Inupiaq NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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Inupiaq language model documentation

All doc-comment documentation in one large file.

These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the expression WORD - premodifiers.

The set NOT-NPMOD is used to find barriers between NPs. Typical usage: … (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) … meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., “scan to the next NP head”)

These were the set types.


sma object

SUBJ MAPPING - leftovers

OBJ MAPPING - leftovers


This (part of) documentation was generated from src/cg3/functions.cg3

Symbol affixes

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/symbols.lexc

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/verbs.lexc

The philosophy behind this is that we need only one derivational section: verb iv or tv -> DER -> infl iv or tv -> f lexicon The f lexicon then deletes iv+tv and tv+iv combinations, and leaves only iv+ív and tv+tv

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/clitics.lexc

Multichar_Symbols and Root lexicon for Iñupiaq


Grammatical tags

4th person still missing in the transitive conjugation ľ !digraphs plus ľ for voiceless palatalized l Remember to check this letter, it was problematic on Linux

Boundary symbols

Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):

Derivational affixes

Flag diacritics

These flag diacritics are there tounify IV/TV verbs and their person merophology across the derivational morphology.

We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using following flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics - only allow compounds with verbs if the verb is further derived into a noun again:

Flag Explanation
@P.NeedNoun.ON@ (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
@D.NeedNoun.ON@ (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
@C.NeedNoun@ (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised

For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed to control position-based compounding restrictions for nominals. Their use is handled automatically if combined with +CmpN/xxx tags. If not used, they will do no harm.

Flag Explanation
@P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ Require that words tagged as such only appear first
@D.CmpPref.TRUE@ Block such words from entering ENDLEX
@P.CmpPref.FALSE@ Block these words from making further compounds
@D.CmpLast.TRUE@ Block such words from entering R
@D.CmpNone.TRUE@ Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding
@U.CmpNone.FALSE@ Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding
@P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R
@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ Disallow words coming directly from root.

Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper nouns (e.g. Finnish Pariisi -> pariisilainen). See e.g. North Sámi for how to use these flags. There exists a ready-made regex that will do the actual down-casing given the proper use of these flags.

Flag Explanation
@U.Cap.Obl@ Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
@U.Cap.Opt@ Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.

This file gives the start of the Iñupiaq lexicon. The lexicon Root points at the different parts of speech. Each POS has its own file stems/nouns.lexc, etc., which in turn points to affixes/nouns.lexc, etc. POS-changing nominalizers are found in affixes/verbs.lexc and verbalizers in affixes/nouns.lexc It might be a good idea to have noun-ipk-der.txt etc. as well. The common, final lexica, are found in clitics.lexc.

The Root lexicon


About lexica and continuations. Instead of separate lexica for words that can only be sing or only plur and others for words that can take all numbers, this is a better solution: Normal nouns are tagged tp, tup etc. whereas specials are tagged with the continuation lexicon

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/root.lexc


Nothing done.

LEXICON abbr goes to #.

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/abbreviations.lexc

Adverb stems

LEXICON adv gives the tag +Adv

LEXICON Adverbs gives the stems, just now some 30 of them.

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/adverbs.lexc



LEXICON detnja for na +Det+Sg

LEXICON detobl for the oblique forms

LEXICON Determiners here comes the list

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/determiners.lexc

Nouminal roots

stems according to Edna MacLean

Proper nouns, pronouns and particles

These lexica are stored here for convenience at the moment. They should be moved to separate files when the project is scaled up to full size.




The noun lexicon

Tronds additions marked !tt, remove !tt tag when the contlex is checked.



the alphabetic list

Added from dictionary

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/nouns.lexc

Verb lexicon

Stems according to Edna MacLean

Note that there are appr 120 verb + contlex combination being identical. They must thus be uniqed. The list is found at the end of this document.

