! rests firmly on it tupaktuq ! is startled tupakkaa ! startles him tupigigaa ! obeys him (K) tuppiruq ! builds a house (K) tupsigaa ! finds an animal track tuqpallaktuq ! gets upset (K) tuquruq ! dies tuquttuq ! kills himself tuqutkaa ! kills it tuqutauyasiruq ! is about to be killed tuqłuġaa ! calls him, hails him tuqłularuq ! calls (K) tuqłuġaqtuq ! shouts (K) tusaaruq ! hears (N) tusiattuq ! is lame (N) tusiḷḷaqtuq ! is deaf tusraaruq ! hears (K) tusriattuq ! is lame (K) tusruruq ! is envious (K) tusrugaa ! is envious of him (K) tusuruq ! is envious (q) tusugaa ! is envious of him (q) tuttuq ! touches ground, bottom, lands tutiruq ! steps on tutqiksuq ! is content, is at peace (within) tutqiksuq ! is content, is solid, is peaceful tutquqtuuruq ! is settled in (having moved) tuttaaqtuq ! goes to bed (N) tuttuliaqtuq ! is hunting caribou tuttunniqsuq ! has apparently caught a caribou tuttutullaturuq ! likes to eat caribou tuttutuqtuq ! eats caribou tuttutuqtuq ! is eating caribou tuutuq ! is lashing skin to the frame tuuġaa ! chisels it tuuqtuq ! chisels tuvaaqtuq ! attracts caribou by hollering tuvlauġaa ! shields him, protects him tuvraġaa ! follows him, tracks him, imitates him tuvraqtuq ! follows a trail or pattern tuyuġigaa ! sends it tuġvaġaa ! puts it away uamittuq ! dances ugaiġaa ! bites him, mauls him uiruq ! is over-excited, too eager, hurries uiruq ! panics, is excited (too eager) uisauruq ! is adrift on an ice pack uivaqtuq ! comes around a point (N) uivaqsaaqtuq ! rounds a bend (N) uiñġaliqsuq ! is sleepy ukamaqtuq ! pulls a boat along shore with a rope ukpiliqsuq ! has come to believe ukpiqtuq ! believes ukpiġigaa ! believes it ukpiġnaqtuq ! is faithful ukpiŋŋuaqtuq ! hypocrite (pretend believer) ukpiŋŋuaqtuq ! is pretend believing (hypocrite) ukuŋaruq ! is moldy uliqtuq ! wind uluktuq ! rubs and twists hide to soften it ululiruq ! is making an ulu ulġuruq ! topples, falls over umialiuqtuq ! makes a boat umiaqtuqtuq ! travels by umiaq umiktuq ! is closed (e.g. the chimney draft) umŋiyaqtuq ! shaves uniagiyaqtuq ! sled is broken uniaġaqtuq ! sleds, travels by sled uniuqtuq ! misses, doesn’t hit (as nail, bull’s eye) unnautairuq ! is not now feverish unniqsuqłiiruq ! promises (N) unuŋaqtuq ! travels downriver, travels out on sea ice upaktuġaa ! charges him, goes after him upaktuqtuq ! charges (of an angry animal or person) upkuaġaa ! closes it upkuiġaa ! opens it upyakkaa ! remarks about it, wisecracks about it (K) uqaalaruq ! talks bad language, blasphemes uqaaqtuqtuq ! relates experiences, tells what happened (K) uqallaktuq ! is speaking uqamaqłuktuq ! blasphemes uqamaqłuktuq ! is speaking badly (cursing) uqaqtuq ! speaks, says, tells, talks uqaqsiġiaqtuq ! is open to counsel (K) uqaqtitaġaa ! asked him to speak, talk uqautigaa ! talks with him uqautisruġnaqtuq ! is easy to talk to, amiable (K) uqautisuġnaqtuq ! is easy to talk to, amiable (N, q) uqayunaqtuq ! is receptive uqayunaqtuq ! is receptive (lit. pleasant to talk with) uqaġniġluktuq ! talks bad language, blasphemes (K) uqaġvigigaa ! talks about it uqigiyummiktuq ! heady, giddy, feeling light of body (N) uqigḷiruq ! heady, giddy, feeling light of body (K) uqqaqturuq ! talks always (i.e. like to talk), gossips (K) uqsruqtiqtuq ! anoints, rub oil on body uqsruuruq ! is fat (K) uqumaiġigaa ! sucks it (something held in mouth) urraaqtuq ! gesticulates urriqsuġaa ! demonstrates it, shows it by his actions urriuqtuq ! boils meat (N) usriḷiiruq ! loads sled (K) utaqqiruq ! waits (N, q) utiqtuq ! returns utuqqauruq ! is old uuruq ! boiled meat uuktuq ! tests uuksiruq ! tastes uuktuaġaa ! tests it, measures it uuktuaqtuq ! tries, tests, measures uuliktuq ! quivers, shakes, trembles uumaruq ! is alive uumalaaqtuq ! lively child uumaniittuq ! it is this one here uumiksriruq ! hates (K) uumisaaġuraġaa ! provokes him (K) uunaqtuq ! is hot uunaqtuq ! is warm uunaqsiruq ! is becoming hot uunaqłuktuq ! has a fever (K) uunautiqaqtuq ! has a fever (N) uunaġuġaa ! it’s warm uusiruq ! is over-excited, too eager, hurries uuyuruq ! is linked to uvaniittuq ! is here uviñaktuq ! is fat uvliruq ! layover, rests between periods of travel or other activity uvluqtusiruq ! days are getting longer (N, q) uvluqtusriruq ! days are getting longer (K) uvuŋaqtuq ! comes here, hither uyummiqsuq ! is misty, blurred uġuqtuq ! is damp uġuuruq ! is wet from dew uŋasiksuq ! is far uŋasiksigiruq ! is thus far uŋasriksuq ! is far uŋiarriruq ! worries (N) uŋugaa ! drives it (an animal) uŋuluġusaaqtuq ! frightens away an attacking animal (N) ŋraiḷiuqtuq ! fries meat