LEXICON Verbs Siḷivigmiittuq ! is at Selawik Siḷivigmiñŋaqtuq ! is coming from Selawik Utqiaġviŋmuktuq ! He is going to Barrow. Utqiaġviŋmuktigaa ! is sending it to Barrow Utqiaġviŋmuutigaa ! is taking it to Barrow aaktuq ! is self-asserting, proud of himself (K) aalġuruq ! menstrates aatkaa ! snatches it away (K) aatchauqtuq ! yawns aatchuġaa ! gave it, gives it aatchuiruq ! gives (K) aatiġaa ! snatches it away aaġluqtuq ! looks up, raises head aaŋaruq ! is stubborn, acts against better advice aaŋittuq ! thinks he knows everything agaayuruq ! prays (K) agaayuvigmiittuq ! is in church agaktuq ! fights, plays roughly agiaqtuq ! files, rubs agikkaa ! files it, rubs it aglaktuq ! writes aglautiruq ! types (K) aglautitaqtuq ! types (N) agliruq ! grows up, gets big agliqiruq ! reads (K) aglisaiññaqtuq ! is continually getting bigger agliutigaa ! take one’s picture (K) agliñġaqtuq ! reaches puberty agliġigaa ! abstains from it, avoids it agliġnaqtuq ! is tabooed, forbidden to eat of do for religious reasons agniġiqsuq ! blizzard has ceased (N) airuq ! goes home (N) aigaa ! fetches it, goes to get it (K) aiḷaqtuq ! is damp (K) aiḷaqtuq ! is wet (N) aiḷinaqsiruq ! is lunch time (noon meal) (K) aiparuq ! is fresh, raw (uncooked food) (K) aitkaa ! fetches it, goes to get it (N) aitchuġaa ! gave it, gives it aitchuġaa ! gives it aitchuiruq ! gives (N) aitchuusiaqaqtuq ! has received a gift aitchuusiaġisuugaa ! is always receiving it aiyugaaqtuq ! invites aiyuilisuuruq ! gets carried away, goes to excess akigaġaa ! bears it, carries it akigaqtuq ! bears, carries akiiḷaaqtuq ! is free, without cost akiiḷaqtuq ! is owing akiiḷigaa ! beats him (in contest) akimaruq ! has won (is in state of having opposed) akimaruq ! wins akiqsruqtuq ! promises akiqsruġigaa ! promises it akisaqtuq ! revenges (lit. tries to counter) akisuruq ! is expensive, precious, valuable akitchaktuq ! trades, barters akpaktuq ! steps up (from lower to higher place) akpittuq ! starts to sing aksikkaa ! touches it aksraqtuq ! is rolling aktigiruq ! is so long, is this much aktigiruq ! it is that big akutuq ! “Eskimo ice cream” (of cooked fats, meats and berries) akutuq ! leaf akuaġaa ! catches it akuqtuq ! receives, accepts akuqtuġaa ! accepts it akutkaa ! stirs it akuġluktuq ! bell rings alapittuq ! inattentive, fools around, is confused alapittaqtuq ! is crazy, is drunk alatkaqtuq ! scans the landscape from an elevated point, looks into water for signs of fish alianaqtuq ! is quiet, lonesome, sad alianiuqtuq ! is lonesome, quiet, sad, not communicative aliasruktuq ! is despondent, sad (K) aliktuq ! is torn aliuqtuq ! cooks dog food (K) aliuqtuq ! haunts aliuqtuq ! marvels, fears (N), haunts aliuqtuqtuq ! is haunted allaiyaġaa ! is mending net allakuaqtuq ! goes by another way allaqtuq ! clear weather allaqtiġiruq ! dries, wipes (e.g. dishes) allatuqtuq ! commits adultery allayuaqtuq ! fears because of an unusual event, shyness of toddler (N) allayuaqtuq ! is shy, bashful (of toddler) (N) allaŋŋuqtuq ! is different allaŋŋuqtuq ! is different, other (N) alliqsuq ! is deep aluktuq ! licks alutaġuktuq ! wants a spoon aluutaġaqtuq ! eats with a spoon alġaqsruġaa ! exhorts him, tells him the right way to behave alġaqsruiruq ! exhorts, corrects, preaches (N) alġaqsruiruq ! exhorts, reproves, preaches (N) amaġaa ! puts him (baby) on her back (inside the parka) amaaqtuq ! carry baby on back amaniittuq ! is there (out of sight) amiiqsiruq ! skins an animal amiiqsiktuq ! has skinned self (K) amiiġruktuq ! has skinned self (N) amiḷiqiruq ! works with skins amumaruq ! is pulled out (e.g. a net) anaqtuq ! defecates anaugaa ! hits him, beats him anayasuktuq ! fears the consequence (N) aniruq ! exits, is born aniruq ! is born (lit. exits) aniiqsuaqtuq ! plays outdoors aniqtiġiruq ! breathes aniġnitchiaqtuq ! is panting annaktuq ! is saved (N) annaktuq ! is sheltered, is safe, saves annaqtittuq ! is bruised annautigaa ! saves him anniiyaruq ! is sore (N) anniqsuġaa ! benefits him anniqsuiruq ! benefits, helps anniqsuiruq ! helps, is beneficial (N) anniqsuqtuq ! is saved (K) anniġñaqtuq ! hurts, pains, is sick (N) anuqqaŋaruq ! is windy (gale force) anuqsruruq ! endures, suffers (K) anuqłiqsuq ! is windy apaiqsuq ! is enough, had enough apiruq ! is snow covered apigaa ! it is snow covered apiqsriruq ! asks, questions apiqsruġaa ! is about to question him, ask him apiġigaa ! questioned him, asked him apluqtuq ! steps, takes a step apqusraaġaa ! passes him (K) apqusraaqtuq ! travels through (K) aptaruq ! is busy (N) apuġaa ! bumps, strikes against it, meets him apuqtuq ! meets, bumps, strikes against apuqtiġaa ! bumps, strikes against it, meets him apyularuq ! is dusty (K) aqalugniaqtuq ! is fishing (kiv, n) aqaluktuq ! catches a fish (kiv, n) aqavittuq ! sits down ( q) aqiruq ! kicks aqigaa ! kicks it aqiaġunŋuruq ! has an acute stomachache aqpaksruqtuq ! runs (of human) (K) aqpaliġaaqtuq ! runs a race aqpaqsruqtuq ! runs (K) aqpattuq ! runs (of human) (N) aqqauqtuq ! (fish) bit on hook aqsravaluktuq ! is round (K) aqtuġaa ! touches it aquvittuq ! sits down aqvaluktuq ! is round (N) araqsiġiaqtuq ! is open to counsel (N) argaaqtuq ! broken finger arguaqtuġaa ! doubts it arguaŋaruq ! is egotistical (can do anything) arguktuq ! travels into the wind arriligaa ! draws, sketches its likeness arriqaqtuq ! is like, is comparable (N) asiqtuq ! is nodding (with head while others dance) ataruq ! is connected with ataaniittuq ! is under ataaqtuq ! travels down river by boat ataaqtuqtuq ! goes down to the lead to camp for whaling (N) ataaqtuqtuq ! goes to set up whale camp on the ice (N) atanniġaa ! judges him (K) atanġiqsauruq ! is free atanġusuktuq ! is cranky atanġusuktuq ! is cranky (N) atanġuturuq ! is cranky (K) ataqsiruq ! borrows atauttuq ! goes beneath atautkaa ! goes beneath it atchiġaa ! names him atchiksuq ! is lowly, is humble (K) atchikisaaqtuq ! see-saw jumping (N) atchitkaa ! lends him atiruq ! is the same, there is no difference atigaa ! wears it, put it on atigiruq ! puts on parka atigitchiaqtuq ! gets a new parky atiqayaqtuq ! almost the same atiqsaaqtuq ! travels down river by sled atlayuaqtuq ! fears because of an unusual event, shyness of toddler (K) atlayuaqtuq ! is shy, bashful (of toddler) (K) atlaġiiqsuq ! is different, other (K) atniiyaruq ! is sore (K) atniutaqtuqtuq ! has pain atniġñaqtuq ! hurts, pains, is sick (K) atniġñaqtuq ! is sick (malaise) (K) atqaqtuq ! descends atqunaqtuq ! is much, too much, plenty, there is an abundance atriligaa ! draws, sketches its likeness atriqaqtuq ! is like, is comparable (K) attaqsraqtuq ! respects, fear of a person who is not well known (K) attaġnaqtuq ! is stern, unfriendly, non-communicative atuġaa ! sings it atuġaa ! uses it atuaniktuq ! has already sung atuqtuq ! sings atuqtuq ! uses, acts immorally atuqtuuraqtuq ! plays instrument atuutiksraqaqtuq ! has a song choice atuġnaqtuq ! is useful atuġuiqsuq ! is worthless atuŋaiqsuq ! is useless (having been useable) atuŋaiqsuq ! is worthless atuŋaktuq ! resoles a boot (K?) atvaqtaqtuq ! humbles himself much (K) auruq ! is rotten, is rotting, aging auktuq ! nose bleeds aukkaa ! melts it (ice, snow) aularuq ! dances (K) aularuq ! dances (K) aularuq ! moves (N, s) aularuq ! nuna earthquake (N) aullaqtuq ! departs, goes away aullaqtuq ! goes away aullaqsiviñaqtuq ! is departing quickly aullaqsruġniaqtuq ! picks berries aullaqtitkaa ! causes it to depart, sends aullaqtitkaa ! sends him away aullautigaa ! leads him away, takes it away aullaġniiruq ! begins aunaaqtuq ! bleeds, menstruates (N) aunaaqsruqtuq ! bleeds, menstruates (K) auniqtuq ! has a rotten spot auqtuq ! stalks seal, crawling and scratching on ice at the same time autaaqtuq ! divides, shares avaalaruq ! yelps with pain (K, q) avallaktuq ! travels straight out from the shore avanŋagaa ! all around him aviktuq ! cuts, divides (meat, bread, etc.) aviḷuqtaqtuq ! bell rings ayaagittuq ! is undecided, desires to but can’t begin (N) ayauruq ! got blind ayauŋaruq ! is blind ayuruq ! plays ball (K) ayuktuq ! ball ayuqtuq ! plays ball (N) aġiisruknaġaa ! is offended by it aġiuruq ! ends, quits, stops, is satisfied (N) aġiunaqtuq ! plays (K) aġiunayaqtuq ! would be stopped aġiñaqtuq ! is soft aġvaluktuq ! is round aġvaqtuq ! killed a whale aġġallaaġiktuq ! enjoys himself (K) aġġiruq ! dances, participates aŋaayuruq ! prays (N) aŋalanŋaitkaa ! did not control him aŋalataġaa ! directs him, controls him aŋalatchiruq ! rules, reigns, directs aŋayuruq ! dances aŋiruq ! arose, resuscitated, revived aŋiruq ! is big aŋiruq ! is big aŋiruq ! resuscitated, revived, arose aŋiġaa ! agrees with him, assents to it aŋiiñaqtuq ! procures no game, fish aŋiḷaaqtuq ! goes home (K) aŋiḷgisaqtuq ! swings (n) aŋipchaġaa ! resuscitated him, resurrected him (K) aŋipkaŋagaa ! resuscitated him, resurrected him (N) aŋiqtuq ! agrees, assents, says yes with raised eyebrows aŋisitkaa ! tempers it aŋivraġaa ! unravels it, unscrews it, unties it aŋivraqtuq ! disassembles (K) aŋivraqtuq ! loosens, unravels, unties aŋivsiruq ! disassembles (N) aŋiłhisaqtuq ! swings (K) aŋmaqtuq ! is open, turned on (radio, tape recorder) aŋniġiqsuq ! blizzard has ceased (K) aŋuruq ! procures game, fish aŋugaa ! procures it aŋuaqtuq ! paddles aŋularuq ! chews aŋuniaqtuq ! is hunting aŋuyaktuq ! fights ichuktuq ! fleshes animal skin, tans (K) igaapiaqtuq ! boils meat or fish iggianŋuruq ! has an acute sore throat igittuq ! throws away, discards igitkaa ! throws it away, discards it iglaqtuq ! laughs iglaŋaruq ! smiles iglaŋaaqtuq ! smiles iglaŋaaqtuq ! smiles (N) igliqtuq ! travels, moves igliŋnaqtuq ! is cute (of a baby) iglukisaaqtuq ! juggles igluqpiruq ! builds a house (N) igḷutuġaa ! endures it, suffers it igḷutuiruq ! endure igḷutuiruq ! endures igniruq ! make fire with flint igniqauqtuq ! Steller’s eider (Somateria stelleri) igniġuqpatittuq ! is lightning (N) igruġaa ! gets stiff (of a dead body) igruliġaa ! has chills (K) iigaa ! swallows it iivaqtuq ! comes around a point (K) iivaqsaaqtuq ! rounds a bend (K) ikaaġaa ! crosses it ikaaqtuq ! crosses over ikayuġaa ! helps him ikayuqtuq ! helps ikiruq ! burns, is consumed ikiruq ! embarks (boat, sled, airplane etc.) ikiruq ! embarks, enters, gets on or into ikiaqtaalaaqtuq ! body tingles because of emotional stimulus ikimaruq ! is burning, is on (of electric light) ikiqturuq ! is wide ikkattuq ! is shallow ikpigigaa ! gets in on his mind and believes it (K) ikpiktitaqtuq ! bank is being undercut by water ikpiktitaqtuq ! water is undercutting bank iksrukkaa ! carries it on the shoulder ikugaa ! loads it on ikuallaktuq ! bursts into flame ikuallauraqtuq ! is burning a little, smoldering ikuktuq ! fleshes animal skin, tans (N) ikuktuq ! loads sled (N) ikumaruq ! is burning, is on (of electric light) ikľigutchaktittuq ! is tempted (lit. induced to want the other) illuktuq ! is snow blinded iḷaruq ! is adding (K) iḷaksiagaa ! bothers him iḷaliruq ! adds, joins, shakes hands with (K) iḷaliruq ! shakes hand iḷaligaa ! shakes his hand iḷaqatniktuq ! is married (lit. he obtained a partner) iḷaqatniktuq ! obtained a marriage partner iḷasrailaruq ! cries with pain, screams (K) iḷaŋŋaaqtaaqtuq ! is subtracting iḷigaa ! lays it down, places it iḷimasuktuq ! suspect iḷiqsaqtuq ! nuna earthquake iḷiqsaqtuq ! nuna earthquake (K) iḷiqsaqtuq ! quakes, wobbles iḷisaqtuq ! tries to learn, practices iḷisaurriruq ! teaches (N) iḷisautigaa ! teaches him iḷisautriruq ! teaches (K) iḷisimaruq ! knows iḷisimagaa ! knows it iḷisimasugnaqtuq ! is thought to know (I think he knows) iḷitchiruq ! learns iḷitchuġiruq ! recognizes, realizes iḷitchuġigaa ! finds it out, becomes acqainted with him iḷḷaktuq ! is tangled iḷḷaqtuq ! tangle iḷḷatiruq ! adds, joins, shakes hands with (N) iḷḷatiruq ! is adding (N) iḷḷiaqsuqtuq ! combs hair (N) iḷḷiaġuruġaa ! combs it (K) iḷumutuuruq ! is true iḷunŋuruq ! stomach hurts iḷunŋutchaktuq ! is deeply angry, hurt, disturbed iḷuvviktuq ! buries (N) imaiqsuq ! is low (water in river) imaqaqtuq ! is full imaqsiruq ! moistens skin imigluktuq ! earring iminŋuruq ! has a hangover (K) imiqtuq ! drinks imiqtaqtuq ! is going for water imiġuktuq ! is thirsty immaqtuq ! is leaking immiġaa ! fills it immiqsuq ! is full imñiqsaktuq ! groans imŋaluktuq ! whines imŋaluktuq ! whines (dog), hums (person) inillaktuq ! is placing inillakkaa ! is placing it innaittuq ! the like of, such kind (N) inuqtuq ! is insufficient, fails to reach it, shoots low ipiruq ! suffocates, smothers, drowns ipiktuq ! is sharp ipiktusuktuq ! is