List of double verbs (to be uniqued, a handful is taken already) In addition comes double verbs with different contlexes. They skall be kept as-is.

aiḷaq IV aitchu TV_vow akima IV_vow aktigi IV_vow aku IV aliuq IV allayuaq IV allaŋŋuq IV alġaqsrui IV_vow ani IV_vow annak IV anniqsui IV_vow aqi TV_vow aqpat IV ataaqtuq IV atanġusuk IV atlayuaq IV atniġñaq IV atu TV_vow atuq IV atuŋaiq verb_intr_suq aula IV_vow aullaq IV aullaqtit TV aŋi IV_vow aŋivraq IV aŋu IV_vow aŋu TV_vow iglaŋaaq IV igḷutui IV_vow iki IV_vow ikpiktitaq IV iku TV_vow ikuk IV iḷali IV_vow iḷaqatnik IV iḷiqsaq IV iḷḷati IV_vow imŋaluk IV iqiasuk IV iqsi IV_vow iñiqtiq IV iñugik verb_intr_suq iñuguq IV iłuaqsi IV_vow kalak IV kayuq IV killukuaq IV kiŋiaq IV kuvi TV_vow maliksuktitau IV_vow maqi IV_vow mayuq IV naavit TV nagligi TV_vow nai IV_vow nakuu IV_vow nallaq IV nanġaq IV napa IV_vow napaaq IV narranŋu IV_vow naŋit IV nigaqtuq IV niu IV_vow niuri IV_vow nivak IV niġi IV_vow patchisigi TV_vow piiq verb_intr_suq piḷaiq verb_intr_suq piḷḷuataq IV piḷuk IV piqpaksri IV_vow pisaasruk IV pisik TV pisuaq IV pisuk IV pituk TV piññaqnaq IV piŋŋuaq IV put IV qai IV_vow qanit IV qatchaqtuq IV qavaq IV qaġanaq IV qigluk IV qimuk IV qinnak IV qiqiti TV_vow qiruktaq IV qiuri IV_vow qiviaq IV qivit IV qivliq IV qiñiyunaq IV quliaqtuaq IV ququula IV_vow quviasuk IV quya IV_vow saat IV saavit IV satu TV_vow sayaktu IV_vow siimak IV siḷaluk IV siqquq IV siqsu IV_vow siqu IV_vow sitquqsimanaq IV sivunmuu IV_vow sivutmuu IV_vow suammak IV supi IV_vow taiguaq IV tasu TV_vow tautuk TV tigluktuq IV tutqik verb_intr_suq tuttutuq IV ui IV_vow ukpiŋŋuaq IV uqamaqłuk IV uqayunaq IV uunaq IV This was a list of doublet verbs.

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/verbs.lexc