sad, despondent ipiqtusuktuq ! is despondent, sad (N) ipitkaa ! suffocates him, smothers him, drowns him ipiġaqtuq ! wades, cuts himself ipiġaqtuġaa ! whips him ipnaiqtuq ! goes to a cliff ipquruq ! is dirty ipuaqtuq ! rows (N) ipuktaqtuq ! see-saw jumping (K) iputtuq ! rows (K) ipyanŋunaqtuq ! is stuffy (K) iqalugniaqtuq ! is fishing (N, q) iqaluktuq ! catches a fish (N, q) iqaqsriruq ! washes clothes (N) iqatauruq ! is together with (K) iqiasruktuq ! is lazy (K) iqiasuktuq ! is lazy iqiasuktuq ! lazy iqiatkaa ! does not want to do it, is lazy iqiatchaktuq ! (moon) begins to wane iqquliruq ! skins muskrat (by cutting the belly section) iqsiruq ! fears iqsiruq ! fears (general, most common) iqsigigaa ! is afraid of him iqsisaaqtuq ! frightens away an attacking animal (K) iqsruqtuqtuq ! builds a house (K) iqsuktuq ! responds negatively by wrinkling nose iqsuktaqtuq ! wrinkles nose iqłaqtuqtuq ! is jigging, is hooking mudshark (K), is hooking tomcod (q) irinŋuruq ! eye hurts iriqtuq ! hides irriŋuġaa ! is icy cold (N) irrutigaa ! treats him properly, right isaaqtuq ! raises his arms (N) isaaŋaruq ! reaches forth isaġutiruq ! beings isiḷġiġaa ! corrects his misundertanding isimŋaaqtuq ! line of gently sloping hills isiqtuq ! enters, visits isiqattaaqtuq ! is visiting isiqsiruq ! is getting smoke filled isiqsuruq ! is daring (strong), is enduring (persistent hunter) (K) isivġiiruq ! judges (N) isivġiigaa ! examines him, tries him out isiġniataktuq ! is trying to enter israktuq ! raises his arms (K) isrumaruq ! thinks (K) isrumaaluktuq ! worries (K) isrumanŋuruq ! holds a grudge (K) isruqtuq ! is opaque, is muddy, not clear (K) isumaruq ! thinks (N, q) isumaaqtuq ! mourns (not expressed), worries (K) isumalitqigaa ! repents of it (lit. rethinks it) isumanŋuruq ! holds a grudge (N) isumanŋutchautiruq ! argues heatedly isumatturuq ! is wise isumaturuq ! is wise isummaqpaktuq ! is sorrowing much isuqtuq ! is opaque, is muddy, not clear ittuq ! exists, is, lives, stays itchuqtuq ! waits for an animal to appear (K) itiruq ! is deep itiktaqtuq ! has diarrhea itiqtuq ! wakes up itivliruq ! is sleepwalking, talking in his sleep itiġnaġiaqtuq ! arises early itnaqtuq ! the like of, such kind (K) itqanaiqsuq ! is ready, finished itqaqtuq ! remembers itqaqtiġaa ! it comes to mind (K) itqatauŋaruq ! is together with (N) itqaġigaa ! remembers it itqaġmiraqtuq ! he habitually remembers itqumaruq ! is awake, is not sleeping itqutchiġnaqsiruq ! is breakfast time itraiqsuq ! has moderated (having been cold) (K) itriŋuġaa ! is icy cold (K) ivaruq ! is nesting ivaktuq ! searches (N) ivaluktuq ! flaps (N) ivalukataqtuq ! is flapping (slowly) ivalukkattaaqtuq ! is flapping (rapidly) ivayaqtuġaa ! defrauds, robs him (K) ivaġiaqtuq ! is going to search iviktuq ! fits iviġaktuq ! pleases ivukutaqtuq ! flaps (K) ivvaqtuq ! bathes (N) ivyanŋunaqtuq ! is stuffy (N) iñigaa ! hangs (fish or net for dryingj) over a pole iñiqsiruq ! made, created (K) iñiqtiġaa ! threatened him iñiqtiqtuq ! is threatening (scolding that brings results) iñiqtiqtuq ! rebuked him, permitted him not iñiqtuqtuq ! is tired (K) iñugiaktuq ! are many iñugiiḷiqsuq ! frowns (lit. makes himself ugly) iñugiksuq ! is a good or pretty person iñugiksuq ! is handsome, beautiful iñuguqtuq ! became a man (having grown up) iñuguqtuq ! grew up (lit. became a person) iñukpalliktuq ! comes from, originates iñulluataqtuq ! is a good man iñunŋunaqtuq ! is naughty (lit. evokes a person to pain) (K) iñuuruq ! lives iñuuniaqtuq ! makes a living, lives iñuŋniqsuq ! is a gentleman iññiaqtuq ! is visiting (K) iññiaqsiruq ! stretches hide on frame iġitchaqtuq ! plucks fowl iġḷigigaa ! clings to it for himself, is stingy with it iġḷiktuq ! is stingy iġḷituruq ! is stingy (n, K) iġñiruq ! gives birth, has a baby iġñiqaġniaqtuq ! will have a son iġġialaruq ! yells, shouts iġġuqsiruq ! washes clothes (K) iłuaqtuq ! is right, good, correct, fitting iłuaqquġuuruq ! is proper, honest iłuaqsiruq ! heals, fixes iłuaqsiruq ! recovers iłuaqsruqtuq ! corrects person who is erring ignorantly iłuiḷḷiuqtuq ! is troubled, bad conscience iŋiġaa ! asks him, begs him, prays to him iŋiqsruqtuq ! asks, prays (K) iŋiuliuqtuq ! pitches (boat) iŋutuq ! young female (choice whale, soft muktuk) kaaktuq ! is hungry (N) kaimuġaqtuq ! pushes heavy sled (N) kaivaŋaruq ! is dizzy (N) kaivittuq ! circles around (K) kaivḷuktuq ! pushes heavy sled kakaaktuq ! carries on head or shoulders kakiruq ! pricksq kakkaaqtuq ! is starving, starved to death kakkiruq ! blows nose kakkiñŋuruq ! has a stuffy nose kalaktuq ! burps (N, q) kalaktuq ! clears throat kalikkaa ! drags it kalitkaa ! pulls it, drags it behind kalivittuq ! is stuck kallularuq ! is thundering kamagigaa ! obeys him kamaksriruq ! obeys kamaksriugaqtuq ! is always obedient kamanaqtuq ! is great, is to be honored kamanałhaaqtuq ! is greater kamasaaqtuq ! is boastful (N, q) kamasraaqtuq ! is boastful (K) kamatchaktuq ! is surprised at another’s ability, takes pride in another’s ability kananiittuq ! is down there (visible) kanŋusruktuq ! is ashamed, bashful (K) kanŋusuktuq ! is ashamed, bashful (N) kanŋusuuruq ! is shy kanŋutchiaqtuq ! is embarrassed kapiruq ! stabs kapyaliqsuq ! worries, gets dizzy, has a headache (K) kasuŋaruq ! is loose (e.g. rope tied loosely around pole) (N) kataktuq ! is falling katakkaa ! drops it katittuq ! gathers katitkaa ! gathers it kauktuq ! hammers (K) kautaqtuq ! hammers (N) kaviqsuq ! is red kayuqtuq ! fox (K) kayuqtuq ! red fox (N) kayuŋiutigaa ! coaxes him, urges him (K) kaŋataliiktaktuq ! to rumble (as a moving sled) kaŋiqsiruq ! understands kiavluktuq ! circles around (N) kigiraqtuq ! is crimping soles (K) kigutinŋuruq ! has a toothache kiigaa ! answers him (K) kiiqsiuqtuq ! is painful kiiraqtuq ! is crimping soles (N) kiiñaġiiliruq ! blushes kikiaktuutigaa ! crucifies him (lit. nails him) kiliktuq ! tells news, warns kiliktauruq ! is being warned kiliktuġaa ! tells him news, warns him killaiyaqtuq ! mends, sews killukuaqtuq ! errs killukuaqtuq ! goes wrong way killuqsaqtuq ! sinned (K) kiluaqtuq ! is ripped kiluusaġaa ! locks it kiluusaqsimaruq ! is locked kiḷiigruktuq ! has skinned self, abrased kiḷiqsuq ! has cut self kinataqtuq ! brakes sled kiniqtuq ! thick soup kinnauruq ! is foolish kinnaŋaaqsiruq ! is becoming senile kipalukkaa ! works for him, helps him kipaluniktuq ! has helpers kipiqniuqtuq ! is anxious to (K) kipiġiruq ! is anxious to kipiġniuqtuq ! is anxious to (N) kipliġaa ! cuts it in two, severs it kipriruq ! cuts off, severs (K) kirratchaiqtitkaa ! shines brightly kirriruq ! cuts off, severs (N) kirriqsiruq ! has a fever kisimġiuqtuq ! is alone kisiŋŋuġaa ! left him alone, left her bereaved kitñuruq ! capsizes kiugaa ! answers him (N) kiugiññaġaa ! is merely answering him kiviruq ! sinks kiviktuq ! lifts kivikkaa ! lifts it kiviliqtuq ! cannot recall word or name, forget kivluktuq ! cuts across kivsiruq ! is startled awake while dozing off kiñuġautiruq ! is too late (K) kiŋiaqtuq ! turns head (K) kiŋiaqtuq ! turns head, looks behind (K) kiŋmaqtuq ! bites kiŋuruq ! capsizes (N) kiŋuvaannaktuq ! inherits (N) kiŋuġautchiruq ! is too late (N) kukiḷuktuq ! goes about from place to place kukiuruq ! is cooking (N) kukkiḷiruq ! picks teeth kumiktuq ! scratches kunikkaa ! kisses him kuraqtuq ! looks down kurraqtuq ! looks down, lowers head kusiksuq ! is dripping kuukpiaqtuqtuq ! is drinking coffee kuviruq ! pours kuvigaa ! pours it kuvigaa ! pours it out kuvraqtuq ! netted fish kuvraqsruqtuq ! checks net kuvriruq ! makes net kuvriqsuq ! is setting net kuvriqiruq ! checks net kuyakkaa ! lies with her maguruq ! howls (dog, wolf) makimaktuq ! understands not (N) makittuq ! arises, stands up makpiqtuq ! opens (as a shirt, coat) maliktuq ! follows (another)
malikkaa ! follows him, accompanies him maliksuktitauruq ! convinced maliksuktitauruq ! is convinced mamianaqtuq ! is annoyed, offended mamittuq ! heals (of sore, cut, etc.) mamititkaa ! healed him manaqtuqtuq ! is hooking fish (tomcod) (q) mapkutittuq ! slaps the water with his tail (beaver) mapqaqtuq ! reports of a gun, sound of an explosion mapturuq ! is thick maqiruq ! drains (of ear, sore etc.), sweats maqiruq ! sweats (N) mattaqtuq ! disrobes, removes the harness from a dog matuniġaa ! covers it mauruq ! steps into, falls into a hole, breaks through (of snow) mauragaaqtuq ! crossing open water by jumping on “stepping stone” ice pans mayuqtuq ! ascends, climbs up mayuqtuq ! climbs maġaalaruq ! yelps with pain (N) maŋaqtuq ! is black (N) mikiruq ! is small miluktuq ! nurses miluktitkaa ! breast feeds him miḷuqtuq ! hits with a thrown object miniksuq ! is misty minitkaa ! missed him, omitted him minġuqtuq ! is tired miquqtuq ! sews (N) miqłiqtuq ! child (b) misigaqtuq ! hops misuktuq ! dips mitaaqtuq ! jokes mitautigigaa ! mocks him, makes a fool of him mitauturuq ! mocks (K) mitchaaġaqsiruq ! is proceeding to land miñugluktuq ! is stained, spotted miñukkaa ! paints it miñułiġaa ! paints it miñułiqtuq ! is painting miġiaqtuq ! vomits muliktuq ! is closed, turned off (radio, etc.) muluruq ! stays a long while mumiksiruq ! translates munaġigaa ! watches him, takes care of him muqpaktuq ! dives (of a sea mammal whose body curves high out of the water) naaruq ! ends, runs out, finishes naalaktuq ! listens naamaruq ! is complete, is enough naammaktuq ! is fitting, right, perfect naaqturuq ! is pregnant (K) naattuq ! is ended, finished, stopped, caught naavittuq ! dumps out (non-liquid) naavitkaa ! dumps it (non-liquid) (N) naavitkaa ! dumps it out naaġuqtuq ! (moon) is full nagligigaa ! has compassion on him nagligigaa ! pities him nagliginniġaa ! is merciful to him naglignaqtuq ! is poor, pitiable (N) nagliktuq ! is merciful, compassionate nagliksaaqtitchiruq ! persecute nagliksraqtuq ! pities nagliŋnaqtuq ! is poor, pitiable (K) nairuq ! smells nairuq ! smells strong, smells foul naipiqtuq ! watch critically (N) naipitkaa ! watches it closely, tests it (K) nakiqtuq ! goes direct (as path of bullet) nakkaqtuq ! dives, sinks naktuqtuq ! is chipped nakuruq ! is cross-eyed nakuaqsriruq ! likes, loves nakuqsiruq ! is getting better (K) nakuuruq ! is good nakuuruq ! is good nakuuruq ! is good, fine nakuugisiruq ! it is going to be good nakuumaruq ! is in state of being good nakuupiaġataqtuq ! is extremely good nakuupiaŋitkaluaqtuq ! although not very good, it is okay nakuuqsiruq ! is getting better (N) nakuusimaruq ! now is good (having been ot good) nakuułallaktuq ! it is very good nalaunŋaruq ! is right, just nalauraaqtuq ! rests nalauttuq ! is right nalautchaaġaa ! travels past (N) nalautchaqtuq ! guesses, gambles nalautittuq ! fulfills, sights in a rifle nalautitkaa ! aims it, focuses it nallaruq ! lays (himself) down nallaqtuq ! has lain down nallaqtuq ! lies down nallautigaa ! lays him down, puts him to bed naluruq ! is ignorant, does not know naluktuq ! swims (of sea mammals and polar bear) nalukataqtuq ! is blanket tossing naluksriŋuaqtuq ! has a hangover (N) nalunaqtuq ! is secret, is hidden nalupqigigaa ! is uncertain about it nalupqinaqtuq ! is uncertain, unpredictable nalupqisuktuq ! doubts, is uncertain nalġuqsruġaa ! straightens it, corrects him nalġuqsruiruq ! corrects, instructs naniqtuq ! is trapped naniġiaqtuqtuq ! is trapping nanmaktuq ! carries on the back, back packs (N) nanuktuq ! rubs with seal oil (as on neck for sore throat) nanġaġaa ! praises him, brags about him nanġaqtuq ! brags, praises (himself) nanġaqtuq ! praises, boasts naparuq ! (4) rib (4) naparuq ! sticks up napaaqtuq ! tree napaaqtuq ! tree, spruce tree napittuq ! is snared napituruq ! is noisy napiŋaruq ! is hunchbacked (N) nappairuq ! builds napuŋaruq ! is hunchbacked (K) naqittuq ! is low narranŋuruq ! has abdominal ache narranŋuruq ! stomach cramps (acute) nasittuq ! ascends to a high spot for scanning (N) natchikkaa ! yearns to follow him natchiqiruq ! washes floor (K) natchitchiġaa ! lays flooring natiġviksuq ! is ground drifting natmaktuq ! carries on the back, back packs (K) natqigutigaa ! forgives him (lit. corrects him) (K) natqiksruqtuq ! is correcting one who has unknowingly erred nauruq ! grows naulikkaa ! spears it nautchiiruq ! plants nautkiaqtuq ! jumps down naviagaa ! does not dare it naviagigaa ! is dangerous for him navianaqtuq ! is dangerous naviktuq ! breaks navikkaa ! breaks it nayaaŋaġaa ! greets him, sends him greetings (K) nayagaqtuq ! is drowsy (N) nayaŋaqtuq ! is drowsy nayuġaa ! lives with him, stays with him nayuutiruq ! stays, remains naġġugigaa ! despises it, rejects it naŋiatchaktuq ! fears a situation naŋittuq ! is sick naŋittuq ! is sick (malaise) niaqunŋuruq ! has a headache nigaqtuq ! is snared nigaqtuqtuq ! is snaring caribou or sheep nigaqtuqtuq ! is snaring small game niglaqtuq ! has cooled (of food, drink) nigliñaqtuq ! is cold (not weather) niguaqtuqtuq ! is wary (N) nikatchaktuq ! gives up (N) nikpaqtuq ! waits for an animal to appear (N) niksaaqtuq ! burps (K) niksiksuqtuq ! is hooking (jigging) fish niksiḷiuqtuq ! makes a hook niliqtuq ! expels flatus (gas) nipaalaruq ! screams nipiruq ! (sun, moon) sets nipittuq ! is sticky nipituruq ! is noisy, loud niptaruq ! is bright weather (N) niptaqtuq ! is clearing, clouds are dispersing niqipialiuqtuq ! boils meat (K) niqiqaqtuq ! has meat niqiłuktuq ! is poor meat (food) niqniaqtuq ! is cooking (K) niuruq ! (sun, moon) appears from behind cloud niuruq ! disembarks niuriruq ! unloads niuriruq ! unloads sled (K, N) niuriruq ! unloads, longshores nivaktuq ! paws (K) nivaktuq ! shovels, digs nivaktaqtuq ! falls backward (N) niviqtuq ! lays on his back (K) niviŋaġaa ! hangs it up niviŋaqtuq ! hangs down niñŋiqsimaruq ! is insulating dwelling by building a wall of snow blocks about it and placing soft snow between the wall and the dwelling niġiruq ! eats niġianiktuq ! has already eaten niġiaqtuq ! is going to eat niġipchaġaa ! he feeds him niġiqsuruq ! like to eat excessively (N) niġiraksrauruq ! must be eaten niġiruksrauruq ! has to eat niġisuktuq ! is hungry (K) niġisuġuiqsuq ! has had enough food niġiugigaa ! expects him (K, N) niġiuktuq ! expects, hopes (N) niġiľauraqtuq ! is eating a little niġḷiktuq ! choked to death niġvallaksraaqtuq ! falls backward (K) niŋitkaa ! kuvraq is setting net niŋitchiruq ! sets out, plants nuiruq ! comes into view, rises (sun) nuktaqtuq ! moves from place to place nullaqtuq ! camps nullautchiġñaqsiruq ! is supper time nunagiksuq ! is a good land nunuuraqtuq ! is remorseful nuqitkaa ! draws, pulls it nuqitchiruq ! raises an object by pulling with a rope nutauruq ! is new nutiktuq ! leaps nutqaqtuq ! stops, dies nutqaqtitkaa ! stops it nuttaġigaa ! leaps at him nuuruq ! moves to another dwelling nuuttuq ! moves to another dwelling nuvaktuq ! has a cold nuvaksiruq ! has a cold nuviyaliqsuq ! is overcast, is getting cloudy nuvuyalaqtuq ! is cloudy (broken) nuvuyaliqsuq ! is overcast, is getting cloudy nuvuyaŋŋuqsaiññaġaa ! is changing to cloudy weather nuyuaqtuq ! is wary (K) nuyuiqsuq ! is not afraid, is not scared nuŋuruq ! is used up paaġaa ! meets him paalaktuq ! stumbles, falls forward paamaktuq ! crawls on all fours paamġuqtuq ! crawls paaġurraqtuq ! paddles (qayaq) pairuq ! stays behind, stays home (when others went on a journey) paitchaktuq ! inherits (K) pakaktuq ! searches pakiktuq ! searches (K) paniktuq ! is thin, skinny paniqtuq ! is dry pannauruq ! is thin, skinny paqittuq ! finds pasigaa ! blames him, accuses him (N) pasiaqtuq ! warms himself by the fire pasigigaa ! suspects him, blames him pasinaqtuq ! is guilty pasrigaa ! blames him, accuses him (K) pasrigigaa ! suspects him, blames him (K) patchisaiġaa ! frees him patchisaiqsauruq ! is not guilty, innocent patchisauruq ! is guilty patchisigigaa ! accused, blamed him, condemns him, finds him guilty patchisigigaa ! blames him, accuses him (K) patiktuq ! slaps pauŋaqtuq ! travels inland payuktaqtuq ! gives gift of food paġlaġaa ! welcomes him pałuqtuq ! capsizes (K) paŋaliktuq ! gallops piaptuq ! sloppy (n) pigaaqtuq ! stays up late pigiitḷuktuq ! it is worse piiġaa ! removes it piiguqtuq ! forgets piiḷaaqtuq ! denies piiqsuq ! is absent piiqsuq ! is taken away piiyaġaa ! breaks it piiyaqtuq ! is broken piksraqtaaġigaa ! is choosing him piksraqtaaġuruq ! chooses (N) piksrutitaqtuq ! shovels piḷaaqtuq ! cares for baby piḷaiqsuq ! is tired piḷaiqsuq ! is tired (N) piḷaiŋiaqsiaqtuq ! takes a rest (a break from work) piḷaktuq ! butchers an animal (performs surgery) piḷiuqtuq ! is making piḷḷaruq ! is able to do (N) piḷḷuataqtuq ! is dependable, is good (N) piḷḷuataqtuq ! is good, dependable piḷuiḷḷiqsuq ! is not as capable as used to be piḷuktuq ! is bad (N) piḷuktuq ! is bad, sins (N) piḷuktuq ! sinned (N) piḷuksisuguuruq ! is always wanting to do badly piḷġaġaa ! braids hair piḷġataqtuq ! finally he did it pimaqłuktuq ! is bad pimmaġiksaaqtuq ! does it well piqpagigaa ! loves him piqpaktuq ! is expensive, precious, valuable piqpaksriruq ! loves piqpaksriruq ! loves, precious piqsiqsuq ! is snow storming (b) pisaasruktuq ! is always trying to do (K) pisaasruktuq ! is clever (K) pisaasuqtuq ! is clever (N) pisaasuuruq ! is always trying to do (N) pisaayugaġaa ! provokes him pisikkaa ! shoots it, hits it (N) pisiksaqtuq ! tries to shoot, tries to hit (N) pisruktuq ! walks (K) pisuaqtuq ! walks pisuaqtuq ! walks (N) pisuktuq ! flees pisuktuq ! wants, desires pisukataqtuq ! takes a stroll pisuġiuqsuq ! is enough (as when filling gas tank) pitḷaruq ! is able to do (K) pitḷautaqtuq ! is dependable, is good pitquruq ! commands pituktuq ! ties up (as a dog to a pole) pitukkaa ! ties it, (dog, boat) pitukkaa ! ties up, anchors piuraaqtuq ! plays, fools around pivuittaqtuq ! loves (of marriage) (N) piyaqquqtuq ! had an accident piyuaġaa ! tempts him, pursues him piñaqtuq ! happened piñiaqtuq ! will do, happen piñiġliruq ! inadvertently startles animal piññaqnaqtuq ! is good-looking, beautiful (K) piññaqnaqtuq ! is pretty piññaġiaqtuq ! is early piġuqtuq ! is haughty (N) piŋŋuaqtuq ! is pretending piŋŋuaqtuq ! pretends puggutchiruq ! washes dishes (N) puggutchiqiruq ! washes dishes (K) puiruq ! surfaces puktaktuq ! stinker (dead animal floating after having first sunk) (q) puktuktuq ! stinker (dead animal floating after having first sunk) (N) pularuq ! is eclipsed (lit. slipped into the brush) punniliuqtuq ! bakes bread (N) punŋaruq ! bows low, hides from animal while stalking (used for non-appearance of sun in December) (K) puptaruq ! floats puptaktuq ! stinker (dead animal floating after having first sunk) (K) puqiksuq ! is quick to learn, is wise (K) puttuq ! bows puttuq ! bows, bends at the waist putchimaallaktitchaġaa ! stores moistened skin for short while putchimaapkaqsaaġaa ! stores moistened skin overnight puttuqsriruq ! comes to mind, is inspired (N) puturiruq ! made a hole, drilled a hole putyukkaa ! pinches it (K) puuguqtuq ! forgets (p) puukaqtuq ! stumbles puuvraaqtuq ! plays in water puuvraktuq ! swims, plows through deep soft snow (N) puuvraqtuq ! swims (human swimming only) puuvruktuq ! swims, plows through deep soft snow (K) puuyuqtuq ! forgets (K) puuġniġaa ! wraps it puyattuq ! is dirty, grimy, gummy puyauruq ! is soiled, (e.g. of unwashed clothes) puyuaqtuq ! stalks (K) puyugaktuq ! is approaching a sea mammal by crawling (N) puyyukkaa ! pinches it (N) qaaktuqtuq ! is seining qaaliqsiruq ! roofs a house qaamasraaqtuq ! is buoyantly joyful (K) qaamatchaktuq ! is buoyantly joyful (N) qaaqtuq ! bursts, explodes (N) qaaqsiñiiraulġataqtuq ! readily blows his top (K) qaayuliqsuq ! dirties himself (of baby messing diaper) qaaŋaniittuq ! is on top qaaŋiałausrimaruq ! veers away, goes to excess (K) qairuq ! comes (N) qairuq ! comes (n) qaiḷiqsuq ! is rough water qaiqsuq ! is smooth, level, flat qaisugnaġniqsuq ! is thought he is coming (I think he is coming qaitchiruq ! gives qaitchigaa ! gives it qaiyasiruq ! is about to come qaiyumaaqtuq ! will come (someday) qakiġaa ! boxes him qaliuqtuq ! cooks fish (K) qalliruq ! approaches, nears qalligaa ! draws near qallugauraqiruq ! washes dishes (N) qaluruq ! is dip netting qalugaa ! is dip netting qaluktuq ! catches a fish (K) qaluuqtuq ! is dip netting qaluŋniaqtuq ! is fishing (K) qalġuqtuq ! croaks, crows, quacks, honks, whistles qamiruq ! goes out, extinguishes itself qamittuq ! is turned off, extinguished qamitkaa ! turns it off, extinguishes it qamŋuiruq ! snores (N, K) qanigruaqtuq ! is snowing (no wind) (K) qanittuq ! is near qanittuq ! is near, is close qanniġaa ! orders it qanniksuq ! is snowing (no wind) (N) qapiktuq ! is discouraged qapiqtaiḷiluuruq ! argues heatedly qapiqtaiḷisuuruq ! argues incessantly qapiŋaisaaġaa ! encourages him qapiŋaisaaqtuq ! encourages qaqqiruq ! bakes bread (K) qaqquġaa ! cracks it qaqquqtuq ! crunches, cracks qaquaġlaaġnaqtuq ! is tense because of impending unpleasantness (N) qaqugauġlaaqtuq ! is tense because of impending unpleasantness (K) qarvaktuq ! fleshes sea mammal (and polar bear), tans (N) qasraqtuq ! bell rings (K) qasruruq ! is withered (K) qasruqtuq ! ends, quits, stops, is satisfied (K) qasuiruq ! meet (by chance) while travelling qasuutiruq ! meets, rendezvous qasuŋaruq ! is withered (N) qatchaqtuqtuq ! is knocking qatchaqtuqtuq ! knocks, is knocking qatiqtuq ! is white qatmiksuq ! is impatient, dislikes to wait (K) qatvaktuq ! fleshes sea mammal (and polar bear), tans (K) qaummaiḷiqsuq ! is lightning qaummaqtuq ! clear, translucent, light enough to see qaummaġiksuq ! is bright qaunagigaa ! cares for him qaunaksriruq ! cares qauriaqtuq ! rests qaurimmiaqtuq ! fainted (N) qauġriruq ! becomes conscious qauġriliqtuq ! catches on (K) qavaqtuq ! sleeps on back in water (N, q) qavaqtuq ! to sleep on back in water (of seal) qaviuġnaqsauruq ! glamorous, seductive qaġanaqtuq ! is easy (K) qaġanaqtuq ! is easy, not difficult (K) qaġanatluktuq ! it is easier qiaruq ! cries qiallaktuq ! cries much qiarraqsiruq ! starts to cry (N) qiatuqtuq ! intestine that is turned inside out, cleaned and eaten qiayaqsiruq ! starts to cry (K) qichaqtuq ! stand upright (K) qigluktuq ! is saddened about a loss qigluktuq ! sorrows, mourns qiiqsruktuq ! has convulsions, is an epileptic qiiyanaqtuq ! is cold qikisitkaa ! warps it qikiŋaruq ! is warped qiksiksraqtuq ! respects, fear of a person who is not well known (N) qiluruq ! has a muscle cramp qiluriruq ! has a muscle cramp qiḷaruq ! conjures, divines qiḷiqtuq ! ties a knot qiḷuktuq ! barks (dog, fox) qimaktuq ! escapes, flees qimuktuq ! pulls qimuktuq ! pulls (of an animal) qinnaktuq ! fights, plays roughly qinnaktuq ! is angry qinuruq ! slush ice is forming, floating downstream qipigaa ! twists it qipiġniuqtuq ! desires qipiŋaruq ! is twisted qipriruq ! twists sinew, makes thread (K) qiqittuq ! is frozen (part of body) qiqitigaa ! freezes it quickly, has frostbite qiqsrauruq ! is frozen (not of body) (K) qiqumaruq ! is frozen (not of body) (N) qirriuqtuq ! chops fire wood qiruksiruq ! carries wood inside qiruktaqtuq ! is going for wood qitchuktuq ! scratches qitchuktiġaa ! scratches it qitiqaqtuq ! noon (lit. has middle) qitiqqutchiġnaqsiruq ! is lunch time (noon meal) (N, q) qituttuq ! is soft, flexible qityaġnaqtuq ! is bright, glaring qiuriruq ! freezes qiuññalaaqtuq ! is spine tingling (N) qiviruq ! lays on his back (N) qivialuktuq ! first vertebra (atlas) qiviaqtuq ! turns head, looks behind (N) qiviaġaaqtuq ! turns head right and left (N) qiviktuq ! commits suicide (N) qiviqtuq ! leaves another, not wanting to be together (N) qivittuq ! leaves another, not wanting to be together (K) qiviŋaaqtuq ! stands proudly, erect qivliqtuq ! shines, glitters, sparkles qivġuruq ! leaves because angry (b), leaves home because angry (ap) (N) qiñiġaa ! watches it qiñiqtuq ! watches qiñiyunaqtuq ! is beautiful (lit. pleasant looking) qiñiġiksuq ! is good looking qiñuruq ! to cry fitfully (of a baby) qiñunġuruq ! mourns (as in death) qiñuvġuruq ! mourns (as in death) (K) qiġñiqtuq ! is black (K) qiġġaġaa ! has a stiff muscle quaġaa ! splits, separates, loosens it (of things frozen or otherwise fused together) quaqtuq ! splits loose (e.g. the sole from a shoe), eats quaq (frozen food) quiruq ! urinates (N, K) quisuuruq ! urinates (N) quiñaqtuq ! tickles quiñiruq ! is fat (N) quiññalasraaqtuq ! is spine tingling (K) quiññiqtauruq ! is ticklish qulauttuq ! is passing overhead quliaqtuaqtuq ! confess (N) quliaqtuaqtuq ! preach (K) quliaqtuaqtuq ! relates, confesses (N), preaches (K) quliaqtuaqtuq ! tell a true story, an experience quluularuq ! stomach growls qulviruq ! weeps qupaġuqtuq ! (moon) is half qupiruq ! splits, cracks qupyuġaġniqsuq ! is whiteout (K) ququularuq ! calls (N, q) ququularuq ! shouts (N) qusauqtuq ! sits qusauqtuaqtuq ! squats (N) qusrauqtuaqtuq ! squats (K) qutchiksuq ! is high quuniqsuq ! is calm quviasruktuq ! is happy (K) quviasuktuq ! is happy quviasuktuq ! is happy (N, q) quviasuktuq ! is happy (within himself) quviġusruktuq ! is surprised, amazed, astonished (K) quvyuġaġniqsuq ! is whiteout quyaruq ! is thankful quyaruq ! thanks, praises, expresses appreciation quyanaqtuq ! is to be thankful, is to be praised (K) quyatchaktuq ! is thankful quġliaqtuq ! drools, slobbers, oozes (of tree resin) quġluqtuq ! waterfall saagaqtuq ! carries by hand, by arm saattuq ! faces him saattuq ! is thin saattuq ! turn to face someone saavittuq ! launches a boat in chase, comes forward saavittuq ! launches in pursuit of sea mammal, steps forward from a group sagluruq ! lies, prevaricates sagluuraqtuq ! joking by telling false stories sagviruq ! is open, is obvious saiñġisuktuq ! is chagrined saiñġitchaktuq ! regrets sakuuktuq ! works hard (K) sakłaqtuq ! shouts (N) salikkuqtuq ! sweeps (q) salumaruq ! is clean salummaġaa ! cleanses it samaniittuq ! is down there (out of sight) samuŋaqtuq ! travels downriver, travels coastward sanaturuq ! is skilled sanuqiġaa ! puts siding on it (house) sanŋiyaqtuq ! sweeps (K) sanŋuruq ! is dusty, dirty sapiruq ! blocks it (one’s way) sapiġaa ! is difficult (K) sapiġnaqtuq ! is strong, mighty (N) sapiġnałhaaqtuq ! is stronger sapiġñaqsiruq ! is difficult (K) saquŋaruq ! is crooked, bent satuġaa ! obtains it back, redeems it (K) savagniḷuktuq ! is trying to work savagniuraaqtuq ! is doing what work he can! savagvigigaa ! works for him savaktuq ! works, makes savakkaa ! works it savaksimaruq ! is working savaktaksrauruq ! must be worked savaktuksrauruq ! has to work savallautaqtuq ! is working well savapaluktuq ! is working much (hard) savapałłuktuq ! is working poorly (ineffectively) savapiallaktuq ! is working quite hard savapiaqtuq ! is really working savapiaġataqtuq ! is working extremely hard savautigaa ! serves him savaŋaruq ! he worked savaŋniuraqtuq ! is doing what work he can! saviksuqtuq ! uses a knife savitkaa ! feels it, touches it savituruq ! sly, foxy (K, N) savvakturuq ! is always working diligently sayakturuq ! is healthy, strong sayakturuq ! is strong, healthy saġliaqtuq ! holds baby on knee saġvaġaa ! flows swiftly over it saġvaqtuq ! flows saŋiaktuq ! is jealous (suspecting marital unfaithfulness) saŋniruq ! is strong (N) saŋutkaa ! gossips about him saŋŋiruq ! is strong (K) sialuktuq ! is raining (N, n) sialukkattaqtuq ! scattered rain showers siamittuq ! spreads, scatters siatqiksuq ! is straight (as of a board) sigñaruq ! is greedy (N) siiksuq ! is cutting fish (for drying) siimaktuq ! argues (N) siimaktuq ! is arguing heatedly siiqsipkaqtuq ! sweats (K) siiġḷanŋuruq ! has a sour stomach (K) siiġḷanŋuliqsuq ! has a sour stomach (N) siiġruktuq ! hisses, whistles (of wind, gas stove or lantern) siiġñaaqtuq ! is sweet sikkaa ! shoots it, hits it (K) sikiruq ! moves head forward and down siksaqtuq ! tries to shoot, tries to hit (K) sikuliqiruq ! is in process of break-up sikñaruq ! is greedy (K) siḷagiksuq ! is good weather siḷaluktuq ! is bad weather (N) siḷaluktuq ! is raining (K) siḷaluktuq ! is rainy (K) siḷaŋiqsuq ! is carousing siḷiktuq ! is wide (K) siḷġiksuqtuq ! is correcting one who wilfully erred simmiġaa ! changes it, exchanges it simmiḷiġaa ! returns something borrowed siqiłhatittuq ! slaps the water with his tail (beaver) siqquqtuq ! is hard siqquqtuq ! is opinionated, not easily persuaded (lit. is hard) siqsuruq ! capable, enduring siqsuruq ! is daring (strong), is enduring (persistent hunter) (N) siquruq ! eyes are closed siquruq ! goes to sleep, closes his eyes siquniġaqtuq ! winks siqunġipaktaqtuq ! blinks siqusuktuq ! wants to go to bed siquyaqtuquyumagaluaġaa ! want him to go to bed sisuruq ! sisugaqtuq ! slides down a hill (N) sisugiaqtuq ! baby has a wet burp sisuraġaaqtuq ! slides down a hill (K) sitquqtuq ! kneels sitquqsimanaqtuq ! is “tied up in knots”, tense because of impending unpleasantness sitquqsimanaqtuq ! is tragic sivisuruq ! is a long distance, is of long duration sivruuraqtuq ! whispers sivulliġaa ! he leads him (lit. he is foremost to him) sivuniqtuuguuruq ! is obstinate (N) sivunmuuruq ! is steadfast, continues on regardless (N) sivunmuuruq ! is stubborn, continues on regardless (N) sivunniġaa ! decides it, plans it sivutmuuruq ! is steadfast, continues on regardless (K) sivutmuuruq ! is stubborn, continues on regardless (K) sivutmuusruuruq ! is obstinate (K) sivuuġaruq ! fears the consequence (N) siñiktuq ! sleeps siñiksraaqtuq ! goes around visiting from house to house, collects food for the poor from house to house (K) siññaktuq ! dream siññaktuqtuq ! dreams siġḷiqiraqtuq ! works hard, is difficult siġḷiġnaqtuq ! is difficult (N) siġñiksrauruq ! is devoted siġġaqtuq ! works hard (N) siġġaqiruq ! is difficult, laborious siŋaiyauruq ! is pregnant (N) suaktuq ! scolds suammaktuq ! is enduring (N) suammaktuq ! revitalized (as: engine works better, workers more diligent) suaŋaruq ! is strong sukattuq ! is fast suksraaġaa ! gives up on it, forsakes him suksraunġiqsuq ! is destroyed suliuqtuq ! is cooking suluktuqtuq ! brushes clothes supiruq ! blows (of a person), rushes (of a stream during break-up) supiruq ! flows, rushes (river at break-up) suppuqtuq ! spurts out (of liquids under pressure) suqumitkaa ! broke it up, tore it to pieces (K) suqutigaa ! takes notice of someone, pays attention to someone suurimaanġiqsuq ! is not concerned for law or other people (N) suvliktuq ! gushes out (as oil from a punctured drum) suġuktuq ! wrestles suŋaaqtuq ! is green taaktuq ! is dark taaqsiruq ! is becoming dark tagialaruq ! moves out of a home because not wanted tagialanaqtuq ! inhospitable, unenjoyable atmosphere tagiuqtuq ! sneezes tagraqtuq ! travels up river by boat tairuq ! is named taigaa ! names him taiguanŋuliqsuq ! is tired of reading taiguaqtuq ! reads (N) tainnaittuq ! is like takiruq ! is long takpiksuq ! has keen eyesight taktuguġaa ! it’s foggy taktuktuq ! is foggy takupkaŋaruq ! has a reunion taliinŋaruq ! goes over the hill taluqsralliaqtuq ! browbeats taluqsraqtuq ! is afraid of someone’s sternness taluġnaqtuq ! is stern, unfriendly, non-communicative talġaktuq ! travels up river by sled (N) tammaqtuq ! is lost tammaġasrugigigaa ! thinking he is lost tamuqtuq ! chews tanuġaqsiruq ! diminishes in light tapiqtuq ! is along sie, is parallel taputigaa ! takes it along taqqiruq ! waits (K) tasiqsruqtuq ! stretches tasiqsruġigaa ! stretches it tasritchaġaa ! stretches it tasuġaa ! obtains it, redeems it (N) tasuġaa ! ransomed, redeemed him (N,q) tatamittuq ! gets very frightened tatamnaqtuq ! is terrible, is very frightening tatigaa ! lays against it, leans against it, touches it tauqsiġaa ! buys it tautuktuq ! sees tautukkaa ! sees it tautuksiññaqtuq ! he simply sees taŋiġiqsuq ! is false (lies) taŋŋiġaa ! does what is told, brings it to reality taŋŋiqsuq ! is fulfilled tiggaqtuq ! is stiff tigliktuqtuq ! steals tigliqtaqtuq ! is throbbing tigluktuq ! hits with side of fist tigluktuqtuq ! is knocking tigluktuqtuq ! knocks, is knocking tigugaa ! picks it up, takes it tiguaqtuq ! adopted, is tigumiaqtuq ! hand carries (N) tigusiruq ! takes, lays hold of, picks up (N) tigusriruq ! takes, lays hold of, picks up (K) tiipaktuq ! is coquettish tikitchumaaqtuq ! will arrive (someday) tikitqauraqtuq ! races tikkuaqtuq ! points tilaktuq ! washes floor (N) tilaġġiruq ! sweeps (N) tilirauruq ! was told to do something, was sent to do something tilisiruq ! sends tipaaqtuq ! stinks tipigaa ! washes it ashore tipituruq ! stinks tipsigigaa ! laughs at somebody, mocks someone titiġaa ! marks it, draws a line on it titiqtuq ! draws a line, makes a mark tivvuaqtuq ! spits tiŋiruq ! flies away, takes off tiŋilġairuq ! sails (N) tiŋittuq ! drifts away tiŋitkaa ! drifts him away tiŋmiruq ! flies tiŋŋiqsiruq ! gets full (of a person who eats too much or is pregnant) tugaktuq ! pokes it with a stick tuglauġaa ! shields him, protects him tukkuruq ! stays overnight, is a guest tulaktuq ! returns from the water, lands tumaqsruġaa ! fits it together tuniḷaġaa ! gives it, makes a present of it, sacrifices it tuniqsimaruq ! is faithful tunisiruq ! sell tunuttuq ! turns his back to tunutkaa ! turns his back on him tunŋaruq ! rests firmly on, trusts tunŋagaa ! rests firmly on it tupaktuq ! is startled tupakkaa ! startles him tupigigaa ! obeys him (K) tuppiruq ! builds a house (K) tupsigaa ! finds an animal track tuqpallaktuq ! gets upset (K) tuquruq ! dies tuquttuq ! kills himself tuqutkaa ! kills it tuqutauyasiruq ! is about to be killed tuqłuġaa ! calls him, hails him tuqłularuq ! calls (K) tuqłuġaqtuq ! shouts (K) tusaaruq ! hears (N) tusiattuq ! is lame (N) tusiḷḷaqtuq ! is deaf tusraaruq ! hears (K) tusriattuq ! is lame (K) tusruruq ! is envious (K) tusrugaa ! is envious of him (K) tusuruq ! is envious (q) tusugaa ! is envious of him (q) tuttuq ! touches ground, bottom, lands tutiruq ! steps on tutqiksuq ! is content, is at peace (within) tutqiksuq ! is content, is solid, is peaceful tutquqtuuruq ! is settled in (having moved) tuttaaqtuq ! goes to bed (N) tuttuliaqtuq ! is hunting caribou tuttunniqsuq ! has apparently caught a caribou tuttutullaturuq ! likes to eat caribou tuttutuqtuq ! eats caribou tuttutuqtuq ! is eating caribou tuutuq ! is lashing skin to the frame tuuġaa ! chisels it tuuqtuq ! chisels tuvaaqtuq ! attracts caribou by hollering tuvlauġaa ! shields him, protects him tuvraġaa ! follows him, tracks him, imitates him tuvraqtuq ! follows a trail or pattern tuyuġigaa ! sends it tuġvaġaa ! puts it away uamittuq ! dances ugaiġaa ! bites him, mauls him uiruq ! is over-excited, too eager, hurries uiruq ! panics, is excited (too eager) uisauruq ! is adrift on an ice pack uivaqtuq ! comes around a point (N) uivaqsaaqtuq ! rounds a bend (N) uiñġaliqsuq ! is sleepy ukamaqtuq ! pulls a boat along shore with a rope ukpiliqsuq ! has come to believe ukpiqtuq ! believes ukpiġigaa ! believes it ukpiġnaqtuq ! is faithful ukpiŋŋuaqtuq ! hypocrite (pretend believer) ukpiŋŋuaqtuq ! is pretend believing (hypocrite) ukuŋaruq ! is moldy uliqtuq ! wind uluktuq ! rubs and twists hide to soften it ululiruq ! is making an ulu ulġuruq ! topples, falls over umialiuqtuq ! makes a boat umiaqtuqtuq ! travels by umiaq umiktuq ! is closed (e.g. the chimney draft) umŋiyaqtuq ! shaves uniagiyaqtuq ! sled is broken uniaġaqtuq ! sleds, travels by sled uniuqtuq ! misses, doesn’t hit (as nail, bull’s eye) unnautairuq ! is not now feverish unniqsuqłiiruq ! promises (N) unuŋaqtuq ! travels downriver, travels out on sea ice upaktuġaa ! charges him, goes after him upaktuqtuq ! charges (of an angry animal or person) upkuaġaa ! closes it upkuiġaa ! opens it upyakkaa ! remarks about it, wisecracks about it (K) uqaalaruq ! talks bad language, blasphemes uqaaqtuqtuq ! relates experiences, tells what happened (K) uqallaktuq ! is speaking uqamaqłuktuq ! blasphemes uqamaqłuktuq ! is speaking badly (cursing) uqaqtuq ! speaks, says, tells, talks uqaqsiġiaqtuq ! is open to counsel (K) uqaqtitaġaa ! asked him to speak, talk uqautigaa ! talks with him uqautisruġnaqtuq ! is easy to talk to, amiable (K) uqautisuġnaqtuq ! is easy to talk to, amiable (N, q) uqayunaqtuq ! is receptive uqayunaqtuq ! is receptive (lit. pleasant to talk with) uqaġniġluktuq ! talks bad language, blasphemes (K) uqaġvigigaa ! talks about it uqigiyummiktuq ! heady, giddy, feeling light of body (N) uqigḷiruq ! heady, giddy, feeling light of body (K) uqqaqturuq ! talks always (i.e. like to talk), gossips (K) uqsruqtiqtuq ! anoints, rub oil on body uqsruuruq ! is fat (K) uqumaiġigaa ! sucks it (something held in mouth) urraaqtuq ! gesticulates urriqsuġaa ! demonstrates it, shows it by his actions urriuqtuq ! boils meat (N) usriḷiiruq ! loads sled (K) utaqqiruq ! waits (N, q) utiqtuq ! returns utuqqauruq ! is old uuruq ! boiled meat uuktuq ! tests uuksiruq ! tastes uuktuaġaa ! tests it, measures it uuktuaqtuq ! tries, tests, measures uuliktuq ! quivers, shakes, trembles uumaruq ! is alive uumalaaqtuq ! lively child uumaniittuq ! it is this one here uumiksriruq ! hates (K) uumisaaġuraġaa ! provokes him (K) uunaqtuq ! is hot uunaqtuq ! is warm uunaqsiruq ! is becoming hot uunaqłuktuq ! has a fever (K) uunautiqaqtuq ! has a fever (N) uunaġuġaa ! it’s warm uusiruq ! is over-excited, too eager, hurries uuyuruq ! is linked to uvaniittuq ! is here uviñaktuq ! is fat uvliruq ! layover, rests between periods of travel or other activity uvluqtusiruq ! days are getting longer (N, q) uvluqtusriruq ! days are getting longer (K) uvuŋaqtuq ! comes here, hither uyummiqsuq ! is misty, blurred uġuqtuq ! is damp uġuuruq ! is wet from dew uŋasiksuq ! is far uŋasiksigiruq ! is thus far uŋasriksuq ! is far uŋiarriruq ! worries (N) uŋugaa ! drives it (an animal) uŋuluġusaaqtuq ! frightens away an attacking animal (N) ŋraiḷiuqtuq ! fries meat

List of double verbs (to be uniqued, a handful is taken already) In addition comes double verbs with different contlexes. They skall be kept as-is.

aiḷaq IV aitchu TV_vow akima IV_vow aktigi IV_vow aku IV aliuq IV allayuaq IV allaŋŋuq IV alġaqsrui IV_vow ani IV_vow annak IV anniqsui IV_vow aqi TV_vow aqpat IV ataaqtuq IV atanġusuk IV atlayuaq IV atniġñaq IV atu TV_vow atuq IV atuŋaiq verb_intr_suq aula IV_vow aullaq IV aullaqtit TV aŋi IV_vow aŋivraq IV aŋu IV_vow aŋu TV_vow iglaŋaaq IV igḷutui IV_vow iki IV_vow ikpiktitaq IV iku TV_vow ikuk IV iḷali IV_vow iḷaqatnik IV iḷiqsaq IV iḷḷati IV_vow imŋaluk IV iqiasuk IV iqsi IV_vow iñiqtiq IV iñugik verb_intr_suq iñuguq IV iłuaqsi IV_vow kalak IV kayuq IV killukuaq IV kiŋiaq IV kuvi TV_vow maliksuktitau IV_vow maqi IV_vow mayuq IV naavit TV nagligi TV_vow nai IV_vow nakuu IV_vow nallaq IV nanġaq IV napa IV_vow napaaq IV narranŋu IV_vow naŋit IV nigaqtuq IV niu IV_vow niuri IV_vow nivak IV niġi IV_vow patchisigi TV_vow piiq verb_intr_suq piḷaiq verb_intr_suq piḷḷuataq IV piḷuk IV piqpaksri IV_vow pisaasruk IV pisik TV pisuaq IV pisuk IV pituk TV piññaqnaq IV piŋŋuaq IV put IV qai IV_vow qanit IV qatchaqtuq IV qavaq IV qaġanaq IV qigluk IV qimuk IV qinnak IV qiqiti TV_vow qiruktaq IV qiuri IV_vow qiviaq IV qivit IV qivliq IV qiñiyunaq IV quliaqtuaq IV ququula IV_vow quviasuk IV quya IV_vow saat IV saavit IV satu TV_vow sayaktu IV_vow siimak IV siḷaluk IV siqquq IV siqsu IV_vow siqu IV_vow sitquqsimanaq IV sivunmuu IV_vow sivutmuu IV_vow suammak IV supi IV_vow taiguaq IV tasu TV_vow tautuk TV tigluktuq IV tutqik verb_intr_suq tuttutuq IV ui IV_vow ukpiŋŋuaq IV uqamaqłuk IV uqayunaq IV uunaq IV This was a list of doublet verbs.

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/verbs.lexc

retroflex plosive, voiceless t ʈ 0288, 648 ( = ASCII 096) retroflex plosive, voiced d ɖ 0256, 598 labiodental nasal F ɱ 0271, 625 retroflex nasal n ɳ 0273, 627 palatal nasal J ɲ 0272, 626 velar nasal N ŋ 014B, 331 uvular nasal N\ ɴ 0274, 628

bilabial trill B\ ʙ 0299, 665 uvular trill R\ ʀ 0280, 640 alveolar tap 4 ɾ 027E, 638 retroflex flap r ɽ 027D, 637 bilabial fricative, voiceless p\ ɸ 0278, 632 bilabial fricative, voiced B β 03B2, 946 dental fricative, voiceless T θ 03B8, 952 dental fricative, voiced D ð 00F0, 240 postalveolar fricative, voiceless S ʃ 0283, 643 postalveolar fricative, voiced Z ʒ 0292, 658 retroflex fricative, voiceless s ʂ 0282, 642 retroflex fricative, voiced z` ʐ 0290, 656 palatal fricative, voiceless C ç 00E7, 231 palatal fricative, voiced j\ ʝ 029D, 669 velar fricative, voiced G ɣ 0263, 611 uvular fricative, voiceless X χ 03C7, 967 uvular fricative, voiced R ʁ 0281, 641 pharyngeal fricative, voiceless X\ ħ 0127, 295 pharyngeal fricative, voiced ?\ ʕ 0295, 661 glottal fricative, voiced h\ ɦ 0266, 614

alveolar lateral fricative, vl. K alveolar lateral fricative, vd. K\

labiodental approximant P (or v) alveolar approximant r\ retroflex approximant r` velar approximant M\

retroflex lateral approximant l` palatal lateral approximant L velar lateral approximant L

bilabial O\ (O = capital letter) dental |
(post)alveolar !\ palatoalveolar =\ alveolar lateral ||
Ejectives, implosives

ejective > e.g. ejective p p> implosive < e.g. implosive b b< Vowels

close back unrounded M close central unrounded 1 close central rounded } lax i I lax y Y lax u U

close-mid front rounded 2 close-mid central unrounded @\ close-mid central rounded 8 close-mid back unrounded 7

schwa ə @

open-mid front unrounded E open-mid front rounded 9 open-mid central unrounded 3 open-mid central rounded 3\ open-mid back unrounded V open-mid back rounded O

ash (ae digraph) { open schwa (turned a) 6

open front rounded & open back unrounded A open back rounded Q Other symbols

voiceless labial-velar fricative W voiced labial-palatal approx. H voiceless epiglottal fricative H\ voiced epiglottal fricative <\ epiglottal plosive >\

alveolo-palatal fricative, vl. s\ alveolo-palatal fricative, voiced z\ alveolar lateral flap l\ simultaneous S and x x\ tie bar _ Suprasegmentals

primary stress “ secondary stress % long : half-long :\ extra-short _X linking mark -
Tones and word accents

level extra high _T level high _H level mid _M level low _L level extra low _B downstep ! upstep ^ (caret, circumflex)

contour, rising contour, falling _F contour, high rising _H_T contour, low rising _B_L

contour, rising-falling _R_F (NB Instead of being written as diacritics with _, all prosodic marks can alternatively be placed in a separate tier, set off by < >, as recommended for the next two symbols.) global rise global fall Diacritics

voiceless 0 (0 = figure), e.g. n_0 voiced _v aspirated _h more rounded _O (O = letter) less rounded _c advanced _+ retracted _- centralized _” syllabic = (or _=) e.g. n= (or n=) non-syllabic _^ rhoticity `

breathy voiced _t creaky voiced _k linguolabial _N labialized _w palatalized ‘ (or _j) e.g. t’ (or t_j) velarized _G pharyngealized _?\

dental d apical _a laminal _m nasalized ~ (or _~) e.g. A~ (or A~) nasal release _n lateral release _l no audible release _}

velarized or pharyngealized _e velarized l, alternatively 5 raised _r lowered _o advanced tongue root _A retracted tongue root _q

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/phonetics/txt2ipa.xfscript

We describe here how abbreviations are in Inupiaq are read out, e.g. for text-to-speech systems.

For example:

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/transcriptions/transcriptor-abbrevs2text.lexc

% komma% :, Root ; % tjuohkkis% :%. Root ; % kolon% :%: Root ; % sárggis% :%- Root ; % násti% :%* Root ;

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/transcriptions/transcriptor-numbers-digit2text.lexc

[ L A N G U A G E ] G R A M M A R C H E C K E R




This section lists all the tags inherited from the fst, and used as tags in the syntactic analysis. The next section, Sets, contains sets defined on the basis of the tags listed here, those set names are not visible in the output.

Beginning and end of sentence


Parts of speech tags



Tags for POS sub-categories

Pers Dem Interr Indef Recipr Refl Rel Coll NomAg Prop Allegro Arab Romertall

Tags for morphosyntactic properties

Nom Acc Gen Ill Loc Com Ess Ess Sg Du Pl Cmp/SplitR Cmp/SgNom Cmp/SgGen Cmp/SgGen PxSg1 PxSg2 PxSg3 PxDu1 PxDu2 PxDu3 PxPl1 PxPl2 PxPl3 Px

Comp Superl Attr Ord Qst IV TV Prt Prs Ind Pot Cond Imprt ImprtII Sg1 Sg2 Sg3 Du1 Du2 Du3 Pl1 Pl2 Pl3 Inf ConNeg Neg PrfPrc VGen PrsPrc Ger Sup Actio VAbess


Semantic tags

Sem/Act Sem/Ani Sem/Atr Sem/Body Sem/Clth Sem/Domain Sem/Feat-phys Sem/Fem Sem/Group Sem/Lang Sem/Mal Sem/Measr Sem/Money Sem/Obj Sem/Obj-el Sem/Org Sem/Perc-emo Sem/Plc Sem/Sign Sem/State-sick Sem/Sur Sem/Time Sem/Txt




Syntactic tags


-OTHERS SYN-V @X ## Sets containing sets of lists and tags This part of the file lists a large number of sets based partly upon the tags defined above, and partly upon lexemes drawn from the lexicon. See the sourcefile itself to inspect the sets, what follows here is an overview of the set types. ### Sets for Single-word sets INITIAL ### Sets for word or not WORD NOT-COMMA ### Case sets ADLVCASE CASE-AGREEMENT CASE NOT-NOM NOT-GEN NOT-ACC ### Verb sets NOT-V ### Sets for finiteness and mood REAL-NEG MOOD-V NOT-PRFPRC ### Sets for person SG1-V SG2-V SG3-V DU1-V DU2-V DU3-V PL1-V PL2-V PL3-V ### Pronoun sets ### Adjectival sets and their complements ### Adverbial sets and their complements ### Sets of elements with common syntactic behaviour ### NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features ### The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the expression **WORD - premodifiers**. ### Border sets and their complements ### Grammarchecker sets * * * This (part of) documentation was generated from [tools/grammarcheckers/grammarchecker.cg3]( --- # # Tokeniser for ipk Usage: ``` $ make $ echo "ja, ja" | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo "Juos gorreválggain lea (dárbbašlaš) deavdit gáibádusa boasttu olmmoš, man mielde lahtuid." | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo "(gáfe) 'ja' ja 3. ja? ц jaja ukjend \"ukjend\"" | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo "márffibiillagáffe" | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst ``` Pmatch documentation: <> Characters which have analyses in the lexicon, but can appear without spaces before/after, that is, with no context conditions, and adjacent to words: * Punct contains ASCII punctuation marks * The symbol after m-dash is soft-hyphen `U+00AD` * The symbol following {•} is byte-order-mark / zero-width no-break space `U+FEFF`. Whitespace contains ASCII white space and the List contains some unicode white space characters * En Quad U+2000 to Zero-Width Joiner U+200d' * Narrow No-Break Space U+202F * Medium Mathematical Space U+205F * Word joiner U+2060 Apart from what's in our morphology, there are 1. unknown word-like forms, and 2. unmatched strings We want to give 1) a match, but let 2) be treated specially by `hfst-tokenise -a` Unknowns are made of: * lower-case ASCII * upper-case ASCII * select extended latin symbols ASCII digits * select symbols * Combining diacritics as individual symbols, * various symbols from Private area (probably Microsoft), so far: * U+F0B7 for "x in box" ## Unknown handling Unknowns are tagged ?? and treated specially with `hfst-tokenise` hfst-tokenise --giella-cg will treat such empty analyses as unknowns, and remove empty analyses from other readings. Empty readings are also legal in CG, they get a default baseform equal to the wordform, but no tag to check, so it's safer to let hfst-tokenise handle them. Finally we mark as a token any sequence making up a: * known word in context * unknown (OOV) token in context * sequence of word and punctuation * URL in context * * * This (part of) documentation was generated from [tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmscript]( --- # # Grammar checker tokenisation for ipk Requires a recent version of HFST (3.10.0 / git revision>=3aecdbc) Then just: ``` $ make $ echo "ja, ja" | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst ``` More usage examples: ``` $ echo "Juos gorreválggain lea (dárbbašlaš) deavdit gáibádusa boasttu olmmoš, man mielde lahtuid." | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo "(gáfe) 'ja' ja 3. ja? ц jaja ukjend \"ukjend\"" | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst $ echo "márffibiillagáffe" | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst ``` Pmatch documentation: <> Characters which have analyses in the lexicon, but can appear without spaces before/after, that is, with no context conditions, and adjacent to words: * Punct contains ASCII punctuation marks * The symbol after m-dash is soft-hyphen `U+00AD` * The symbol following {•} is byte-order-mark / zero-width no-break space `U+FEFF`. Whitespace contains ASCII white space and the List contains some unicode white space characters * En Quad U+2000 to Zero-Width Joiner U+200d' * Narrow No-Break Space U+202F * Medium Mathematical Space U+205F * Word joiner U+2060 Apart from what's in our morphology, there are 1) unknown word-like forms, and 2) unmatched strings We want to give 1) a match, but let 2) be treated specially by hfst-tokenise -a * select extended latin symbols * select symbols * various symbols from Private area (probably Microsoft), so far: * U+F0B7 for "x in box" TODO: Could use something like this, but built-in's don't include šžđčŋ: Simply give an empty reading when something is unknown: hfst-tokenise --giella-cg will treat such empty analyses as unknowns, and remove empty analyses from other readings. Empty readings are also legal in CG, they get a default baseform equal to the wordform, but no tag to check, so it's safer to let hfst-tokenise handle them. Finally we mark as a token any sequence making up a: * known word in context * unknown (OOV) token in context * sequence of word and punctuation * URL in context * * * This (part of) documentation was generated from [tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-gramcheck-gt-desc.pmscript]( --- # # TTS tokenisation for smj Requires a recent version of HFST (3.10.0 / git revision>=3aecdbc) Then just: ```sh make echo "ja, ja" \ | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst ``` More usage examples: ```sh echo "Juos gorreválggain lea (dárbbašlaš) deavdit gáibádusa \ boasttu olmmoš, man mielde lahtuid." \ | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst echo "(gáfe) 'ja' ja 3. ja? ц jaja ukjend \"ukjend\"" \ | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst echo "márffibiillagáffe" \ | hfst-tokenise --giella-cg tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst ``` Pmatch documentation: <> Characters which have analyses in the lexicon, but can appear without spaces before/after, that is, with no context conditions, and adjacent to words: * Punct contains ASCII punctuation marks * The symbol after m-dash is soft-hyphen `U+00AD` * The symbol following {•} is byte-order-mark / zero-width no-break space `U+FEFF`. Whitespace contains ASCII white space and the List contains some unicode white space characters * En Quad U+2000 to Zero-Width Joiner U+200d' * Narrow No-Break Space U+202F * Medium Mathematical Space U+205F * Word joiner U+2060 Apart from what's in our morphology, there are 1) unknown word-like forms, and 2) unmatched strings We want to give 1) a match, but let 2) be treated specially by hfst-tokenise -a * select extended latin symbols * select symbols * various symbols from Private area (probably Microsoft), so far: * U+F0B7 for "x in box" TODO: Could use something like this, but built-in's don't include šžđčŋ: Simply give an empty reading when something is unknown: hfst-tokenise --giella-cg will treat such empty analyses as unknowns, and remove empty analyses from other readings. Empty readings are also legal in CG, they get a default baseform equal to the wordform, but no tag to check, so it's safer to let hfst-tokenise handle them. Needs hfst-tokenise to output things differently depending on the tag they get * * * This (part of) documentation was generated from [tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-tts-cggt-desc.pmscript](